Thursday, July 18, 2013

Waiting for Death

Upon waiting for death, I wondered about the numbers of it, and like most things, I have discovered that the always experts do not know a damn thing about it.

I was told that over 150,000 people died in the world each day.....and then told 232,876 people die every day.
Those 82, 876 extras probably think each one of them matters in the lump sum and then how do they really know it is averaged to the final six.

Same with chickens in 23 to 27 milliion chickens are slaughetered a day, and then another sources says 115 million. 

 It seems people just talk too damn much in not having a clue what the numbers are.

When driving home on Tuesday, a swallow hit my car and it was killed. It thudded hard, there was nothing I could do, and it just folded it's wings and sailed to the edge of the road and bounced slightly there without moving and looking in peace.
That swallow was important to me, as in growing up I raised swallows, and I had only hit one bird as a teenager, and then for some satanic reason I hit three others later and then have never hit anything as I pay close attention when driving.....that swallow mattered to me though as it died......but then how many swallows die each day in some cat eating them like all song birds.

Her name is Emma. I have written of her and have had pictures of her. She is just a little over two years old now, and tonight after months of several times a day lifting her, she can not get up, as her left side will not work.
I take care of my animals the best I can in vaccinations, wormings and feed, but sometimes things go wrong and even veterinarians have not a clue what is wrong. I have done everything possible for this animal, that means nothing to you, and yet she means a great deal to me.

It is a point where I would be grateful if she would die by God's hand, as then I would not have to go shoot her in the head, which bullet will explode the brain matter, and she will bleed, her eyes will flutter from the concussion and if all was right she would die in under thirty seconds.
Then there will be the burying and little animals take a great deal of digging and work to bury them, as I would not want to see Emma bloated, rotting and maggots eating her as she turned into bones and smells, to remind me of the pain of it all.

Walt Whitman wrote Grass, on the death of Abraham Lincoln in how grass on a grave is about the time it takes in healing to deal with the passing of things. I really do not know of that as I have had pets and livestock and some people die and I still miss them and remember the dying in feeling the emptiness.

I honestly thought Emma might be better on Tuesday, but the illusion was short lived and whether she is a little girl who can not get up from fatigue or it is the time of her dying, will be played out in that time and there is nothing I can do but stay and take the abuse of it all, as with 7 billion people in the world, and me not caring for the 7 billion as I do not know them, how can I expect any to care for a doe I raised.

I still remember her in the cold, scolding the world, the afternoon she was birthed. She is lying about fourteen feet from the place she was born in the place she will probably die.

I held her constantly as a kid, and she would make these pleasant little grunting sounds while sleeping. She would chew her cud on my lap as I tried to type here. She jumped up and broke a wisdom tooth off that did me a favor, the same one I had pulled out last year for something like 300 bucks.

As Mom said this morning with things going bad in other areas, "I wonder if it was that call I got that let things in". I replied, "Maybe it was the evil of the internet as I get allot of destruction from the people focused on this blog".
So is it someone who phoned with their own demons or was it one of the Lame Cherry vistors or someone else, at this point it really does not matter who is responsible as Emma has been through hell for the past months, and I hurt for her as she deserved a hell of allot better, but right now she at least has the chance to probably have it all end where the things of this world will never get at her again.

My first doe who died, I buried and a damned fox dug her partly up and had her skull laying there, so I had to rebury her. It is things like that in satan, that people, and it is PEOPLE who are such malevolent asses so satan can work through something to inflict more pain, that all of this wickedness will not even allow an animal to rest in peace and a person the luxury of not having that wound tore open again.

But what is that to anyone really, as the compassionate will be sad over it as they have empathy too in animals or people they have watched die. Others will just feel nothing. Others will smirk and say, "Serves her right and too bad the bitch doesn't die too". Others will just think that their deaths are important as they have not sociopathic empathy for anything they do not possess.

Yes there is no peace for Emma nor me, as even her buck I have in the house is busy chewing on plastic distracting me from writing this. He though will feel nothing as Mom is the only mother he has ever known and like most animals, he will forget the human in days if a new food source satisfies the need.

I honestly would trade my Emma for the 7 billion humans as I know her and I know the 7 billion humans. In the Great Tribulation something like 2/3rds of people will be dead. I know people as Christ did, as they are self serving claymations, worse than animals, and I know who they are as they do not donate in showing what they are.

Yes I could have done so much better if one rich person had ponied up with that 500,000. Emma would not have been stressed. I would have been able to focus on protecting her, instead of the money in trying to survive, and she would not have been dying for several months.wearing me out too close to the grave myself. It is all cause and effect. It is all though a reality in I have given and served, and been stolen from and left for dead.
I will not remember these things in the world to come as God Promises, but I will remember all of this as my Spirit pours out an offering of grief before the Father in Heaven, to remind Him once again of how Emma was murdered by the world and the part that the rich, powerful, intelligence and backstabbers had in it, in joining with satan.

I fully intend on inquiring to know exactly who satan worked through to do this all and then Spiritually, I will make certain God, the Holy Angels, the world and other spiritual recompense takes place before the person or persons are dragged off to hell.

You will be gotten upon a Spiritual battlefield where you are unarmed. You will be reached in your inner most places where you think you can hide, every mothers son and every fathers daughter of you.

Emma means something to me even as her buck antagonizes me....

Big Jake (1971) Trailer - YouTube
Oct 10, 2008 - Uploaded by micarone
Movie trailer of "Big Jake". ... McLintock (1963) Andrew V McLaglen with John Wayne Maureen OHara by ...

Anything goes wrong, anything at all... your fault, my fault, nobody's fault... it won't matter.....

This is what I do best at my children and I will do a thorough job Spiritually.
