Wednesday, June 26, 2013

June 26th, 1876

Today, 137 years ago, an American Hero, a person of Democratic leanings, who has been savaged by the liberals in America, named General George Armstrong Custer was assassinated with his command at the Little Big Horn by the cartel which backed the President Hiram Ulysses Grant regime, in thee worst mass assassination in United State's history of military personnel, until Pearl Harbor.

The murder of military people who make waves or know too much as the Navy SEALS who shot bin Laden's actor double to change the Obama Birther issue, is something covered up, but the ghosts of those events call out from the beyond for Justice to be done.

I like most people could have cared less about George Custer and followed the Hollywood smears as gospel and let the always experts set the Mockingbird tone at what really happened at the Little Big Horn. It was only in reading actual papers, letters and memoirs of the real history that I did find that Libby Custer, the General's wife, blamed President Grant for the mass murder, and that the US military sought vengeance on those involved in making Benteen and Reno face court martial in destroying them.

Gen. Nelson Appleton Miles, the hero of the Spanish American War, and the person who stopped the terrorist Geronimo, using ingenius communication systems using mirrors as a telegraph, knew what happened to Custer and stated, "It was easy to kick a dead lion" in those who attacked him.

The fact is Gen. Custer faced two Little Big Horns previously. Once on the Washita in punishing terrorist Indians of the Southern Cheyenne he was surrounded by numerous other wintering tribes and once in an ambush set for him, on the Yellowstone by the Sioux.
Both times he saved his command and the Indians, but at the Little Big Horn when his command abandoned him for dead, the reality is he fought for most of a day, before his forces were wiped out and he executed himself, to save his wife from knowing the Indians had butchered him in torture as would have happened.

Gen. Custer in the Black Hills Expedition of 1874 did  a monumental task of guiding the 7th Cavalry through unknown hostile territory for a survey. He also arrested President Grant's son for being drunk. None of that along with his testimony the winter of 1875 before Congress exposing the Indian Ring who are the modern al Qaeda ring, in supplying terrorists with supplies for profits run out of 1600 Penn Avenue, is what was the stage that caused the assassination of hundreds of Americans led by Gen. Custer, the Boy General Hero of the Civil War from Michigan.

It was one of the most unsavory Uriah events in history. So much more so in the ignorant savage Indians not only took the blame for it, but gloried in it, as the Indian ring sent out more military to kill them and the savages listened to agents who told them not to settle in reasonable monetary agreements, which gave the robber barons excuse to confiscate the lands for nothing......and put settlers on the land to profit from, who now are the new Indians being driven off those same lands.
Yes the Indian should be humiliated for their stupidity, in they not only committed the murders, but used all their money from buffalo hides to buy the very weapons used to destroy them. The Indian was the first al Qaeda and when al Qaeda's purpose is through, they will be exterminated too.

See history does repeat itself and the same dupes fixate on Mockingbird talking points of Custer and innocent Indians, when the reality is Custer tried like most military people to save the Indians from themselves as the savages were not intelligent enough to comprehend they were being used by cartel criminals.
The same is the case in this world today. Nothing has changed, and the same hot headed dupes are being controlled for terror as the Heroes die and are buried in mass graves, and the public fights over the propaganda.

Like President Ronald Reagan, General George Custer is someone I admire greatly as did the President when he demanded to be able to play Gen. Custer in a movie.

I would make a real George Custer movie in the facts this blog has exclusively uncovered and published, but that of course would require funds that for the same greedy reasons of no large donations, that things will never be done.

Oh and one more thing.........

The religious bureaucracy  wanted all those Indians as their "wards" to make money off of them in administering their accounts.......same scam of today in all of these "churches" bringing in the ignorant hordes in illegals to administer them in the welfare gravy train.

What murdered George Armstrong Custer is what is murdering America today.

Lame Cherry

Yes Libby, I love him.
