Thursday, October 3, 2013

Obama's Gay Time Lover

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter and anti matter, par dux, as someone shut down my power and wiped this exclusive out.

The history of the foreign agent Barack Hussein Obama Chin is one of a myriad of layers and written psychopathies in Dreams of my Obama, in which the Chinoid Barry Chin, confesses his deepest secrets. Here on Lame Cherry is a further revelation to the Obama dirtiest secrets.

When Barry Soetoro was smuggled back into Hawaii, he was gathered to a Chicago pansy, named Frank Marshall Davis by his adoptive Grandfather, Stan Armour Dunham.
In this lewd exposure, the young Obama Chin was exposed to debauchery from ribald poetry to  the scent of Uncle  Frank on him, as his urine stained underwear was on display in an early Barry Obama poem recording the events of his early deviancy and molestation.

In Dreams, Obama Chin recorded an evening when Uncle Frank shattered his world, and left him isolated. It was at that night when Birther Obama stated he felt completely alone in the world.

This begins the revelation of Obama Chin's connection to Keith Kakugawa, the older man in Obama's life in high school, in having hisself attached to another Asianoid who was black of Mongoloid ancestry.

Life of Obama's Childhood Friend Takes Drastically Different Path ... › GMA
Apr 3, 2007 - As first reported by the Wall Street Journal, Ray's real name is Keith Kakugawa. And Kakugawa's life could not have veered more starkly from ...

Kakugawa was the man in the feminine Obama's life and it was by his pursuit of this teenage boy which brought about a relationship which pushed the early sexual boundaries of the person known as Barack Hussein Obama.
And yes as of 2007, Jake Tapper and the entire press knew of this story and covered it up for the installation of Birther Hussein, which is another scandal as Kakugawa appeared in Dreams as "Ray".

Obama confessed this in a most bizarre statement for a boy about another boy remembering in Dreams, when this line was utilized to describe the relationship.

‘I enjoyed his company. He had a warmth and brash humor.’

Normal straight boys would describe another boy of that age as a "nice kid", but Obama focuses upon "warmth" in an intimate relationship and a reality that this male was also one who possessed a brash mouth which appealed to the young Barry.

Upon inquiry, the relationship between the two teenage boys in which Obama pursued the older teenager, was one where mutual masturbation was initiated, and degraded to Kakugawa looking at Sears Roebuck, JC Penney and Playboy photos to which Barry Obama reached out and serviced the teenager.
It degraded to young Barry actually "kissing it" to which Kakugawa recoiled at it being too fag and this started a distancing of the two.

There was mutual tasting of semen, and an event where Hawaiian prostututes where hired, but what was begun as intimate pursuit of Chinoid Barry of another black Asian male, became separation which would expand.
The smoking of weed to the snorting of coke was the interaction of these two boys. The sexual deviancy was limited to the masturbation phase as Kakugawa looked upon the ultimate prize of white women.

Mr. Kakugawa was ushered into his own successful life of a broker, but the downward spiral of narcotics took their effects and he was imprisoned.
The situation degraded when he reached out to his best friend, the now Barack Hussein Obama, chosen for a meteoric rise in the overthrow of American politics, but as Kakugawa learned, Obama had no time for him, and insulted his old  friend, by handing him off to an assistant to dispose of.

As of 2013, Kakugawa had entered into a worst phase in having taken a woman out on a date, he arrived at her apartment and beat her and then raped her, to which he was arrested and charged.

  1. Daily Mail ‎- by Rachel Quigley ‎- 6 days ago
    Keith Kakugawa, 54, from California, was arrested at his home on Sunday and booked into Humboldt County Jail on suspicion of imprisoning, ...

Rumors have been afloat of Kakugawa being very upset and having a list of the skeletons in Obama's closet which could be embarrassing to the Fang Jinn.

Upon inquiry, the situation involved the sodomy, drugs and whores, but something else appeared and this is the story which would bring down the regime and forever end the legacy of Birther Hussein, as it was a criminal act.
It was not theft or murder, but a like act of which Keith Kakugawa has been arrested, as during the final phase of the "pursuit" Kakugawa became aware of an event which Barry Obama had taken part in, as Barry Chin had molested a young boy.

This is what Kakugawa holds and it would be an explosive detail not just in a book, but in the reality of extortion in getting the charges against him dropped. It is also something which would  in logic have him assuming the Andrew Breitbart position, as this regime has a record of silencing those who knew too much, and it started early in Indonesia with the murder of Obama's sister there, who he used to tie up and abuse as was reported here.

Perhaps Jerome Corsi should have not abandoned the Birther story for his sell out of the disinformation of John Kennedy tuned up at 50, because the information is only beginning. It is a reality though that this has come full circle, and as this blog promised not to forget Lawrence Sinclair in his torture by this Obama regime, due to his revelations of homosexual acts with Mr. Obama Chin, and the revelations of Mr. Sinclair's conversations with another Obama sex partner in the murdered Donald Young, that the exclusives in the coming story are here first as usual.

You now know more than was intended ever by the cartel. I will watch again the traffic of this site peak as non donors steal from me in not taking responsibility for things in their rich worlds. No one else will bring you this in endangering themselves as you sit in luxury.

After being destroyed by Uncle Frank, Barack Obama turned to thee only person who appealed to young Barry, and that was a like Asianoid, who Obama could relate to, but Kakugawa had no idea of the Obama Asian mother, who was the anchor wife of Barack Hussein Obama Sr., who upon birthing Barry, sold him to the Dunhams for that forged registration, and she fled back to the Philippines.
It is further proof of Obama's heritage as he chose someone just like him in being a black Asian, just as Stan Ann when ridding herself of Barry, went shopping for another black Asian in Korea.

It is hoped that by placing these realities here, that Keith Kakugawa will survive and not end up puffy pink in his jail sell, unable to tell his story, the criminal contents of it would bring an end to the Obama regime in this Fang Jinn replacement sent packing and the reemergence of the Chicken Entree in the freezer of the executive Doomsday City one mile from the White House.

All exclusives, all of the time, the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter again.

Friends reunited: drug dealer haunts Obama - Telegraph › NewsWorld News
Apr 5, 2007 - "Ray" - the pseudonym Mr Obama gave his school friend in his first book - is Keith Kakugawa, 47, divorced and recently released from prison ...

It is more than drugs in this, it is what Obama did with little boys.

Kakugawa's Face Book Page

nuff said

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Day Tripper- The Beatles - YouTube
Apr 5, 2008 - Uploaded by Brad Dilon
Got a good reason for taking the easy way out Got a good reason for taking the easy way out now She was a ...