Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Shalam Ra'ah

These my children, our Lord, You have put into my hand and I have gathered them and not lost any. They know not their destiny as it has been revealed, but You have prepared them through the Word here for that time appointed.

My cup given to me by You, they have drank from to Glorify Your Name. I commit them into Your hands for the years ahead and that You Lord, be there with them to receive them, as Your Holy Ghost Comforts them, Inspires them and Guides them to Speak through them and make them to Shine in the Light of God in all darkness.

Give them Your Peace. Be their Calm. When I called they heard Your Voice, when they call, hear their voice and answer their prayers. Help them to fulfill Your Will in each of their destinies as what they chose to come here to accomplish for Your Glory and Honor will be fulfilled for the Gift of a Crown of Life.

The Master carries us in His arms as the Host of Heaven prepares the way for what we have come here to accomplish for our God. These Your Saints I pray for as they learn to walk, for babes they were born here, and now in steps they take by Your hand, now venture forward to meet that which is to come.

The womb of this life will birth them to the Life Eternal in the Family of God as they have heard Your Voice here and not become sullied, but have revealed they are Yours and You are their God.

Bless them for the Goodness they hold to as Authored in them by You. Show Yourself, reveal Yourself and make known Yourself to help the Faith of these Your children. They were born for what is ahead, but they know it not, lest the lessons they are learning now in trials would not be fulfilled. I pray that the burden be light to them as the heaviness weighs upon this world.
Let them not be sifted by satan. Let them never feel forsaken nor abandoned by You.

I bless You Our Father in the Name of the Lord Christ with Your Holy Ghost that Your Mercy and Loving Kindness washes over them in a regeneration that lifts them up like the Spiritual radiance of the sun and like the Physical birth of spring.

Be for them more and more in a world which rejects You, hold them ever more close.

Let them know that they have done enough for me in what they have done. Let them know that in the kindness You have Inspired that their reward is certain in Your Name.

Shama 'em taph. Yehova Ab. Valad min Ab Amen

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