Thursday, April 18, 2013

Sewer Rats

Today I listened to the fill in for the liquid lung ailing Mike Gallagher take calls from people living in Texas, Florida, Nevada and South Dakota who had fled California and New York, due to high income taxes and gun control.

I know for a fact, as a Nevada caller stated, that these states do not want those god damned Californians nor New Yorkers shitting in their states, because they always vote Obama liberal ruining those non income tax states.
Colorado, Missouri, Washington, Montana and Oregon are all examples of the shit the world comes to, like Virginia when this Obama shit flees their self voted sewer.

For that reason, this blog issues a mandate to all these states, as California is going to have 1 million more of these sewer rats fleeing that gulag.
It should be really simple really, in say Texas, just captures these Californians, as in Capture them for the past 5 years and then hand them a gun, an AK 47, and tell these Califonicators to get back to the sewer and fight it out there, or they will be shot by Rangers in Texas for being squatters.

Think of it, for a few locally manufactured cheap AK Americans, these states could be free of all these Califonians and New Yorkers. These sewer rats come into states and drive up prices in buying things at million dollar rates. They suck it up for everyone, and the cure for it, is to arm these rats, make them fix California in cleaning it out or New York and that is how one gets rid of Obama, as all these armed American revolution states would only elect politicians who knew if they did not arrest Obama, they would be executed on return.

How great would it be then these AK Americans could then hand guns over to Mexicans and Cubans and send them back to latino in a real Gun Runner and liberate those lands creating Republicans.

Honestly, states should pass "NO CALI OR YORKER" immigrants allowed and then arm the dung that already made it and flush it back out or be shot.

Exclusive Lame Cherry matter anti matter doctine.
