Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Red Shift

Another Lame Cherry matter anti matter exclusive.......

Not so long ago, almost 100 years ago a group of physicists arrived on the vista of the unknown and using numbers and calculations blindly put forward all sorts of absurd theories.....a theory is a scientific fact which is unproven......sort of like me stating you are a nuclear bomb but you have not just blown up yet.

Such foolishness is what Stephen Hawking has deluded himself to his entire career. Once upon a time there was a theory of a "stationary universe". That meant everyone in science believed that the universe was just sitting there and not moving.
Then of course an Alexander Friedman came up with the expanding universe to which Albert Einstein, another theorist in this "Unified Theory" which is completely unsound, as this universe is a closed dimension, which operates on an overlord principle of God outside this universe. It is why every time these fools who say their is not a God, have to come up with a new theory or new quark building blocks to explain something which is not calculating up.

As a Lame Cherry exclusive in this series, a German physicist Christof Wetterich, has come up with a new theory of sorts which involves atoms doing things to sort of account for the red shift, meaning the Doppler Effect of things looking red if they are moving away from Earth, IR, the Big Bang Theory, which has been the "you are an atomic bomb" idea floating around like a lead balloon for the past decades, what will be explained now simply is what is really out there.

This universe appears as a soccer ball in reality in a series of pentagrams joined together to form a sphere. You will notice immediately from drops of water to planets and suns, that that round thing sort of appears in nature as it is a form of universal dimensional interaction.

To save time, so the Nobel Committee can write out my million dollar check, suppose you are on a race track and your car is called Earth.
Suppose there are other cars on that track moving about you as you are at speed. Are those objects moving away from you even if you are moving at 100 miles per hour in the same direction?
Of course they are, but each of you is moving at approximately the same speed in the same direction, but some are a bit faster, but all are moving.

Think now of the track you are on as an orbit, and the other cars are stars and galaxies, moving away from you, but you are moving too....but all are moving in orbit of a central point which is not visible as the universe is a big place.
That is what the red shift is and it explains everything perfectly well. It also needs not any new oddities in calculations.

See the universe is stationary as a sphere. It though has objects in it, which are moving and that is the red shift. It is both theories which are incorrect, but together they begin to meld into a law, which when understood that God is the hand on the soccer ball directing the "whole universe in His hands" it makes perfect sense.

The Bible says the fool has said in their heart, there is no God.......scientists are fools. Things which are obvious, a scientist makes an enigma by making complicated the simple design.

This bunch will never admit to the Light equals Light Law which this blog has proven, no more than they will submit to the reality of how all of this sphere of pentagrams held together in this universe is  really a simple design that reflects the circular ripples in a pool to the planets in orbit about the sun.

It is ludicrous to think things exploded and are in jagged form traveling out from ground zero, because not one galaxy appears as such. Everything behaves itself and if an immense amount of matter did explode in thermodynamics, the reality is the mass of the blast would have been overcome by the mass of the gravity of the original mass......just like any blast here, blows out, but collapses back upon the central earth base.

None of this is that complicated. It is just science seeing an elephant turd on the ground, and immediately thinking it is some new species of plant life which decomposes on itself in compaction.

Everyone of them believed in a flat world until someone said it was round. Everyone of them believed in a stationary universe until someone said it was expanding. Well the earth is not exactly round and the universe is in orbit on itself.....but until these bone heads have one of their own turn the light bulb on, it will be more of this rigging and jigging things as they are all too intelligent to be told anything in their ignorance.

That is about all I want to deal with on this subject as I have life and death issues of much more importance.

nuff said

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