Monday, July 22, 2013

The Popular Girls Cherry

As another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive............

So many people want to be popular me, but they never quite reason out things like the above screen grab I took this morning. So you know what it is, I will mention that I was on my laptop. No I do not have a thousand dollar laptop, but have a very old used system that I use while away from my home to try and keep up with postings as I do not have time to do everything.
This computer is basically a glorified word processor as I'm poor.

So I was hooking dial up and just clicked on the WIFI settings to see what was taking place there and something puzzling was revealed. I am at home, and I can assure all that I do not have high speed internet nor are there any computer networks here. I have no neighbors, except within mortar range. Yet if you might notice, with my towers turned off, that there was a computer to computer network operational in my home or within WIFI range.

I have tested this WIFI and it does work in other areas like the library. I have tested to see if connections were available here in the past, and none were ever listed. Yet this morning, there appeared a computer to computer link up and running, when none is installed or available, and it is impossible for the distance for my to be picking a signal up from another source.

I realize that my phones sound like an echo chamber in their being turned on by outside sources. I realize I get disconnected by being spied upon. I see my monitor settings change. I even saw a creepy shadow thing fluttering on my screen a few times in the past, but this is the first time I actually have witnessed a computer to computer WIFI in operation when none is present.
I did try to hook up to it, but it refuses, like other computer to computer systems I have come across, sort of  like for some reason when I am with TL that Mockingbirds literally are sitting on the power wires watching us. I had no idea there were that many Mockingbirds in the world, and yet everywhere I turn when with TL, there are those Mockingbirds.......the real ones singing away, and not one other variety of bird like a robin or a jay.

Yes is all coincidence, but I do puzzle over such things as how computer to computer networks are operating here when none can possibly be. Perhaps in the coincidence of it all, it is just the Brown Recluse out of the White House riding spread leg on NSA systems in having implemented a way to use home computers in a spy network to monitor me, as hooking three towers to each other would make for a most interesting spy ring.
That is fascinating in NSA can now activate computers via WIFI when none is installed so they can communicate with each other, and you can not access your own computers, but they have things up and running in all of this spider web.

Oh and my is a Pentium 200 and the other two are fixed up ancients I purchased several years ago for under 100 dollars. I told you I am poor and that is what I bring Lame Cherry to you on.
They do offer some effect though in being such old systems, the spies have a devil of a time in the processors are so slow that I can monitor how much company I have illegally invading my space.

If only I were Edward Snowden, then I would have MIC and Vladamir Putin funding and protecting me. I think I would like to retire to mother Russia, get some guns, go shoot some Russian beasts, have a garden, some ponies and Russian setters. Would all be "too sexy for my Putin" in ............ oh it is all fantasy, as while the Brown Recluse and Muchelle want to terminate me, they too would like to buy the lingerie here. I really would not care at this point if it is rich Obama money buying me off as it has been proven the rich who steal from this blog are not men and women enough to donate, so why should I be hanging around working for slave wages and be humiliated begging for money, when the rich could care less about being warned in how to save themselves.

I only have one regret in my psychological experiment on the raccoon girl ended and I hope she is well. As I did find this old photo of her, looking all intestinal malnourished and in this one, one can note the moles which are a fungal manifestation again due to a system that needs a good cleaning. Poor thing has some liver clog happening and I hope she did not get sick, but was only humbled by the attention and then sought medical help before Obamacare buries her.

Alas, I  am popular though, and no quit today, just finding computer access in WIFI when none is present. I wonder if they are just coming in on the line or if someone hooked some device hidden outside my domicile. Such an interesting time I hope they will help me lift up a sick animal or pitch some hay or something......pull a few weeds, as I am paying their salary really, and I should get a few rag weeds pulled while they are coming and going placing surveillance devices illegally on my property.

Yes if only the spiders would be required to help do a few chores......maybe that is something Congress could mandate............FBI, BATF, Homeland show up......they got to take out the trash or wash the windows too to help earn their paycheck.

I like that idea......or maybe here is a really great idea. I bet for the trillion dollars they waste on spying on people, that if they would just get rid of Homeland and give people like me a few million dollars, that we would all be too content to care about things, and not bother writing or protesting.
They bribe Muslims to not attack Americans in Afnamistan, so why not pay off Americans......makes perfect sense.

All that money, and I can not get a donation in the big money or get a bribe from the White House. Something is really wrong with that when you come to think about it.

I found Esiac tea helps flush the body of toxins and it helped reduce mole growth. Got to get a healthy food into those intestines and then the raccoon eyes disappear.
Oh and I would for a proper big wampum donation reveal a healing thing the Holy Ghost led me to that helps a great deal in balancing the body.

Think I will quit with that and hook up the tower again as have things complete in what I hooked this laptop up for.

nuff said
