Friday, October 25, 2013

An American President

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

In a serious question, do you think over the past Obama Biden Jinn regime years, that they have had any input at all on the new American jet fighter or any weapons system?

What I mean by this is a reality of, do you think Obama, Biden or the Jinn ever sent off a memo to the Pentagon making any comments on a weapon's system?

I take you back now into history of the 20th century, in that real American President of Theodore Roosevelt, hunter, tracker, scout, military officer, naturalist, explorer, lawman and yes President, to provide a quote from Maj. Gen. Julian Hatcher concerning then the assault weapon of the day, the 1903 Springfield Rifle.

January 4th, 1905

I must say I think the rod bayonet about as poor of an invention as I ever saw. As you observed, it broke off as hit with even moderate violence. It would have no moral effect and mighty little physical effect. This ramrod bayonet business does not make me think we can afford to much to trust in theory.

President Theodore Roosevelt.

Production on this rod bayonet startred on July 1, 1904. Yet after President Roosevelts letter on January 4th, all production stopped as of January 11 on this theory.
Think of that for a moment in a President literally was that involved in knowing exactly what was being produced and then took the initiative to stop a disaster due to testing he was involved with.

It should be noted too, that by April 3rd, 1905, just three months after the hault of production, the miltary was having the 1903 fitted with a knife bayonet by Secretary of War, Howard Taft to fix the problem.

All of this started due to the Spanish American War of 1898 when then Col. Theodore Roosevelt of the Rough Riders, and numerous Americans came into contact with the 7 mm German Mauser being utilized by the Spanish.
The impression of the German Mausers had by April 7th, 1902, 1700 dollars, yes not 17 million, but 1700 dollars for 100 prototypes to be built, which would become the 1903 bolt action Springfield found arming American Soldiers in World War I and the Mexican army perhaps at least on Wild Bunch Hollywood sets.

The value of a real American as President, familiar with firearms and the military proved the foundation of one of the hidden successes of the Administration of Theodore Roosevelt, who not only produced a future President, but the Panama Canal, food safety for Americans and the conservation of game for hunters for generations to come.

That type of asset and speed in rectifying a disaster owes to being noticed and known. Think of that, in a President who personally had hands on knowledge of a weapon used by his Soldiers, and upon finding a lethal problem endangering troops shut production down, and not only shut production down, but had the problem fixed and manufacturing renewed in three months.

That is what one gets with Americans in charge of the government instead of foreign agents.

nuff said
