Thursday, April 4, 2013

Can Kim find a husband for Muchelle

This blog sympathizes with Muchelle Obama in finding Chinese take out does not bring home the bacon and lay the extra sauce in the bun wagon in this quote:

 During an interview with Burlington, Vt. CBS affiliate WCAX, first lady Michelle Obama described herself as a "busy single mother" before quickly correcting herself, explaining, "Sometimes when you've got the husband who's president, it can feel a little single, but he's there."

Yes Muchelle Obama is finding out that exotic has no place in the home, as she almost divorce the sodomite Birther Obama years ago, and while the children look nothing like Barack, it is evident that she perhaps had Scottie Pippen and Stevie Wonder help in that fathering too.

Always looking to be of assistance, that would be help to Harvard degree awardees, to the American Afroid, this blog now offers this for MR Obama.

Look Muchelle, you are a vixen when you get that pouty pout going in pictures that make your pussy dry, so why not put a call out to Kim Jong Un. Now listen Muchelle, look what a monkey Kim has made of your gay husband with Chinese roots.
Would it not make sense to just call Kim and say, "Kim, I'm in need of a man who can come home, boss me around, tell my children to be good and to spank my ass and make me bark like a poodle later as I rub his feet".

In the above photo, there is sexy Kim Jong Un on a steed. With him are some of the finest Korean males of Marxism, real Marxism that bleeds and not Obama Marxism that leeks pecker cum out of his auditioning puss in his pants.

Would not one of these three men make Muchelle bark like a dog? Could you not see them getting on Muchelle and putting the spurs to her and taking her for a wild ride?

Would not all of this benefit America in MR Obama being wed to a Korean general? Think of the daughters gaining a nice Korean boy. The girls might produce future Pittsburgh Steeler playres like Heinz Ward.

Look, Muchelle, your Birther Obama, has shot his was on North Korea. He has threatened to nuke Kim, has buzzed Kim, has broken Kim's missile, has sent Chuck Hagel over with a fleet of missiles to make Guam a target.......and after all this in Obama award winner George Noury ramping up the talking points.........Obama now is backing down on the rhetoric as Kim Jong Un will not be bluffed as he is the man in the room and not the fag.

It must be equally hard Muchelle for George Noury being an Obama stooge. Perhaps when yuo contact Kim, you could get George a nice date with the mare that one general is riding as he is Lebanese and they always got that sheep sex thing going on.

Muchelle, just look at what a man Kim Jong Un is. He has a gorgeous wife without make up. He has rode her hard in bed and has a baby on the way, who is his and not Stevie Wonder's. Kim comes home at night and does not take limo dates with Lawrence Sinclair to have coke snorted off his thighs.
See Muchelle, Kim is the king kong sized balls in the political room, and I can see by your statement that.......well Barack is out doing feces penis sex again and your are completely upset that you are a single Mum.

Do not be a single Mum there Muchelle. Put your feelers out and have Kim Jong Un get you a real Korean man manyly, instead of this son of a Chinese whore Barry Chin. You will become a more beautiful woman in having a man who really wants to give you a good riding often. You will be novel in Korea, and the Koreans will not throw rocks at you like they did Barry........just please do not get too close to a plough or they will probably think about hooking you up to it.

Muchelle Obama, you hate being Second Thang to Reggie Love. You had to shoot Donald Young in a jealous fit to shut him up. Do you not deserve something out of this life, and for your little bastards?

Does not Mrs. General Michelle Robinson Park sound like a nice title? No John Boehner to scowl at. No America to hate......well America to hate but from the wonder of North Korea.

Make the 3 AM call there Muchelle, as Barack is not using the red phone, so dial up Kim or Mrs. Kim and ask for them to find you a real Asian husband in Korea. You got a few good years left in you.....and look if Kim Jong Un is not willing to marry off a General to you, how about working up to it, in offering being a mount for one of the Generals in the cavalry. Give him a good ride and do not run off on him, and you might just get a date with matrimony involved.

Do it soon Muchelle or the reality is your husband is going to look even more fag in another kow tow to Kim Jong Un, as Kim is beating him on every level......and if that happens you might not get a General and end up with some homosexual community organizer and even if he is Korean, you really are not improving yourself there.

Hope that helps Muchelle.
