Monday, October 14, 2013

Holy Fuckwheat

Well holy fuckwheat, as Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was sojourning on another taxpayer paid "working holiday" in Los Angeles, some rinky dink writer attacked Rush Hudson Limbaugh III in making his millions like Bill Maher or some other Mockingbird whore in attacking government for their daily million, when others in real America have suffered what Rush Hudson Limbaugh III never has in watching wheat crops dry up in a drought or the livestock die in a winter storm.

Imagine my ignorance obliterated when Rush Hudson Limbaugh III, rose to his own defense as entertainer of Mockingbird in rising to his defense as only Rush Hudson Limbaugh III could, when Rush Hudson Limbaugh III stated the following.

This needs a quote alert as this is so vital.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh quote

"I know all about this as my grandparents were farmers."

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III end quote.

Well hells bells, shit from shinola, and pull up a straw bale and give a chaw on that grass and let's talk about the weather there bumpkin.........

Let's sing first........

...and she said hello country pumpkin
How's that frost out on the bumpkin
Man sex in hay barns is really sumptin'
Mama loves her country pumpkin

My apologies in maybe not getting that song right, but I never listened to that shit, while baling hay or plowing as, I had on rock music as country music would have probably had me run my head over with a hind tractor tire, as I wore earplugs to try and save my hearing as you needed the radio on wide open to overcome the sound of an engine bellowing wide open, and the blown out speakers made horrific noise.......but none of that makes sense, as Rush Hudson Limbaugh III knows all about farming and ranching as Grampa and Gramma were sweatin' to the oldies down on the farm.

Yes sir, that is why Rusty Limbaugh knew all about soy diesel and corn ethanol to free America from terror oil in being opposed to it, and was not serving big baron oil, and was tossing Gram and Gramps onto the poor farm, in ruining their crop markets.

Yup that Rush Hudson Limbaugh III knows all about farmin' country, and is why he knew UMMMMM Dakota was where the North Dakota oil boom was, and he knew that South Dakota had a snowstorm that killed things.....but only brought his knowing about it to defend hisself from that attack writer, as well it did not matter what his country kin was ah sufferin' from cause down in Cape Giradeau, little Rush Limbaugh was plowing up the downtown raisin' them acres of Hickory King and Cutshort Beans.

Let me just say something here without satire. Rush Limbaugh doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to farming. No offense to Missouri farmers, but those lots they farmed on their 40 acres and a mule when Gram and Gramps were out doing the hoe down, was back in the day when you washed out of life, every idiot ended up on a farm.

Rush Limbaugh wouldn't know single tree from a cooper. Rush Limbaugh wouldn't know an H from an M. Rush Limbaugh wouldn't know a Yorkshire from a Chester White. Rush Limbaugh wouldn't know sheep shit from deer shit.

This is all a personal issue for me, as while this son of the rich elite in Missouri was fucking around all summer being a brat, I was out busting my ass as a child, like all farm children did.

Oh and at 12:53 eastern Rush Limbaugh went into a rage again about herds of cattle perishing in a snowstorm with Sean Hannity..........yes Rush Hudson Limbaugh knows all about it as he SEEN DROUGHT MANY TIMES in living in the ivory tower of southwest Missouri.
Yes sir, nothing like laying on the couch jacking off to Diane Parkinson on the Price is Right while Mummy trims the crust on your 10 am breakfast and watching the lawn dry up, sure enough makes you an expert on farming.

Pardon my western dialect.

Rush Limbaugh, what a fucking asshole.

That really hits the fagsexual butt hole reality now does it not eh?

Ok, as Limbaugh is now kindred with South Dakotans, let's have a little review of this.

Those cattle died, because of several factors. First, it is not like the homestead days of Teddy Roosevelt where stock could drift with the wind to a sheltered spot. Cattle, and if the cattle bought it, the sheep went feets up too as those dumb bastards find ways to die.
When you get 2 to 4 feet of snow, AFTER you have a cold rain, ice, and 50 mile per hour winds are blowing that stuff around, the cows get to a point of milling into a pile as their only wind protection and will suffocate from snow covering them up or suffocating them as they huddle in draws.
It was not that cold, except the cows did not have time to condition in, in growing hair for winter cold. Exposure could have done it too, but if they were fat they should have made it, unless you had some rancher overgrazing and the cattle were in bad shape.

See there are alot of things that can cause dead cattle and Rush Limbaugh would not know any of the above as all he did was jack off to Diane Parkinson as Mum trimmed his crust.........course maybe it was Bob Barker that Rush was lubing up for, but whatever was in that 1970's flashback, the reality is Rush Limbaugh never sowed a kernel of corn or milked an Angus in his life.

......and I doubt that you or Limbaugh would have a clue what is wrong with the above......the smart will jump on Angus in knowing they are beef cattle, but don't break your jack off hand, as you seed or plant sow or drill wheat.

That is why rural people hate city assholes. You always have some fucknuts show up acting like they are your kindred when they are stealing your lives from you the other 50 years of their life.
Everyone knows that farmers always have a daughter they want fucked, need your dropped off box of cats, get a dog you don't want and just love your dropping your goddamned beer cans thrown out the window

Limbaugh quote.

I lived by the Mississippi River so I know family were lawyers and they knew people who had suffered from weather.

Massive wind storm..........quote from Rush was WINTER STORM.

Oh and 4 feet of snow was in the BLACK HILLS...........two feet in the plains.

Limbaugh warned that people still had not dug out of that storm............get your shit straight Limbaugh. The snow primarily melted and then it rained on it.

......and no the blizzard was not two months early Mr. snows in South Dakota October first....the WEEK BEFORE WYOMING HAD SNOW.

OH JESUS H CHRIST!!!!!!! Now at 1:13 pm Limbaugh is back to UMMM DAKOTA in he just mentioned that South Dakota had an oil is FUCKING NORTH DAKOTA that has the oil, as this blog has noted and what is taking place.
What an insult to Americans, in Limbaugh is so half brained, he does not even know which state is which.

If Limbaugh was informed, as he attacked the rancher writing the piece pointing out Mockingbird facts....and the rancher was.....

David Horsey..........rancher.

Next, we make the reality of being if Horsey was attacking Mockingbird talk radio and the government shut down, the reality is if Limbaugh did more than play with this blonde daughter on the couch remembering Diane Parkinson in sticky cushions..............Sen. John Thune was immediately attempting to get the Farm and Home offices open. Thune is GOP.....and Limbaugh would have used that to refute the charges, if he cared about facts and not just his limpidick reputation.

Nothing like Rush Hudson Limbaugh III coming to a story almost two weeks late. This Limbaugh has stolen from this blog often enough. Limbaugh also claims to be always right, but the reality is in this one segment he made almost a dozen flat ass wrong statements.
He does the same thing in proportion in his 3 hours every day.

nuff said.....except I am the only one in the American right ever pointing any of this out in SUBSTANCE and not focusing on what liberals do. Rush Limbaugh does not represent Reagan, the Right or most things American.

Rush Hudson Limbaugh III is a fraud.
