Monday, July 22, 2013

The Corpse Flower from the 1600 Penn Morgue

13 June
Come July bloom
There of rotting flower
Blow fly come in Barry Chin now done
It is the omen of the hour

Giant 'corpse flower' with odor of rotting flesh blooms next door to US Capitol...

 I suppose my children, in my not being in Washington DC, that I by miracle, planted a cadaver flower next to the US Capitol to mark the stench of swarming blow flies attracted to it, that the "people's body is decomposing".

So you get the omen, the possibly last one for Barack Hussein Obama as he is in the morgue rotting away under 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue as exclusively reported here predicting the event before the June 13, 2013 demise of beloved leader by a blood pressure stroke spiked poison........that the very nature of Washington DC is not just telling the world that America is a corpse, but that under her, there is the decomposing cadaver of her messiah, who is not rising from the dead on the 3rd day, but has sent up a flower to the sultry air of Washington, to announce what is stinking below.

Who else attracted blow flies in mass for five years, than B. Hussein, and now this rotten flesh flower is bursting forth a bloom to announce the events of 13 June.

This blog predicted there would be definite signs announcing all this Obama in the morgue stuff, and from changed facial features, to the pupil distance not matching now, to handshake changes in psychology, to blinded by the light, to fangs emerging, green bulges, round head turning oblong skull.........the shapeshifting features now have another Obama omen in a corpse flower is largely blooming it's stench on Capitol Hill.

When is someone going to have the non Mockingbird sell out balls or ovaries to demand a tour of the White House bunker and the cold storage unit found there?

Is it not enough evidence as exclusively covered here in matter anti matter that Muchelle Obama and Fang Jinn were both psychologically speaking of a death event that could have been either one of them that they were touched by......and that event was June 13 and B. Hussein Obama as creatures chatter on about things which have touched them.

A corpse flower announces death.......ok who went tits up? Sure is not anyone in Congress. Sure is not anyone in the Judiciary. Sure is not anyone in the military. Sure is not anyone announced in the that leaves the evidence of Obama in isolation before June 13 and then disappearing for most of the day, before reappearing as Fang Jinn for a sodomite festival, and the Obama women mourning in Ireland later.

Mourning over what eh?

Yes the corpse blooms for thee that are of thee departed.

Yes, not on the Capitol, but next and ye might find.

This an Obama bad omen again in revelation and a bad sign for America.

nuff said.

agtG 227Y