Friday, October 18, 2013

Swamp Kong Killers

I am really upset in I downloaded a book called The Gorilla Hunters and all it seems to be is some blimey natterin' English book that has nothing at all to do with hunting gorillas.

As a child I have related how I was terrified of guerrillas on the news in thinking they were gorillas. The thought of King Kong with a gun was absolutely horrifying in how does one fight against armed monkey men.

Then I read an old old story in something like Sports Afield or Outdoor Life in a hunter in Africa was out hunting swamp gorillas, in the one stud male, who was said to be insane, was in the swamp as swamp gorillas lived there and preyed on people apparently, and as they waded through chest high water, the insane swamp gorilla started hunting them, but they spotted it first and shot the thing.

Was all worse that flying monkeys on the Wizard of Oz for a child and these gorillas in the swamp could bite gun barrels in two and tear a man like a wishbone. Was all exhilarating stuff and I never wanted as a child to run into an insane swamp gorilla, but as an adult it sort of appealed to me in find a swamp gorilla who was homicidally insane, ripping Africans in two and biting off bwana gun barrels before murdering them too.

So I was all fired up upon seeing a book about gorilla hunting, as it would be all political non correct after that hot twat Jane Goodall started making a living off of making silverback males the erotic pleasure after African professional hunters declined to give her a good fucking in camp.......I recorded all that history here and will not repeat what an oversexed hose bag Jane was when she caught African fever and became a monkey expert over night without first or second sloppy seconds by white Kenyan hunters.

I digress, but you never hear of swamp gorillas, as I suppose the mountains had fewer bugs for Jane before she got herself killed.

I remember that ghastly photo in this long limbed sooty looking thing that appeared more demonic chimpanzee than those mountain gorilla types. So whether there were two races or this one was just an oddity I do not know as I had planned on reading of gorilla hunters, but the book seemed to be some fiction

I never have read that people ate gorillas, swamp or mountain. I know the aboriginal eats monkeys, but then again I know people eat people, and ass steak apparently was well marbled like good beef and quite tasty.
This would make sense as the Negroid ass steak has a great deal of fat content, and as they are not overworked would produce a meat that was not tough. I have no information on the Asian immigrant to America in the Indians, as they ate each other often enough, but no reports can found on marbling of Indian ass steak in quality, although Indians would put on a good condition in layering fat, so I suspect the Indian dined well.
I ponder now if like chickens in a Plymouth rock being a more greasy and strong meat compared to a Rhode Island Red, if the different races do indeed have different flavors, but then one will never know such things as serial murderers do not seem to be culinary artists in recording if everything tastes like chicken or if humans are like bear in having a fine pork flavor.

I digress, but it is such a shame in all of this in a book named gorilla hunters should have some kind of gorillas being hunted in it, as it would be like A Christmas Carol instead being about frying green tomatoes or some such  thing.

One could have learned so much, that perhaps only poachers know and never write about, but then poachers only machine gun primates with AK 47's and a full metal jacket 30 caliber bullet of a small 39 millimeter cartridge in length would not be something a hunter would use to shoot a gorilla. But I suppose that the numbers of United States Soldiers murdered in Asians wars from Vietnam to Afghanistan, that that data probably would reflect what might be best to knock the stuffing out of an insane swamp gorilla bent on making your legs a wishbone as it bites the barrel off of your professional hunters rifle.

It is not that the article was that well written which inspired all of this, but it was just as a child it was so bizarre to think people once went out and hunted gorillas as a necessity, as apparently in some swamp some poor Negroids were being killed by an irate primate.

Just think of it, if that hunter had not shot that swamp gorilla, and Jane had showed up later, she might have waded out and got ripped to shreds, whereby crocodiles or perhaps some hyena would have eaten her and pooped her out, and no one would have known a thing about mountain gorillas, except for their throwing poop at you through the bars at a zoo.

Actually for all of the annoyance those psychotic wildlife worshippers put upon the world in their insanity in Born Free type things, it might have been the best if that deranged gorilla had stayed around to pull Jane apart like a pretzel. Odd how nutty apes were once shot and nutty people are given piles of money and fame instead of being shot.

 I really wanted to read about hunting gorillas with big British elephants guns with cordite powder and names like 600 Nitro. I stopped reading though when the first time gorilla showed up and it seemed to be aimed at a woman.
Such disappointment.....but at least have that horrid photo still imprinted on my mind of that insane swamp gorilla all stretched out and still looking crazy and alive.

Oh well, saving swamp gorillas must have been beneath Jane or she didn't like the malaria, and I can understand that as who wants to be a wildlife savior having the bouts of shakes in a moldy old jungle.
Got to wonder though in how intelligent a gorilla would be in if he had a choice of a mountain free of bugs and a swamp with mosquitoes and crocodiles.....that they choose a swamp.

I guess they are called LOWLAND GORILLAS now as that sounds more money donating than rain forest for things die horrid deaths in disease infested places.
Odd how 125,000 primates makes them rare....that sound pretty plentiful really. Would be allot of swamp kong to feed to if you had them show up in your like having Omaha show up for a meal in your town.

More than 100,000 rare gorillas found in Congo -
Aug 7, 2008 - An estimated 125000 Western lowland gorillas are living in a swamp in equatorial Africa, researchers reported Tuesday, double the number of ...

I did check and the book promises that this 1861 book is about the wilds of Africa from some writer who wrote allot who visited there. I might try it again, but it just seemed like reading what they call literature these modern times.
I checked further and it was some Hudson Bay Company clerk who wrote some books, then wrote some other book about the Coral Sea and then wrote about the Coral Sea boys going off on scientific safari to kill gorillas to study them.
Fictional killing of gorillas is of no value no more than reading about Hugh Hefner's fictional sex with Viagra.

The Gorilla Hunters : R. M. Ballantyne (1825-1894) : Free Download ...

Aug 20, 2009 - This was one of the first books that the prolific author Ballantyne wrote. After he had come back from ... The Gorilla Hunters (1861). Author: R. M. ...

Such a waste in so many trees died about a book where no gorillas were killed in the writing of it, and now more things are dying to generate electricity to keep ebooks about fictional gorilla killing in font.

All makes me sad in this, in this fiction like Outlaw Red was a book about Irish Setters I never red, and in knowing Irish Setters, the title would be Affectionate Red, but that would not sell.

Probably nothing about ballistics like Sir Samuel Baker or anything to redeem that book. So many dead trees and pumped out natural gas fields just to keep the electric on for a book where no apes were killed in the production of it.

Where am I going to wear my black dress now that there is no dangerous swamp kong to be read by a crackling fire.

Le sigh*
