Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Post One Knit Two

Today, June 26th, 2013 at 6:30 eastern time, another of the wonders of the Lame Cherry took place in TL was with me on the phone, and noted that while I was not online, that I was appearing online to her on Face Book.

Now this is not the Lame Cherry account I left, but another account that I only  message TL on as we touch bases.

It is always fascinating in all of this intrigue as in this blog, there are those who log in, in Face Book there are those who log in, and in basically all I am, there are those logging in illegally, criminally and felony cyber attacking, but every time, they touch nothing for the most part and then leave for another go around.

Face Book has a protocol which allows surveillance and logging in on all accounts to show them offline, as much as Google to any of these monitoring hubs of Prism. So it is always of interest when someone takes the trouble to actually boff around to make certain they are seen in letting us know they are around.
This has been going on for quite some time and my only conclusitory thoughts on it, are it does not bother me as they need me and I do not need them, as I do not hack into their codex.

The trap in this is, others monitor what is taking place and know of the tracks these bullies attempt to make. You know the types who come in and examine your things knowing you can do nothing and then smugly walk away.
The difference is I do something in I have a God Who notes all of this, and when God avenges me, no one is going to haul Him into court to prosecute Him, and I have not done a thing, so am innocent in the retribution.

My conclusion in  this is, I have an ant at my picnic crawling on my plate thinking it is their meal while I am the greater life form and I do not become bothered by one or a thousand ants.

They take away the blog. They take away the accounts and it would not bother me in the least, as I started with nothing and that is my reality. They are the ones who need me as if I was not here, they would have those who matter requiring them to find out what took place, and not appreciating the insectoid psyops that are supposed to be so intimidating in showing their power, when all it does is expose the absolute weakness of it all.

The real feats are things like, "Did God talk with you today?"

Nopers, only satan which is par for the course.

So Lame Cherry appears where she is not logged in. Lame Cherry lists favorites on sites she is not on. So Lame Cherry, the popular girl, posts things an hour ago when it was hours ago........

Lame Cherry
1 hour ago – I no longer have the time, energy or resources to do this effectively. For whatever God's reasons God has not intervened, but that is my personal ...

The Internal Obama Service

With the information dump in Obama trying to save hisself ...

Obama was STONED

Apparently long exclusive posts on the Lame Cherry are a bit ...

It all comes down to the reality are still not me and you want to be me. No one in the cartel nor regime is investing volumes to keep track of you my spiders. No one cares about you and you perform on my stage pulling at the curtain between acts, hoping for some attention like all the trolls who think beating on a woman is the way to get them to notice you.

You are not me. You will never be me. You are Spiritless souls who will be ashes in hell when Jesus by Grace places me where I am destined to be. This is all refinement and it is tedious, but the gem does not thank the pressure and heat for making it so, as heat and pressure only exist to serve the gem God is creating.

You can not even be here without permission, and if you do anything to disrupt the information flow, the lords will have you disappear.

Oh look you were mentioned on the Lame Cherry blog.......oh look, no one cares and never will as the audience only cares what the popular girl has been up to and is doing.

Yes time to roll up the blanket, put the food in the basket and the ants go back to the holes.

That is the reality and it is always the reality.
