Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Demon Dusters

The always experts are so very certain of their physics and other natterings that observations are simply dismissed as what could a common person know of such lofty terms when it has all been deciphered years before, and we know of course the experts can never be wrong about flat worlds and other such laws of science.

I was going to fetch the mail when a corn field nearby came alive. The life was that of the wind and as I stood observing the chattering leaves, I pondered where the whirlwind was, and a few momnets later the little dust devil appeared in violent wisps upon the road.
Being adventurous and childlike, I ran toward it, and a fence was in the way, but I was within ten feet of the vortex and enjoyed the roar of it's passing in the grass.

It made me ponder at that moment the thing of these vortexes, as we all have been told about tornadoes in requiring down drafts, hot air, cold air and other such things, but where are the down drafts and hot and cold air, when it is just a wispy little whirlwind being born in the same savage intensity which lifts and scatters great object?

When I visited the parts of Mars, they on their plains have electrical vortexes which spin and spark much to the delight of the eye...and it makes one wonder what is it on Mars that creates electrical whirlwinds and earth is just left with dust and wind.

A hurricane is simply a big tornado on the water. A cyclone is a big hurricane upon the land. I beg in this in having 4 tornadic manifestations, and yet none of the above have anything to do with the established science of a tornado must have key elements to generate, so how do these manifestations manifest absent of that which is stated is necessary?

The first tornado I ever experienced was unique and absolutely nothing as they should be, so I will call it the Cherry phenomina of tornadoes.
My sisters and I were off to the well for water, when one and a half mile to the south, there was a rather pitiful cumulus cloud.....rather flat thing in a sky without clouds. Out of it though was coming up and down out of it like an elevator, a shaft of spinning air, which was a tornado.
The above photo from the Dakota Territory is a large version of the little beasty I saw.

It was an interesting thing, in it had an apparent appetite for my neighbors apple trees and spent a great deal of time pulverizing them. As I spoke with them later, one of the children told me, "We were in the barn milking and I looked out the door and said, "THERE IS A TORNADO"", and of course most were not inclinded to believe it without seeing.

It did though smash the apple trees and then the cloud journeyed over us and provided a rather dismal sprinkle as I was in the cellar by orders or on the step as even then I hated the idea of being displaced by weather.
So this rather freak apparently does occur, coming out of a cloud too high in the sky, and not possessing anything of the scientific formula of what a tornado should be.

I remember in the dry season watching what looked like mile high plumes of dust devils moving across the farm fields. Once again, these things could cause some interesting damage as I have seen things weighing over 100 pounds lifted and tossed, and come across heavy things moved about, and concluded it was some activity of a whirlwind.

Once we had a memorable storm, when we were not home, and a building my dad had staked down with cables, was literally lifted up off the stakes which were 4 feet long, and simply laid on it's side. That of course is an updraft and it was a category 5 tornado, but it reveals things are not exactly as science would have one believe, no more than a few years ago while a storm was bearing down on us, our yard had like a 100 degree blast of heat from the sky in some saved up heated energy, which of course does point to the need for a tornado to have like all weather hot and cold, but none of it explains why a Cherry tornado exists and these other tornadoes exist in science.

In the above, there are 6 types of vortexes, and each produce the effect of concentrated energy being released. Only one of which though is created by the "theory" of what a tornado is.
Once on my birthday when I was almost killed by a tornado, I observed in a field a most bizarre thing I will term demon dusters in I watched plumes of dusty swirls rising perhaps 40 feet in the air marching across a field. It was a most interesting effect and when I almost did die, I was watching wind clouds literally rolling across the ground in one large dust storm.

The above photo is even more unique in three vortexes are operating, and you notice the symmetry of the vortexes in the main body is in the middle and the two opposing vortexes are on opposite sides in equal measure.
 A "tornado" does have vortexes in the same central spiral, but it is not supposed to have competing suckers, and yet this tornado has just that.

I do not believe the science as it is too flawed. Yes perhaps tornadoes do generate as the always experts state, but they also generate without the effects they state as in whirlwinds, the Cherry tornado and the super spirals of cyclones and hurricanes.
For a reality, one can view snow devils in a blizzard, and it is simply the vortex effects of wind, without the heating and cooling, but a dust devil is generated by higher volumes of heat.

In noting that, I have not witnessed many whirlwinds the past years, and that brings the question in how much HAARP is despoiling the atmosphere, as the conditions which spawn whirlwinds appear to be disrupted in this current age.

There was not a HAARP in the above unique storm in America, but yet no one ever witnessed like tornadoes in this 21st century. The one I beheld was when I was a child and I have never witnessed one since, so the Cherry tornado is probably the most unique thing in nature.......well the most unique thing is a scientist being right.

I place not answers here, but place the reality that the effects of this are something yet unanswered....and I am too tired to inquire or answer then now.
