Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lame Cherry Breaks the story for the Washington Times

 It is interesting how the stories broken here nationally suddenly become stories in the national media on the Drudge Report.

That little Robert Morton allied crew over on the Mockingbird right housed at World Tribune and the Washington Times has after the Murder, Mayhem and Obama Mutardedness out in South Dakota involving Chicom money dumps there in importing Asian spies and money laundering to the Dennish Daugaard state, finds that the notorious EB5 program behind all of this is as predicted, ushering in Obama's Islamocommunist Iranian terrorists into America.

I have a visual of a strip mall in Kansas City which by magic is suddenly going all Vietnamese in another money laundering venture into America. I told you this was going on all across America, and it is why you are seeing all these rich foreigners showing up and shoving Americans out of the way in malls, as they have bought an Obama  Green Card, and numbers of them are state agents spying on America in espionage of government and industry.

It is interesting that the Wash Times lost sight of the Dennis Daugaard crime regime in South Dakota, as that would filter into the GOP power ops, that runs into John Thune in the Senate. It is a matter though as this blog stated that the money change there was run out of Aberdeen South Dakota, and that is the home turf of Senate Majority leader Tom Daschle at Northern State University.
See this is filth and fraud from the top down in both of these fraud political leaderships protected by the likes of Chris Matthews and Rush Limbaugh.

There is definite smoke here when the Wash Times is cleansing the stories by lighting a backfire aimed at Iran, instead of the Chicom flow into illegal South Dakota led by crook Dennis Daugaard.
I said that things were going on here that were larger in the feds were sent in to sniff around to break the former Governor, Mike Rounds in getting the Tim Johnson senate seat there, that bubblehead sold to Obama illegally for the passage of Obamacare.
It might be that Al Franken stole that 60th vote for Obama out of Minnesota, but it was Tim Johnson who greased the skids, and it is his Federal Prosecutor son who had to have drawn wind on the South Dakota investigation first in political intrigue and misuse of power.

This blog gives credit to the Holy Ghost and the Gunther roots in observations for this story, which has now broken national as it should, as back fires are being lit and it is exposing an entire treasonous group of Americans who are in bed with enemy agents, who started this with George H. W. Bush in tandem with a democratic Congress. That smarmy lot undid all of what President Reagan accomplished and this invasion of America shepherded by financier and intelligence machinations is as immense and heinous as Operation Paperclip which imported all the Nazis from Germany after World War II.

It is a reality that the Attorney General of South Dakota is covering this up as the Obamacan Governor, Dennis Daugaard oversaw this criminal fraud there. I have stated that every state has this criminal entreprize and yes we mean ENTREPRIZE taking place and the Wash Times is after the Iranian communists while it seems terror nabber Sam Brownback of Governornatorial Kansas with Kevin Yoder the nake rising moon of Kansas City are growing white Muslims to nab and brag about who are trying to blow up Dorothy's bloomers.

As this is a Lame Cherry Exclusive that Drudge drone Alex Jones should be hammering on his Sunday brunch program, the name of this criminal GATE is ENTREPRIZE GATE in honor of TL who created the word.

This story will bring down the Obama regime, as I told you, along with those frauds like Dennis Daugaard the Mutard of South Dakota in the GOP working for Obama. There is a dead body from "natural causes" in South Dakota in the person who oversaw Northern Beef Processors, and that corpse was murdered upon inquiry.

As a poor popular girl, I have to now go find and install a car battery on Sunday, while the rich can afford to do the things rich people do. This story was broken by this blog. It was from the work of a democratic woman in Kathy Tyler in South Dakota demanding an investigation in that state as to what happened to a fortune which disappeared.

THIS IS A LAME CHERRY EXCLUSIVE IN MATTER ANTI MATTER AGAIN, like it always is, in this blog leads the way and is publishing stories which make the elite publish their own accounts. It would be nice just a few  times for rich people to dig down and put up the cash as only this blog is doing the work of the media in the world in exposing any of this from the start of the stories.

nuff said and donate.


PS:  This post is brought to you by hi-speed WiFi Internet, which miraculously disconnected in public just as soon as I started posting this.  Interesante... the manager of the establishment just happened to come by and check on me too.  Fun times being the popular girl.