Friday, June 14, 2013


I was listening to Laura Ingraham, purchaser of three children, bend at the waist for Conrad Black, who has written another monumental book on America..........being an Anglostooge.

Black's asserts that the greatest whatever America ever undertook for survival or something, was the choice to keep Britain, France and western Europe as allies in the war, while having the Soviets take the lion's share of casualties in fighting the Nazis.

This is the problem for these Dinesh D'Souza imports from Eurasia who are quasi intelligence minders set upon the American public which is quite ignorant of the facts, like Laura Ingraham is ignorant of the penis creates children and not large bank accounts buying piles of foreign babies.

Let us examine for a reality some facts that Conrad dumb arse Black has asserted in his bias.

Why should Black not focus upon a communist policy of the annexation of Europe by a Nazi system of German importation in the overtaking of Europe, when his ilk literally were funded by bilking the American Treasury of trillions in resources from Lend and Lease that went back to the Europeans picking the American pocket in the Marshall Plan and America funding their entire defense and buying all their shitter products for a generation.

Why do you think expensive European cars dominated? Duh it was American money as Americans had all their money flowing into the financier's pockets in Europe as they slaved away at 30 hour work weeks in pure socialism the Nazi desired.

So of course, Black is going to praise FDR and Truman as "leaders" remember this is on the supposed Laura Ingraham right wing show, and he is focusing on the greatness of two communists who turned over eastern Europe to Stalin and literally turned Nationalist China over to Mao, while annexing Japan and Europe as protectorates.
Read that again and understand it, that these two communists in the Democratic Party made the world a feudal state of spheres of influence where Americans were robbed and the Europeans were spoiled brats on American money.

That is why Einsenhower was warning of the military industrial complex, because it was Nazism, and Eisenhower too was on a harmonizing of the Soviet and Amerinca systems, which America is now being wiped out by now to a 3rd world condition.

Let us visit another of Blacks' propaganda about those poor Russians died in piles, while the west just reaped the benefits.

Revisit history in the battle for Russia. Stalin had just murdered his entire military officer corp, because Stalin was terrified they were going to cut his head off as he cut people's heads off.
So Stalin enters into a partitioning of Europe with Hitler...........Conrad Black seems to forget all this history took place as he speaks of the poor Soviet evil empire dividing up Poland.

So Stalin is thinking about attacking Germany, and Hitler beats him to the punch and thrashes the Russians as Russians are stupid ass people who are drunks and rapists and loved a butcher like Stalin instead of peace under the Czars.

The Soviets have no industrial base, because they are stupid communists. The Soviets have no weapons, so Stalin has this great idea of just sending soldiers into German lines to get guns by dying for them in being shot.
The Russian could do that or be shot by Stalin, so they get shot by the piles by Germans.

That is what used up the German stockpiles was dead Russians with no guns. The Germans ran out of bullets just like the Americans did in North Korea when the Chicoms sent in the same communist horde waves to butcher their own people.

The Soviets were butchers of their own people, and the reason so many died, was because they were idiots at warfare and using up people in a calculated measure, that dead men and women do not revolt after the war.....which America was funding for Moscow and sending over the best technology to these idiots.

That is how one gets piles of dead Soviets, when communists are in charge of warfare, and it has nothing to do with what the west was doing, as Stalin was a butcher of his own people and a genocidal rapist of other cultures.

The reality of history, which Conrad Black as "person in the right" or a Anglostooge brainwashing Americans to believe the Tavistock bull crap piled to the skies, is what this entire Mockingbird swash has always  been about. Groups of foreigners brainwashing lazy Americans not bright enough to challenge them as they are so brain defunct on chemicals to think.

For your education, the greatest critical point in American history was exactly as the Angel showed George Washington in his vision. The first was the Revolutionary War.
The second and the real one was the election of 1864, when the democrat, George McClelland almost defeated Abraham Lincoln.
I have already explained the European machinations of the Civil War in how the south was in a terror war against the north, and how Lincoln was an incompetent leader. What I have only mentioned in passing though is a reality of the second election of Lincoln which was the tipping point in American history, and America was saved by the military officer corp.

