Friday, November 8, 2013

The Savage and the Wild

It always is interesting in how the most excrement of mouths producing non stop shit for brains in making certain they attack people in hurting them before they are hurt, like Michael Savage, Mark Levin etc... always turn to animals to be their higher order to shield them, as dogs always absorb emotion and give positive emotion back.

In Savage's case, he was featured here before he went radio suicide in attacking his income provider and nuking his mic head, in Mr. Savage was hiring mercenaries to murder people in Africa to protect elephants as he had transferred his fido on to the elephante.

Yes the same Savage of Ashkenaz lines whose Ashkenaz financiers are looting Africa, and when Paul Wolfowitz tried to put aid money into African's hands the Ashkenaz bankers destroyed him, set up Obama so they could get all the Libyan oil and goodies elsewhere, just can not see that poachers are made poachers because the elite has stolen all the African wealth.

The above photo is what an elephant is. A large creature that has fits of rage. They like getting hold of blacks and beating them against the trees, preferring legs as arms tear off, for the experienced pachyderms.
Then if they have tusks like kneading them into the dirt and then stomping them with those huge feet.

The old white humor line in Africa is that black stuff between an elephant's toes is the natives.

Elephants do not belong around people, because elephants eat the food people try to grow to live. Elephants break things and they are expensive to have around, and considering most African are expected to live 70 years on  a Dinesh D'Souza 1000 dollars like I am suppose to here as the rich do not donate, it becomes the point in the elephant is an animal best not thought of as a lap dog, but as a creature that requires huge spaces which there are fewer of, and it needs to be taught in being shot by hunters that if it leaves those parks now shut down for hunting that it will be dead. In that elephants are managed, because licenses pay for their home rental in the park and the natives when a hunter bangs one, gets a pile of meat to eat.
The licenses pay for the park rangers who then go off and keep the poachers away, as small wonder the best poachers are hired to be rangers as they know the elephant and other poachers best to keep the elephants who are staying in the park safe.

Hunting is the only means which provides the best life for any wild game. The surplus is cropped, the hunters pay fees, and that makes a good healthy place for the breeding pool to live. It is just like your chicken sandwich, except instead of Tyson on a chicken farm, it is a hunter with a professional hunter harvesting something to feed people.

Enough of this lesson in game management from Peter Hathaway Capstick. Although Capstick did mention about cropping people too. The cartel is doing that to Africans in communists destroying things and blacks being infected with aids, but it seems less sporting than just.........well like hiring Obama's supposed relatives in Kenya to get a load of Oprah for the slave ship in good commerce.
Odd in that is it not, in slavery which blacks were better under in they lived, and the elephants lived, has been replaced by the Michael Savage civilized way of murdering blacks with disease and Savage's hired guns, while the elephants die too as the Africans hate these big blessed murderous things busting down their huts and killing them.

My mood is a caged animal today and am snarling, so I really do not care who is hiring who to be murdered to soothe their savage breast or what elephant is killing someone in Africa. Probably should be more of it. Probably should just stop the farce in the cartel just releasing some plague to kill all the blacks and Arabs to replace them with something more productive like a wog from India.
Did it before and is all happy feudalism.

One thing about all this savage cartel stuff is they are all so pansy about it all in pretending to be civilized in all this murder in not going for the pandemic or the nuke. Yes just hire guns and not people with nukes and yes just let blacks fuck themselves to death with aids instead of just releasing a load of ebola to end it all quick.

Enough fun. Kitty is not in a playful mood.
