Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Boston Gangnum Style

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

My children this is what the answers were in inquiry over who was behind the Boston bombings. I could just ignore this and not post it, but I do not ever operate that way and trust in God concerning things as each time, in time, the things posted here work out, even if they are so far out of the stream no one will believe it.

I will post the things as I worked on them, in I honestly was expecting this to be white people working for the Holder cell in the blaming of white people to further gun control. That is my prejudice in this of my thought process, but what follows is what I learned.

There were 4 Asians involved. I ran though the Indochinese, Indians, and locked onto North Koreans.

The eldest who planted the bombs was 70 to 75 years old. The next was 50 to 60 years old. The remaining 2 were 30 to 40 years old.
They were "businessmen", here on visas.

These 4 resided in San Francisco. They were approached at an Obama fundraiser by the Eric Holder fringe NSA cell which has been the covert operational team that has been melding the brown recluse and Obama policy with the hatchet man of the government assets.

The deal worked out was if they would agree to run a rogue operation that Kim Jong Un did not know about, that they would then be backed in the regime change that Obama was engineering against Kim.

This was a 9 11 styled event in drama. These 4 Korean operatives were to fly to Boston for the marathon, pick up BATFE bombs made for them in Massachusetts, and set them.
They would be given free reign to accomplish this mission, including provision of the trash cans, and all operational knowledge of sweeps and cameras.

The operation was for the 4 to plant the bombs and then flee America by airliner back to North Korea.

What took place is and was an FU to Obama. The 4 took the BATFE bombs and cannibalized them, to point the fingers at the sub Asians. There were 3 bombs. The third was left for security to find, but the fingers were to point to the Pakistan area and not at Americans or North Korea, as was intended.
They were to have a North Korean "signature".

The detonations went off an hour early. Protocol stated for a 5 pm eastern time drama, in bombs located and then disarmed, in another 9 11 Al Gorelick drama, but it played out instead exactly as 9 11.

The 4 Asians digital recorded the regime giving them the bombs and used this as their blackmail in escapting to West Africa first, in stating the digital would be uploaded to the internet.

Kim Jong Un, knew nothing of this operation. He has no idea these 4 are not supporters of his.
Kim though was pleased with the operation,  in which he believes this was a strike at America that his people got away with, and how his operatives pulled one over on Obama like Benghazi.

It was a freelance operation by North Korean espionage business spies in America.

The regime set this up to blame Kim. They had to create a new story though, and that was to focus on "tax protesters" to cover their butts.

These were to be concussion bombs by the BATFE. Not high casualties, just allot of drama and blood as the first reports were guided to be. It was to be a dual protocol in attaching this to Kim, and then coming out with, "See these explosive powders are easy to obtain for foreign terrorists from North Korea, so America must pass gun control and stop these powder sales too".

These were "fireworks bombs".

It should be obvious in not encrypted ways that none of the above fits any of the "official record". The synopsis of this is like Benghazi this regime has been playing with nefarious intelligence assets who turned an operation back on the regime and Americans were murdered.

I can only post what the inquiry revealed. From the constant deluge of lies and deceptions from this regime at 1600 Penn Avenue being thee most corrupt in world history, and the evidence of past criminal actions and piles of dead, I rely on the inquiry and not what was pieced together to give cover to Birther Hussein Obama again.

It was Boston Gangnum Style, and not the fiction which has been placed before the public.

*They almost popped that CBS reporter, think it was Bob Orr. Would have thought he would have been furious over almost being bug zapped, but then Lara Logan has kept her mouth shut too in being a bug in Cairo roughed up in propaganda operations.

Believe what you prefer as you decided to do that already.

Lame  Cherry

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