Friday, October 18, 2013

Starving on a full Stomach

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter....

I you wrote a book would anyone buy it? If you wrote a book on diet would it become a national craze or is every book a tool of Mockingbird to mould the public into a mindset which is designed to destroy them?

I have a reality for you which is going to make you think, as you will never read things like this, as  all of this information is censored when it comes to eating.

How tall were most people 200 years ago? Did you know the weight of the average Soldier and Trooper in the United States military as of 1880 was around 140 pounds?
Did you know that even as recent as 1970, that a man of 6 feet in height was considered a "giant"?

I place these realities before you as you can go to any New England colonial hom and ram your head onto a door post as numbers of those doors were barely five and a half feet tall, because people were short like the Asians are yet, and that is due to diet.

There have been genetic experiments on Americans in the upper midwest which are creating giants literally in 7 feet tall XXL males are common and average females are indeed what an average male used to be in size.
Humans literally are still growing into their thirties and it has to do with growth hormones being fed into them and it is all an experiment.

In normal terms, the reason an American grew from generation to generation was diet, and that meant an American soil diet of essential minerals, and high quantites of fat content as the human is designed to run on concentrated foods in the meat of grains, meat of nuts, meat of frutis and vegetables and meat.

Bacon, eggs, meat, potatoes, gravy were thee American basis all based upon wheat.

This nonsense now of nutritional sabotage in removing bread from the diet as a problem is not about wheat and gluten being the problem FOR THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE. Yes celliac disease does exist in minority, but the reality it IS the additives put into the bread which you can read on the poison lists is what is inflaming the intestinal wall of these sick people.

One of my cousins who was a Miss something which all of you had seen on televison was married to a big strapping football player from a University, who soon enough got sick with intestinal bleeding and he died.
He went to hospital, and they of course took him off all food stuffs, including no bread as that of course we are told is the problem and he still died.

What did they put him on, but IV's filled with GLUCOSE. Glucose is a CORN SUGAR CONCENTRATE which is in soda, and it is something which makes me very ill. Yes it is other food that will get the blame when it is that hybrid corn fat and sugar which is killing people.

The Bible in Genesis chapter 1 states that cereal grains and nuts were the basis for all food, and the "greens" were put there for animals to eat, in a non meat eating world.

This all needs to be explained as the mindwashed will misconstrue this and miss the point.

What does the human born into the world eat? They are designed to eat concentrated proteins, sugars and fats called mother's milk. Only with this in abundance will a human body grow mentally and physically.
Normal babies are FAT, and that is because they do not move. Once though they start walking all of them on a normal diet start slimming down.

Children need high fat content and concentrations of protein or they will not grow to size. The American diet was proven to produce a healthy, large and warlike person........I place that to you in self governance, as there is an absolute Mockingbird mandate now to change that diet and it is having disasterous effects.

I am not saying people will not get 300 pounds on bacon and eggs, but what I am stating is that people will put on weight, and when they reach age 70 they stop eating as much, and that "fat supply" then nourishes that body to the age of 100 as the body slims down naturally.

What I am stating is that the human body IS due to lack of mineral nutrition and GOOD FOOD, daily being told by the garbage being pushed into it, that it is BEING STARVED. That is why a human body starts putting on mass volumes of weight as people trigger for fast foods for "fat content" which is in most cases now that corn oil fat which the body will not let go of, because it is being told it is starving.

There is no nutrition in what the mass market is producing, and that includes the cereal grains, beans and fruits.
A farmer does not turn over the soil in ploughing any longer, but simply light tills. In your Mexican and California produce states, that soil is all desert sand and without nutrients. The nutrients are human excrement in Mexico and crude oil fertilizers in America. The produce produced all "stinks" like that which it is groing it, so it is either a human "shit smell" or a "petrochemical smell".
The human body taking that in says, "I am eating shit or I am eating a poison crude oil", and it starts immediately looking for an emergency reserve and it seizes upon, those frankenfood corn, canola and soy oils and puts them on as fat desposits as the human body knows it is in a famine, because what is being put into it is not recognized as food.

The human has ONE stomach. The cow has 4 stomachs. A cow does not eat meat, and it you try to feed a cow concentrated fats and proteins it will bloat and die or it will burn out as a cripple in 5 years.
Your teeth, mouth and gut is not designed to push through a literal bale of lettuce a day to get the protein and fat you need to live to run that brain and heart so you are not as zombie or a cadaver. If you try to eat that much vegtable and fruit matter, you will shit like a goose.

