Is it not just "too sexy for my Putin" in Vladamir acquired a Super Bowl ring, and was this not all fitting in Obama gave him east Europe, so why should it be termed he stole anything.
Little people steal things, and watch sporting events thinking millionaire athletes give a damn about them being robbed in ticket sales to distract them from their pathetic existences in the gulag.
Putin has it right. He not only rides Russian beauty queens, sacks the ball and chain, takes possession of Europe and then grabs a souvenir ring on the way out.
That Putin is one sexy guy......wonder what it will inspire Kim Jong Un to grab....and what about that new turban head in Iran?
I'm too sexy for my Putin.
REPORT: Putin stole team owner's Super Bowl ring...
Yes Russians have leaders and Americans have illusions who play children's games as the world prepares for world war.
POLL: Most Americans Cheering For Spurs In NBA Finals...
The reality is most Americans do not know who is in these staged basketball diversions, and could care less.

CHELSEA DECLARES: Time for woman in White House...
It was nice to have Webster Hubble's daughter, make demands upon Hollywood to create more whorish images for women in cinema, as America needs more sexy engineers in movies, as according to Chelsea Hubble, "Women are too shallow to want to be intelligent, and require making a job into a whore's position to be appealing".
Yes the detractors of this blog can now apologize for featuring the chive whores so often here on display, as from the leader of lesbians herself, Dame Chelsea has jointed in with a proclamation defining women as stupid whores......and liberals are always right.

Speaking of liberals, it was so great to hear the GOP primary thief of 2016, Jeb Bush, sounding off at his own funded "christian" coalition who were wowed to hear Jeb tell the world that Americans are worthless trash and would be nothing if all these foreigners had not started jobs and popping out babies the past decade.
Yes if it were not for border busters, America would not have survived. I think Jeb Bush should just get the Chinese vote in Asia and not have to deal with all these sloven Americans whose women are egg depleted space takers.
Meanwhile I have located Jeb Bush's 3rd ovary......what the hell kind of fagophile is this David Brody, besides being creepy. Yes but the
Here are further Jeb Bush pearls of wisdom about the political necklace.
Jeb Bush: “Hillary Clinton is a formidable force on the left.
Jeb Bush on Ted Cruz: "He's very articulate. (Must be like Biden's clean negroes.)
Jeb Bush: " I will be able to, I think, manage my way through all the chirpers out there."
Jeb Bush: “My faith informs;
Jeb Bush: My general thought is that the focus ought to be on how you get fifty plus one.
Yes but the fagolicious David Brody only features under the Bush that ever pearl of the necklace of Foster Freiss' Aspen Instutute.....the one and only liar in double speak Mexican and American, Marco Rubio, as his main bend at the hip political choice.
I'm beginning to wonder if the last legitimate child fathered by a United States person in the Oval Office was Junior Reagan, and in that, it seems Ronald Reagan's sperm was off in swimming to the left that day..
Oh and kind of amazing is it not, that the day of Birther Obama's exit from the building that Jeb Bush was pushed hard as the GOP lead and Hillary Clinton to head the Democrats........Birther was not even stiff in the morgue and Barry Jinn was not even comfortable in his new skin, before everyone was piling into the Oval Office.
Sort of like when Obama and crew trampled on Martin King day to get to him.....Birther not even stiff in all the wrong places and the necrophiles are all rubbing him luck.
I guess you missed that sign, that the Jebs and Hamrods knew something was up on June 13th in preparing things.......never counted on Barry Jinn though popping out of the magic carpet ride.
Barry Jinn is now on the stage, and B. Hussein belongs to the ages. No delusions here in the private conversation in calling the one formerly known as Barack Hussein Obama as if he is not operating several floors below the White House now in cold storage.
You will see other signs coming like Jeb and Hillary which will convince you of the improbable as that will be the only answer left in Elvis left the building and Barry Jinn has now replaced him by design in preparation of what is to come.
Let's sing.......
I'm too Obama for my body
I'm Barry......
Barry, Barry, Jinn, Jinn
I'm too Obama for this body.......