Monday, June 10, 2013

Spectre of the Obama

One contemplates the manifestation of "what is it" when one hears reports from wife Obama in quotes as this one:

And, strangely, multiple members of the Obama family have reported the sensation of waking up to something chewing on their feet.

There are in the White House an abundance of paranormal manifestations which abound, in which President Reagan's dog twice saw something and reacted to the presence, and his daughter Maureen and her husband, both witnessed a ghost, perhaps of Lincoln looking out the window in the Lincoln Bedroom.

There is in this the DC cat also, a basement apparition which starts out as a kitty and turns into this monstrous cat which was supposedly seen before the 1929 Stock Market Crash and the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.

Dolley Madison who planted the first Rose Garden, is supposed to be seen in the White House with the scent of roses as is Abigail Adams hanging laundry where the scent of soap is sensed in the air.

All of these events are not all the same, as some might be schism fractures in the time line repeating in loop, as in First Lady Adams leaving a signature there which manifests as a psychic print like First Lady Madison.
The same can be true of the British soldier trying to light things on fire with a burning faggot being part of an emotional imprint of the War of 1812 when the British invaded and attempted to burn down the White House.

Other situations like Abraham Lincoln are beyond an imprint, as much as President Andrew Jackson heard laughing or cursing loudly, as these are ghosts who are part of the White House in  being such strong forces they inhabit the building where they led America.

The DC cat though is a different manifestation. If an event is abnormal than it is not an angel of a better nature. The same situation manifests around the Obamas in lightning strikes, storm after storm, Presidential Seals blowing off things and those blow flies which appear around Barack Obama.
There has always been a great deal of the "ghosts of America" associated with the Obama regime in manifestations of violence in omens that all is not as it should be.

It is particularly abnormal and troubling to find that numerous Obama occupants awaken to something chewing on their feet and that both Obama's awakened to an apparent ghost convention in the hallway in the spirits being aggitated the Obama's are there at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

 Michelle Obama recounts one night in which her and the President awoke simultaneously in the dead of the night to unexplained noises and voices in the hallway.

One contemplates just how much has gone unnoticed or unreported in all of this. One wonders about a journalist in Andrew Breitbart manifesting there in what he would await to report on. One wonders what it is about the Obama's that something would manifest around only them, which would consistently be trying to chew their feet off.
One wonders of Lincoln's vision of his lying in state and if doppelgangers are still leaving the impression of events and warnings to come at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

One wonders of such things of what is seen at the White House and what psychic imprints are being left to manifest later.

One wonders of these things now.