Can you live on cereal grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts? Yes you can, but itwill also wear your teeth out and as I have found, your body will due to what is put into those "health foods" end up sucking up all those poisons and kill you.

Can beans and nuts be your meat? Yes they can, but you will have side effects as much as if you only ate meat every day.
There is a reason the Chinese Mandarin who ate millet was thin and sullen and the Chinese Cantonese who only ate rice and seafood was fat. It is diet, just as much as the Japanese eating things like raw seafood and human excrement suffered from stomach cancers.

This is the Life had on a dietary program from the Missouri Synod German Lutherans long ago. It called for clean water as your ADULT beverage, but not alone as people crave things and it is not about anything in God in denying yourself cravings, only not to be gluttonuos.

Breads were the cereals as grain is what God provided originally for people to probably keep them from being Nimrod despots. Meats were cereal grains.
You will notice God gave the Israelites a land flowing with MILK and HONEY. Those are natural products and goat milk is superior to cow milk due to digestibilty factors in numbers of Asians have problems with.......yes the bovine dairy protein. It is not all though, because cheese is certainly made from cow milk and that digests. I though make a point of things to varry my diet and note that cheese is not what makes me ill, but the mold they put into the "American cheeses" as in yogurt being the same is what makes me sick.

God warned the Israelites not to mix things from breeding mules, to unnatural hybrids in foods to not mixing materials in their clothing. There was a reason behind this, as you will notice the Israelites would fast to cleanse their systems, which is who the majority of Americans are out of is Israelites in the lost 10 tribe.
Mix materials in cloth and it might produce a reaction in the biggest organ you have in your skin. Mix your food and it makes your insides sick. Mix the animals up and your animals will die out as mules will not breed as God's Nature abhores mingled genes.

I advocate people eating good food, meaning food which is not starving them. I do not deny myself anything, but do not eat things to gluttony as it will make me sick.
I will also state the last time I almost died, was I ate some organic couscous from the state of Israel which I steamed, so it was undercooked, and within a few hours, my neck and muscles were stiff, I had a headache, chills, fever, and my intestines swelled and shut down, so by 2 AM I was puking for a few hours.........what saved me was apple cider vinegar with some baking soda in a cup of water to settle things down, whereby I passed out and survived.

The point is that organics can be a large problem too.

I would that people would garden with old varieties of crops. I would they had their own fruit trees. I would they would be bothered with milking goats and raising their own chickens which has the opportunity to eat bugs for protein all summer.
In doing that, they then could deal with the horrid mass produced foods in marginal quantities....and if they could blast some wild game in deer with catching some fish, it would give their bodies a break the human body requires.

A reality is this, that FRESH RED MEAT has all the essential nutritional requirements a human needs to live. There is a reality that in England, there is not frozen food, but everyone buys their meat fresh which is healthier, along with not having these genetic veggies which can sit in storage for months without decomposing.

I will frank in this, and it is a reality of scientific observations which each of you try to forget about each day in your bowel movements. You will notice some days that you shit like an elephant and then notice some days you will barely have any bowel movement. What you are witnessing often is your body having a full gut and not recognizing it has any food in it, no more than if you ate a pile of sawdust and crapped it out.
It then grabs all the fats it can and tries to convert them into fats. The next day you barely have a bowel movement because it is recognized as food, and the body digests it all in trying to make up for what it was being "starved" with.

None of this is anyone's fault, as this is the mass food supply by design killing people and frustrating people. People have cravings for being deprived and starved. The solution to work toward is eating a combination of foods in quantities you require which the body recognizes as food.

I have to varry my diet or I get into problems. I can not eat fruit every day, but I varry things with vegetables. I can not eat potatoes every day for starch or I get sick too, so I have to compensate with breads.
Think of it this way in you need a mix of meats in proteins and their fats, for long day energy and to restore you at night. You need sugars from fruits and vegetables for quick burn energy and the carbohydrates from cereals fill in the energy requirements. Portions of each which the body recognizes gives you energy to do things.
Look I have reactions some days when I feel absolutely unplugged, to my heart races to being lethargic and all I want to do is sleep, but I can not as I have to try and get some money to live. What my body is reacting to is poisons and I need to stop being poisoned like all do.
My solution would be the money so I would raise my own poultry, beef, be able to hunt and fish for supplement, along with my garden foods with choice supplements in junk food to take away cravings.

This is all be design to destroy the American race. Probably more civil than murdering all the English, French and German males in two world wars, but just as effective.

It is starving a race on a full stomach, a famine while giving the illusion of a people being fed.

nuff said
