Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Number Collider

The world of media is a place that is a satan's song and no one has ever exposed the reality of this except this blog in exclusive matter anti matter.

Much was made long ago about Payola, the rock pay to play songs which was a music industry monopolizing the rock stations for "their" sound, but the reality is the reason that "crime" broke was Mockingbird was moving in to inflict a cultural revolution to bring down America to wed it to the Soviet system as Dwight Eisenhower stated was the reality after World War II in a global socialist system America was to be transformed into.

What became the sexual revolution and the entire springboard of Daddy O, 1950's beatnicks into the hippies of sex, drugs and rock and roll, was a use of the American taxpayers money to create a series of perversions that would change Ricky Nelson rock and Beaver Cleaver television into the backing of the most perverse music and perverse television in the Madonna and Lou Grant generation to liberally rape Americans.

The 1950's America of purity in the 2000's America is so diametrically opposed in 1950, America was marriage, family, clothed bodies and Churches, which became the sodomite sex, aborticides, porn and messiah government to make all your sins legal.

Rock n Roll did not happen, it was a trend taken and projected out.

Rock when it ran it's course became that beat oriented perversion of "rap", but by that time the Mockingbird money had been removed from rock, and except for these idiot "stars" like Britney to Gaga to condition the idiotry in Bieber blurr of sound tracks, Rock died, because the government was no longer involved creating those tracks in funding them.

Radio in the 1980's in AM disappeared, and in order to survive without that government money, shifted for a very short time to religion radio and that is what the major stations evolved into, until Bill Casey's group created an entertainer named Rush Limbaugh to back the Reagan Revolution in "talk radio".
Limbaugh was all scripted and funded by Mockingbird. When he told 60 Minutes long ago when asked what he would do when his show ran it's course, he answered he would move onto something else, as Limbaugh never was a Conservative like all these other frauds.

What you were watching and listening to was Stanford and Tavistock mob appeal perversion to bring America to a point when the land of Christ allowed installed not only an American loathing Bill Clinton, but a messiah Obama pissing on Christ.

The reason the media is so blatant is because they have seen the cause and effect data. They can tell Americans anything and in mass that mob will just accept it, as the Americans from 1776 have disappeared as the nation was aborted in 1960 as the pro American Mockingbird became the tool of the feudalists who took that operation and created what is now a "minder society".

The reality is in all major places in America, there is a socio conglomerate complex that has replaced the military industrial complex. Your money, or debt money, is funding all of these minders like in communist China, North Korea or Russia, and they are steering you on the internet, talk radio, media, commentators, callers, finance, industry and politics.

Your entire American system has been subverted from courts, laws, congress to executive to media, and it is all utilized to exterminate what is the mind of what was an American.

Yes it is all exclusive, and you will note I do not tell you to "wake up", because you are all fully lucid and awake, and that is the problem, in you are the zombie and it is why Drudge was publishing that headline in Mockingbird proclaiming and mocking each of you, as you are in a gulag without bars and Americans sit there and accept the prison, because that is what the new Mockingbird nestlings are teaching as the funding has started up again after Obama's regime had the plug pulled on most of the operations for a new bribery system which is not exactly working.

I simply now just sit in this insane asylum, as the inmates act out, and do not marvel nor become involved at the operation, as it is insanity and one has not interesting in studying insanity as it is insanity and nothing of it can be studied.

With that stated in what is gearing all of this in past funding and future funding, I return to pauper status of the beggar.

Nuff said

agtG 237 Y

*How's that number collider treating ya there what not eh blondie.