Thursday, July 18, 2013

What Good is a Viking

I was pondering about a voyage to a Viking land in sharing the treasures of correspondence so that Icelandia would have a view of the things said to me. I realized though that as I type this I'm having mysterious problems loading all of my pages again as chat disconnects.

Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice, but the thing is sugar is acidic and spices burn in large of quantities, and those smiles of children get fathers into trouble in trying to be fathers, while mothers for some reason always are mothers, and they just do not see the merit of yoga pants in the same way little girls do.

I recall the Viking sagas of how a Viking could tell if a human was real or a ghost, by going up and whacking it over the head with a mace. Seems people got their heads bashed in and ghosts had no harm done to them. Was an elementary procedure and probably a good idea when strangers were apt to bash your head in too and take liberties with the women folk, but now days, we just seem to have courts frown on this approach.

I wonder about messages floating around in bottles, but then Vikings had no bottles, so there would not be any messages to be found. The messages I receive sometime and would have shared as I do with TL are rarely of the Viking sort in Lutheran or classical music. Some are most interesting as they are shared before they arrive with others, and the fun part is for those who think my well crafted posts here are hard to comprehend, I find things that look like Medusa's brain on a bad acid trip.

I think of correspondences in being spit upon......yes in email I once had a woman spit at me. Another female decided if I could post the French word she was thinking of, she would continue to speak to me.......and then there was the man pretending to be his wife......

Sometimes in life, one needs to know that lunacy is not always going to be showing up and a thousand other people are getting the same view of people who are trying very hard to be something they are not, all for ......well I do recall threats of suicide and the other fun things people just have to share, as it is all so very important.

People try to control it will mean they have control of their lives and be empowered and not weak. All sorts of interesting things.

I was pondering Andrew Breivik in how he would have been quite a hero around 1000 AD.....probably around the Nazi invasion, the Norwegians would have appreciated a man like him. Odd how the French resistance did exactly what Breivik did to collaborators and they are looked upon with admiration.

Sometimes it is just good in life to know there is a dad who will be led astray, have a moral daughter think things through and decide that mother should have been included, and then mother can decide she is the adult in a house filled with children.
It is what men are good at really. Absorbing things and accepting blame as children grow up and work things out.

I take a yoga pants adventure to one of a valuable lesson. It taught independence. It included peer pressure in why yoga pants are must have items and how listening to peers has one listening to one's conscience later, and it allows mothers to be mothers.

It is nice to have that kind of reality and not have the fiction of people on bad acid trips without the acid.

Odd in this, in how one Fang Jinn post is of such interest to the internet spies. Why would they care about a Jinn in the White House if it was all just something of fiction.
Odd how crazy emails are never grabbed by the NSA. Perhaps they are out buying yoga pants when the bad acid trips are taken.

I tend to be a pragmatist in I see yoga pants as something which barbwire and Texas thorn would like to chew holes in as it left gaping holes in me. I do not think that the Vikings wore yoga pants on voyage. Vikings tended to not be interested in mantras of yoga. Just had lots of wool and leather with Thor doing thor things.

They do not seem to make movies about exciting yoga instructors as 2 hours of watching positions is like 2 hours of bad porn.

Given the choice, I would much rather be told my wife knows more than me, than to be informed in a bad acid trip without the acid, things that one would have to be an Obama voter to think it made sense. The summation is, I get mail that sounds a great deal like when Nancy Pelosi is talking in it is the thing of the lunatic asylum.

So dealing with the enigma of rich people who will not donate and being told I should enjoy starving as the minders threaten me, all with the lunacy of the deranged, it is pleasant to find normal in niches of America.

I wonder if Cafe Press had yoga pants and people could buy them who were nuts if it would chill pill them, KCCO them, or ......well one does not seem to ever see lunatics wearing bib overalls except in the movies. Maybe the cure for it is bib overalls......I have several pair and they do have people conclude one is agrarian.

Perhaps a trade could be made though for one Viking pair of yoga pants for one LC pair of lunatics with slight fringe.

Well all letters look better when one is not in zombie status from lack of sleep. Sort of like yoga pants expeditions which will be laughed about in a coming time. It is the stuff that little girls are made of.
