Friday, November 8, 2013

The Obamapology

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........

While Rush Limbaugh is on the MIC Mockingbird propaganda that Obama is incompetent, that Obama wants his own system to fail for single payer and other such things, you my children due to my not having internet access have been deprived of the real story in this as you Pied Piper your way over the cliff.

I will post here the reality of the Fang Jinn's apology in the Obama skin form on NBC in the F. Chuck Todd General Electric theater, but for the rich you really need to make the effort to make that 350,000 dollar donation. I realize that a few of you have attempted and the regime erased the Paypal logo, but time is not just money, but your lives when this breaks, as the "Obama apology" is a red flag, rockets red glare moment that something is terribly wrong.

Upon Inspiration and inquiry this will be taken apart by God's Grace as I listen to sirens going off a block over...........

What is taking place in the Obama apology, came from the Hillary and Bill Clinton camp. While the Clinton's do not give the orders, the catch phrase that Bill enjoys is, "You better tell that smart boy he better apologize".
The reason on this are two fold. The Berlin group, or the Rothschilds are not moving on this in their Designer Negro, but this is coming from the Socio Conglomerates, the Wall Street moguls, the Oil Barons, the financier tycoons and of course the General Electric Nazi corporations who are fed regime trillions in this burgeoning Marxist America.
George Soros and Warren Buffett are involved in this behind the scenes and there is concern in this that a revolution is in the process of generating over this Obamacare degradation. This is not coming from the right wing, but it is the left wing in America that is looking hard at this.

The Socio Conglomerate is fully aware of what this blog broke in FUXNET. Whether their following intelligence came from this blog or from their own MIC sources, is a mute point, but this group knows completely that there is another shoe to drop in FUXNET DUX or FUXNET II. I have mentioned that there is a "viral" spread of "computer problems" in this sequence which will be blamed on Obamacare's crashing their servers, and it will be blamed for a crash of the welfare credit card system, which was already tried out as a warning shot when the Walmart shoppers all went wild in no credit limits were appearing on their welfare charge cards.
I will not reveal the date period of that next operation, but it is on the horizon, and that will be a focal point to have Obama's own raise their own enclaves, which in turn will allow the right wing to display arms in protection, and if that is allowed to graduate by a miscalculation by Holder's KGB, then the projection is a return of Posse Komatatus will envelop America.

I have not written of this as there have only been hints of this, but something is generating upon an original posting warned here from Day One, that the Obama entity will lose the nation and rule from a postage stamp sized plot of land. A Jeroboam is out there, and he will govern the majority of America in this sequence.

The second part of this Socio Conglomerate concern is the reality that the Barry Chin is a dead duck politically, if not in reality a frozen chiken entree in cold storage underground one mile from the White House.
The concern of a revolution which has the oil barons lowering prices again in trying to difuse things again, is pitted now on the realities of the money flow to the conglomerates like GE in this Nazi state of "state business", the high crimes committed in the looting of the Treasury, with the matter of necessity in Obamacare is millstone around the necks of Democrats for 2014, which even the dithering of Boehner and McConnell might not be able with blackmail and bribery not heading off a GOP super majority in 2014, in the way it was predicted would be the case in the 2012 election to keep gridlock (that is what we want folks in a Limbaugh quote) so the Obama regime is protected.
This then comes to 2016 and Hillary Clinton does not want anything this destructive regime of Obama has caused to be hung around her neck either. That is the second part of the Obama apology on his GE network. The regime is being distanced and will be blamed, all to install Dame Hamrod.

There is a fight going on in this, and that fight is for the protection of the feudal criminals involved in all of this, and that is what an Obamapology is about. The Designer Negro was sent out to shrug it's Fang Jinn shoulders and to say the darkie was in the dark like all the rest of DOA America on this.
It was the Obama minstrel show giving the public what they expected without song or dance.

Now you rich people can go back and fiddle and think that all your money is safe in all those e accounts and e investments, which can go terminal, with the announcment that there just were no back up drives for any of this.

OK this has to post tonight and I have to check this. You just click an e check to my Paypal to ease your guilty conscience and we all will be having a good night.

nuff said

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