Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Walk this Way

I was listening to Jethro Bodine, that would be John B. Wells of Coast to Coast ObAMa in George Noury's award show, and he had on......

Look I'm not insulting Mr. Wells, as I like him being a bird flyer, but all bird fliers just got this clique going on like they are all Apollo Astronauts that came out of Pan Am's propaganda years ago. Wells just looks like Jethro or Eddie Munster. Nothing wroing with that as Max Baer was a comic genius and was successful in producing and directing. Has more money than you have. So no insults. Just was saying.

I digress

So Jethro had on this guy from the Island of Canada who writes things about 9 11 and now about chemtrails and gets things half cracked. Reason I bring this up is he was surpirsed when he phoned up the Colorado Air  Force about the fighters that day flying at not full throttle to close on those jets and knock them out of the sky.
The AF said they would get back to the Island queen and did by flying an R 16 over his house and scared his neighbor.

To explain this part, there never was any order to shoot down American airliners. The military was not going to be involved in killing civilians and blamed for that. The best they could have done is crashed a 15 into the passenger plane and that would have solved nothing but looking desperate, so the story was about shooting down things and the next thing you knew is cranks were talking about missiles into the Pentagon and Ted Olson's wife was flown offshore with the rest in a really boober conspiracy theory put out the Kennedy wrecking crew.

Where was I?

Oh yeah, the military and everyone knew where ever plane was going that day, due to the GPS transponders as they can not be turned off on the airliners. All like Microsoft Windows havnig spy windows the government could get into.
To answer that conspiracy, yes there are methods to fly these planes in taking them over, but when you have terrorists on board, it is futile to take over flight controls as they would bring the jet down any way.

So everyone knew the planes were going to the Twin Tower II and to the Pentagon. They knew the White House or Congress was not a target and it would not have made any difference at 1600 Penn is tight as the Pentagon in structure and a jet would not do that much damage.

Where was I?

Oh yeah that GPS thing in the planes of course are all instrument rated, meaning their navigation is a feature where one just enters the GPS coordinates and the plane flies to that specific location. It will not crash that location though without being flown into the object as it is not that advanced.

What you have missed and what is interesting to me in no one ever has exposed this that in order to have a GPS to enter, one must have a GPS location to enter, and the only way a GPS has that feature is someone on the ground before the event went to both of these locations and with a GPS unit obtained the coordinates.

I would repeat that but am tired, so figure it is important in a satellite registered those exact sites as being marked before 9 11. As the terrorists did not parade about America, but were off nailing whores and boozing it up at strip bars, that has always left a  group outside this group who did all of the intelligence work for these terrorists who were taught to fly at US facilities.
That group has never been exposed nor spoken of even though their tracks were definitely left on the GPS satellite  transponders as to the exact day the board was lit up, and in Washington DC, that digital footage of the people involved in gathering that data was indeed recorded to facial recognition.

That sounds a bit interesting does it not, in camera plagued New York and DC, that one could know the exact dates that the targets were lit up, and know the location of the parties, and simply turn on the loop and have a look as to who had come out to play in doing the leg work for the terrorists.

Jethro never did ask that question, nor did his guest, nor has anyone ever asked that question as no one has been fed that data, at least not until now over a decade later.

Scouts non fag honor, that information is still available in the DC archives as none of it is ever erased and is stored with all this tetra data save now. If you want to know the brains behind 9 11 without a doubt, that archive will show the exact time and those involved to facial identity. It will in recognition software track those individuals to locations and transport.

There is always a digital passive recording of event signatures which reveal the perpetrators of actual events. It is interesting that one heard often of the non intelligent nature of these 9 11 mules, but no one ever in Soros generated media in trying to tag this to George W. Bush and not to Al Gore's confederates in having produced these terrorists to bust them for a grande Al Gore ejaculation by Jamie Gorelick......that no one ever asked who the handlers were in America feeding the GPS locations in preliminary scouting.

Odd so many bright people never mentioned that, what not eh?

nuff said

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Aerosmith - Walk This Way - YouTube

Nov 30, 2011 - Uploaded by MusicRockRulez
"Walk This Way" is a song by American hard rock group Aerosmith. Written by Steven Tyler and Joe Perry ...