Wednesday, June 26, 2013

lawlessness of satan

I no longer have the time, energy or resources to do this effectively. For whatever God's reasons God has not intervened, but that is my personal problem and I will not be a burden to poor people as I can not deal with donations from people who are poor as it bothers me.

For this post, it is simple. Sodom and the cities of the plain were a group of affluent people who subverted justice in their courts were all fraudulent.
They were a people who engaged in homosexual sex. They were a people when offered the opportunity to gang rape virgins, decided that was not enough and wanted to murder Lot and rape Angels from Heaven.

God destroyed such people, and God stated that in reality, the northern Kingdom of Israel was more amoral than Sodom and Judah was worse than all of them combined as the Bible teaches.

America is a complete lawlessness where that which is moral is condemned in being tried by societal cause and effect for thousands of years. In Israel, babies were butchered for Molech. There is no difference in aborticide.
Sodomy was a cult infecting the entire land, as well as the cult of prostitution. Adultery was what Israel and Judah were as they existed in seduction and divorce.
Their courts were the rich were protected and the poor robbed.
The land was one murderous orgy of death in the regime assassinating people and the people used murder to deal with the righteous.

This is  the state of America today, as it was in Israel, as it was in Judah, as it was in Canaan, as it was in Ninevah as it was in Sodom and the cities of the plain.
Every culture when it becomes amoral and immoral, implodes upon itself, as the people who work and raise families are not going to protect a nation criminalizing them and destroying all they work for.

Scalia on the Supreme Court is as guilty in voter fraud as Birther Hussein Obama was. Roberts is as guilty of genocide in Obamacare as if he was running a gas chamber. Rubio is destroying black, white and Asian cultures in America and supplanting them with foreigners.

None of the Founders would have stood for any of this sinful nature made law. No house taking the foundation of that home away can stand and will crumble upon itself.

The American corpse in the Obama Abyss, is a rotting maggot eating oozing carcase. No such diseased thing can bring life as it is dead itself. It can only fester more worms which exist in the rottenness to create more filth until the natural balance renders it all to dust unto dust.

I posted previously that I would not assist this sham of Mormon Romney and the rape of the corpse of these United States. I reject all of this as not any form of Government, as it was rejected by God and the heaps of Babylon and empires fallen, all are witness against what takes place when Alexander the Great was in drunken debauchery sodomizing children for entertainment.

When in the course of human events, that any government creates lawlessness against the order of nature and humankind, than that government is an illegal entity which can not be reformed as it is nothing but a regime preying upon the very nature of life giving people which inhabit it's lands.

Either by revolution, invasion or mass implosion of the lynch law, these United States will form the disease of any rotting corpse and contaminate the water, air and food, in a process of culling the elements who are now legalized sinners.

America is in the process of God's Judgment and has a demonic entity at the Oval O, and hots of possessed implementing the lawlessness of satan. Nothing of this is what any moral person would support.
As Silent Running states, "Swear allegeance to any flag the offer, but never let them know what you really feel".

Bide your time, pay your taxes, call no attention to yourself. This is a feudalocracy which can not stand. This is a death cult which rules America and death will follow it. In time, if the drones do not deploy soon enough to murder all the Americans, the mob will start the animal process of dealing with this, as Joan of Arc's France was suffering under in mob ruled regions.

The ranks of traitors are a manifest overflowing from every local, state and federal despotry. You have condemned yourselves America, so enjoy your orgy because trouble and tribulation follow.
You are liars, you are sinners, you are the children of satan. You have been given over to the perverted affections as normal love is not anything you could feel as you are the antithesis of morality.

This is a witness against you and greater Witnesses will come. You are reprobate and there is no remedy for this sinful people.

II Chronicles 36:16

But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against his people, till there was no remedy.

No more energy my children, the rich waited a day too long.