What took place in 1864, was a LOYALTY OATH which all people were taking who were loyal to America. There were also groups operational in trying to subvert the military to go into peace agreements with the south which would mean a divided America, under McClelland.

It was at that point, that the educated Military Officer Corp of the United States rose in union, and literally took each of their forts and commands under their wings, in junior officers and explained the reality to the enlisted ranks and why it was necessary to vote for Abraham Lincoln.
Yes the United States military literally performed a coup by electoral process to ensure that the machinations taking place in America did not unseat the President. They literally violated the separation of military and politics and they chose the President of these United States.

I have mixed emotions on General McClelland as he was a very good man. A young officer named George Custer, served under him first, and loved the General with a loyalty which never faded, and General McClelland in the murder of the Custer command, stood by his young officer in defending him, while the cartel was trying to cover up their mass murder.

McClelland literally built the United States military into a national power, from the epic defeats of the first battles. He built the military into this huge industrial machine, and desired to build it into an overwhelming machine, and Lincoln wanted to "borrow" it as McClelland would not use the thing for battle.
I think it was Custer who watching McCelland debate with his officers, the depth of a river for far too long in crossing, that George Custer rode his horse out into it to settle it, by saying, "The river is this deep General". The point shows McClelland was caucious and it shows what his removal revealed in there were absolutely no military officers in the north who could command a thing.

Lincoln was a disaster in picking generals. He finally fell upon two wilderness campaigners, in one was nuts in William Tecumseh Sherman and the other was a drunk in Hiram Ulysses Grant, who found the use for McClelland's war machine in smashing into Lee, Johnston, Jackson and Stewarts forces in dreadnought warfare.
For the record and has always been a Lame Cherry exclusive, the north did not ever defeat the south. It simply destroyed her ability to make war by trading man for man the two armies. The north simply had more manpower which used up the south's best.

It is that basis, which was the balance of the greatest decision in American political, military and industrial thought. It has nothing to do in Conrad Black's centralized one leader rule. It had instead to do with the reality of an entire military rising up from the educated Officer Corp in explaining the reality to the Soldiers so they would not be duped into a wrong vote.

The same scenario was the reality in the Revolutionary War. It was not the Continental Congress or John Adams. It was Ben Franklin utilzing French wives to get their empire to bankrupt itself for America fighting her adverseary in London, and the corp group of all of this was the Officers and the Soldiers staying by Washington, when they should have left as conscription services were not paying out, especially with promises of "wilderness lands" for those who would stay and fight.
Those Americans in the Military stayed in making the correct decision and allowed Washington the time to get the French fleet into position to trap the British with his American Continental Army.

The turning points in America hinge on that. Not on the single idiot in Franklin Roosevelt involving America in another Eurasian catastrophy for influence and power.
As this blog has noted, the very things Hitler envisioned for Europe, was what Europe became along with the Soviet bloc.
Conrad Black's bastardized version of history is just more Anglostooge propaganda meant to influence American dolts who have no educated Officer Corp to save them or America, as the example of Hero Lt. Col. Terry Lakin proved. The political officers now eat the Americans who were what saved America.

That is what Conrad Black's lies are about. The propaganda that "those in DC do not know what the problem is" and it requires a communist like FDR or Truman to state what it is and lead the way. The reality is, the elite know what the problem is, as they designed it, they use economic rape in taking money not for money's sake, but of the sake of centralizing dictatorial power in using the courts to make criminals of Americans as impoverished Americans have no funds to fight back.

Those are the realities of the American Decision which mattered and the history of it. It is why I hate historians and why I loathe foreigners writing propaganda to brainwash Americans.
I do not care if Laura Ingraham is a distraction to the mob in bending at the waist in this. She only has her looks, because other women go the stretch marks.

Allot like Eurasians in Americans bore their rapine, so they could look pretty and run the presses to spread all the cartel lies by moles in the right and left.

Conrad Black is an Anglostooge. I bet he never donated like all these other stooges to the Lame Cherry blog either in the 6 figures as they have orders not to.
