Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I'm a beggar

I'm a beggar and not a media preacher, for if I was one, I would be rich in having conned people out of their pennies in the hopes for a manifold return on their sending in money.
Begging is not fun. I have learned that it is degrading, humiliating and it is a matter that the other animals all contend it is weakness and decide they can come and do all sorts of verbal things in goring me.
Lessons are learned, and I have learned so much about people who really do enjoy that others are poor, as it makes them feel superior in their abilities to decide situations in your life.

My cousin happened to blurt out to my Auntie that my sisters were going to put my Mom in the old folks home for "rehabilitation" which I instead did in saving the taxpayer around 50,000 dollars. I do things like that because one is responsible as a child in not dishonoring a parent by murdering them in sticking them into a place which would have broken their spirit.
I did this in being very ill, but will power and Jesus completed the task. I relate that not to pat myself on the back nor to expect a pat to the back. It is just a reality of someone who has not taken one dime from this government as I have been told often enough I'm not deserving of entitlements as I'm not in the system as an American.

While the world has been busy being selfish in living their lives. I have been at task existing in a life God demands. It is a point why God works through me as I have put in the time, which would have had every other person blowing their brains out as no one could handle what is required of me 24 hours a day.

In children, I know of the twins in Pharez and Zara of the daughter in law prostitute of Judah, how it has been overturned in Jeremiah taking the King's daughter and wedding her to the Danite King in Ireland. As it says, "till Shiloh come".
Several peoples have claims to being Israelites. Yair Davidy, the Ashkenaz scholar who as catalogued much work in this area of Western Israelism tries to link the Asheknaz by region to Israel to pacify his heart that he too is of the original lines. One can point to the Aryan of India as much as Cyrus being of the Esther lines, but neither of which are Israelite proper.

If I was a product of this world, the world would accept me and would provide the luxury of a sold soul that a Rush Limbaugh is witnessed against. To see and know of a need, to know that your world is built on manipulation and bilking people of money is a a witness against them. It is Lazarus under the rich man's table and is part of a witness in that constant scream of the beggar who is tuned out, but God notes and records it all for Judgment.
There are many Limbaughs hovering about this blog and they all believe the mirror mirror fiction of their Pharisee lies.

People do not donate of their own accord as the money is God's and God moves those He wills. satan makes certain his minions ignore the donate button so their millions in stocks are a witness against them. Now in the process is the witness of nagging them, the Banshee crying out foretelling of the specter which is ahead.
People with money always find a way to not give enough unless it is a tax deduction to get money back and poor people give what they do not have. It why the poor are poor and the rich are rich.
My Grandpa always stated that there never was a rich man who made it honestly. That is a fact as they were cheating someone in wages or over pricing and that is how that money piled up.
What goes on here is Inspired, not matter if I like it or not, no matter the danger or the humiliation. It is what God wills and when I do not like God's will, it is still accomplished as that is my responsibility

The only solace I have is from Isaiah in the Promise that in a new Heaven and new earth, that none of this will be remembered and I can forget all of this is taking place.
As a child, I was stuck managing an agricultural operation and I collapsed under the task in ill health. I withdrew to nothingness and was still beat to hell by the world. Here though again, I'm thrust into a task I do not desire in managing the world gone into the abyss and everyone knows and has comments on how they could do so much better and how I could change to please them more.

I wonder when the Witnesses come if I will they will then be the adults and I will be trampled over by the masses who will discard me to get to them..

I'm a beggar who knows too much and is learning more every moment.

There are many weeds in the garden this year.......tis a sign I conclude.
