Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Obama Change Speech

 the moleless jinn

Since the events of June 13, a strange thing has taken place in the disappearing Obama. The Jinn literally after his climate change speech, in focusing on the hot coals of carbon which goes back to Biblical references about those in hell having hot coals heaped upon their heads in torture, has set a new pattern of disappearing.


Where one could always find to the hour Obama photos before June 13, now one finds old photos...........exactly like this blog said would take place, from weeks ago, and the interesting thing is new posts even are running old photos.

The mere mention here that Birther Hussein is in a morgue under 1600 Penn Avenue, along with photographs showing a different psychological profile and Obama's mole went missing, and just like that all the Obama current photos just disappear.

Now why would that be?

Surely there must be a reason for all of this if this blog has been wrong in all of this in all of the mocking which took place.

Climate Change Speech

Yes Huffington Post was running a rather latent mole on the Jinn's face for their photo of the Obama Change Speech, but the reality is the Georgetown Speech photo has that mole out of Dodge again on June 25th.

That big ole mole of 2008 evidence just went away in a few days. Maybe like Pope Paul doing miracles from the grave, the Birther is curing his Jinn of cancerous moles by a laying on of the Obama.

I really expect you to study something in the Obama / Jinn photos from where Obama started 5 years ago and where the Jinn picked up during that time.

Study them closely and something odd is taking place when this Jinn appears.

Barack Obama was an anal retentive psychopathy, and as you can see in his Obama photos, his face is tight and compact. When the Jinn appears though, there seems to be something grotesque like the "face of the giants evolving" in more pronounced features that are expanding in the lower face.

moleless jinn but jinn with ginormous chin

In a reality, Barack Obama had a smallish facial feature, and now that the Jinn is around, that Chin of the Jinn is growing instead of Pinnochio's nose.

Granted in the Obama fagsexual photos of college this chin starts protruding out, but it disappeared during Obama's reign and is now jutting out like a cliff in this Jinn's recent series of photos.

Just explain to me how a chin from 2008 grows to double size by 2013, seeing a chin is bone and people's bones do not grow after age 40.

The reality is no one seems to able to get close to Barry Jinn any longer. Of course as this is voice, the Jinn will not doubt tighten his face shift up and appear rolling around with Brian Williams or something, but in that it is interesting that the Jinn returned home to the Jesuit black robes who Obama helped overthrow the Vatican with Cardinal George.

But focusing on those hot coals as the most frightening thing on this planet.

Interesting what not eh?

 Romans 12:20

Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

Yeah you missed all of this and it was allowed to settle out so you would pay attention and look at things beyond the mind conditioning of the storied events.

agtG 221y