Monday, September 16, 2013

Operation Code Name: NIGht City

This Aaron Alexis has nothing to do with what is being looked at. He was marked from the start in this and the missing black man is a minder.
This is connected to the triggers of Chive On, in Chris Dorner.

This came out of the Eric Holder NSA cell, but Holder was not aware of what was taking place in this. OCREEP was not involved.

"They" tracked this person of interest in knowing his mental background. He was not drugged, but was jacked up for this in the anger issue in his background, as he once fired a round into his ceiling because a neighbor was being noisy.

What I am getting on this is, this has nothing to do with Putin, Syria or Iran. This is pointing to a preparatory event for something else transpiring. It is why Congress and all DC went into lockdown.

What is the undelaying of this is some study by an insular group, which is represented by one of these individuals Holder tapped for his cell at NSA. If you recall the things posted here about those Obama monkey ads in racism and those horrid big white chompers in purple lips for tooth whitener which made no sense, what took place with Dorner and now this Alexis is part of this, as all America has been in trial underpinnings of mass sway in black violence and white reactions.

This is a pet project in the study of how to trigger black military individuals to become mass assassins. If you remember that DC Sniper of that odd incident involving blacks, it is part of this remedial base study.

I find that part more interesting in someone in the power elite has been allocated resources to do testing on Afroids in a life fire experiment, and apparently are accomplished in what they have triggered in proving a black can be as zombie murderer as any race when right protocols are introduced.
Certainly the "next phase" which this was unleashed for in training the public mindset is of interest as it will target the affluent as these are high paying jobs, and those behind this as the SEALS in maneuvering their slaughter, have an anathema for the Navy. What I am receiving on inquiry is it has to do with a bar fight with Naval personell in the past in which they got thumped.

This was a live fire experiment which makes no sense unless on is studying the psychological manipulations of a genus of humans in the Afroid and the directors of this have an antipathy toward the Navy for personal reasons.
This drill is preparatory for other "events".

I did not expect this level of personal bias in overlapping operational structure in killing several birds with one stone.
There are two female researchers involved in this, dirty blondes with several males and they are getting off on these results.

Not Obama voters, odd in point to Libertarian. Why they vote at all

One of them is married and needs her house painted from Maryland contractors who visited a particular Face Book page..

Nuff said

agtG *****

TRUTH is an entity locked in a maze which can be tormented to bleed for spite, but is necessary as she makes known what their conjurers can not find from the father of lies.
It is why I am not murdered, but allowed to play the Prophetic keys in the guilded maze.

Lame Cherry

Yes I meant guilded