Friday, June 14, 2013


OK so you want to know about Turkey in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Here goes.

Turkey is comprised of Edomites......Esau babies who are adversaries of Israel, the man named Israel by God.

They were at least a people who behaved until Obama went in rewarding his Marxist Muslims in those Islamocommunists who are what is the nut factory in charge of Turkey that hates Jews and all things western.

See the Boston Blow Job changed things in Control was moved to make things right again as Obama has everything communist f*cked up in the Eurasia in those comrade policies.

So Control is behind the unrest. It is not that the regime is out of the game, but it is that Control is out maneuviring the Obamites.
Here is the point in Control is 1950's America, Bill Casey, you know that American Doctrine and he is booting Zbigniew Brzezinski's arse out of the Obama loop in those Militant Muslim things. Is not that, Control is not going to use the Muslims, but it will be like Ronald Reagan did in driving out the Soviet's from Afghanistan.
See Reagan got along great with Muslim fighters. He armed them, and Sheik bin Laden was Tim Ossman on tour in America, and they were all blasting Soviets. Was good stuff, and that is what Control is about.
Control took the Brzez chessboard and put a Yank in charge of it, in stepping stones to deal with the Russians, and that includes pets in Chechnya.

What you are witnessing is a return to normal policy. You know the nationalist Muslims one could trust and deal with like Mubarak, before Obama slaughtered them all and turned their oil and weapons over to his al Qaeda.
Yeah that is the intelligent design from the intelligence community. The sort of things that have been absent for far too long.

This is not like it is pro American, but at least in this policy like George W. Bush's version, Americans benefited a bit more.......with control, Americans will be minded like the 1950's or like the Reagan Era when things went along pretty good for 8 years, until HW Bush got in control and killed the golden goose for the patricians.

I do like Turks, on a leash. Handsome people, fight savagely and Turkey is a good place for them. I do not believe Control will stop what is coming, but his intelligence design is a hell of a lot better than this community organized terrorism for the past Obama years.

Cher, Obama and these Islamocommunists gave Turks a bad name. Whores, hostesses and comrades always do piss in the pot, but Control is moving about the business with the old allies which will remain unmentioned, but they should be as the patricians on the left know who the old crew was and what a fine job they were doing.

That is enough on Turkey, as they are boring until Putin invades their abode, and it still will be boring as Prague being ploughed will be the main show.

Nuff said on that.
