So like TL and I are in this park and these two Stanford gradutes are there, and we know this due to the license plate announcing it.
So like I am tossing some trash, and acting like me in dong mock jumping jacks, and the park police rolls by and I wave and Mr. Skin Head glares at me in his black alien sun goggles.
So like I am sitting in the car looking at the Stanfords unpack a jogging stroller.........
In the left lane of the paved road.........
I think that is dumb as shit.
So the cop glares at me, the forest cop and fish cop, but he does nothing about the Stanford parents.
So like the blonde in her tight ass jogging pants runs up to the shitter to do someting......and up jogs the sperm donor pushing the jogging three wheel stroller.
He stops, and I swear he puts this stroller on an incline in the parking lot, with this massive ass hill just off the lot, and he jogs off about 40 yards by the car TL and I are sitting, back to the SUV and checks to see if the doors are locked.
I am watching this kid bounce around and the stroller in a 30 mph wind is trying hard to join gravity into the lake......if it got moving I suspect it would be going 30 mph down the hill.
I am incredulous as TL and I both are wondering what these two Stanford educated parentally retarded duo are doing breeding.
So like the sperm donor jogs back, and out comes the egg layer ok from the shitter. So in pops the sperm donor to the shitter, and I watch the female hack up this cootie the size of like what 5 normal cooties would be for a normal human.
Then she is like pulling around on these stretch pants and you can see your girdle grannies she is wearing as she starts heaving on the three tires to see if they are up and good for a road trip.
The squirrel cop in his Dodge comes cruising back and just goes back to this whatever, and off trot the duo in traffic with this kid into a cold morning air that is sure to give this kid sinus problems.
I wonder about sperm and egg donors. They sort of should figure out that you do not leave a child alone in the middle of the street, the middle of a parking lot on an incline by a lake, as common sense would indicate that bad things might happen like child nappers or drowning or run over or some eagle swoops down and eats the kid.
The frog cop was glaring at me, but not at the child abandoners. Odd stuff this thing in I wonder how long this kid is going to last in this world with two absent parents who seem to be like the people Adrian Petersen hires to dispatch his wards.
I don't know........just was sharing and all, as people running in traffic, and leaving the kid like that was really stunning to me and I am still stunned that people would do such things.
Then it is the Age of Fang Jinn Obama. Perhaps it is a new form of aborticide with life insurance benefits in you put have the tyke, get the big life insurance policy and leave the kid have an accident as no one would ever suspect university people to be making the easy money that way.
...or there is no common sense in America which is the graduates apparently can fuck to making offspring, but they have absolutely no sense in how to care for them.
Perhaps if junior survives he will be leaving them in wheelchairs to roll off parking garages when the time comes and that life insurance policy is .........well matured.
Note: I have noticed something about rich people...........I go through the effort in rectifying the situation in putting a MOBILE PAYPAL DONATION BUTTON on the bottom of the blogs so there are no excuses and they still are not donating the 350,000 dollars to save TL and I from traffic.
OK here is the breakdown of what it will be spent for:
40% in income taxes.
That leaves 100,000 dollars for a ranchette of 12 acres, with house and barn.
I need a tractor with loader and some tillage things, I can get that used and it will be like 35,000.
I need a pick up with trailer to haul things called livestock, that would be like 40 thousand.
I figure on planting apple trees to sell some fruit in about 5 years when they start producing, again around 5000.
I also need to pack up TL to move to the oasis, and build a survival shelter....that about tanks the 350,000 and making one Obamacare payment before I sink back into poverty, so I do not end up in prison.
That is what the money is for. If it was 500,000 I would try and do a franchise, higher than that I have listed what I would astutely carry out as AlmanzoWilder did in the Little House books.
40 acres of land is now in the arena of 160,000 dollars to grow grain for sale, which I could do on poverty wages. I am not going to waste the money. It will be invested as I do not piss money away as it is too hard for honest people to come across.