Monday, March 25, 2013

Jim Carey in white face paint

Let us face one thing perfectly clear, that if Jim Carey had put on black face paint, spit watermelon seeds, lazed in the shade jacking off as he ate chicken, there would be outrage, but since it is rural Americans, Americans suffering from Alzheimer who are all white, then it is all something funny to a racist like Jim Carey in dismantling the United States Constitution.

The reality is Carey is a racist and that fact is he ignores that black Americans, Asian Americans, most of Indian Americans are all gun owners, and their ranks are growing each day as the thin blue line of showing up 30 minutes after you bled out is the reality of America.

"Charlton Heston movies are no longer in demand, and his immortal soul may lay forever in the sand. The angels wouldn't take him up to heaven like he planned, because they couldn't pry the gun from his cold dead hand," Carey sings, with help from famous peace advocates Mahatma Gandhi, John Lennon and Abraham Lincoln -- all peace promoters assassinated by gunmen.

There is problem in Carey being ignorant of history, as Abraham Lincoln was not a peace advocate in he chose war, the most brutal kind of nation rape war on the South in releasing slave terrorists throughout the south.

Gandhi was quite firearms oriented in this quote.

"Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest." -- Mahatma Gandhi ...

Even John Lennon before his death, had become a staunch supporter of Richard Nixon and the right in America.

The fact is the "men of peace" that Jim Carey attempts to profane from the grave, chose brutal war, wanted people armed and used pacification to bring down an armed people he could not win a war against, but knew their morals would preclude their murdering him in Gandhi, and John Lennon the dope headed peace twerp, grew up before his death in rejecting all the garbage of the left.

Jim Carey is in his ignorance exposing more things about Jim Carey in racism in deeming people of brown and black skins not capable of owning firearms nor capable of defending themselves.

The reality in gun ownership and those who want to deprive ownership is a reality that Jim Carey lost the debate and stooped to using a dead Charleton Heston to drag him around the cinema to make a point, that Carey is a cruel person inside, for he never sees guns defending America, families or children, but deep down Jim Carey sees guns, as he views the world in his heart as something which he could not be trusted with as he would murder people, including children with those guns.

Carey attempts to use the psychological psychopathy that men who have guns are making up for lack of penis size. With women arming themselves in America, Carey does not even mention women a chauvinist in what they might be attempting to make up in being raped, robbed and murdered.

For the reality, people turn to comedy because they are miserable inside and want attention, and hide behind the laughter. Carey never has been like all of these gun grabbers ever been able to carry on a sustained relationship with any human of the opposite sex.
As noted Carey, made the point of including children and bending in one of his rants that he calls humor, but exposed Carey to the question of what is really going on in his head in using children as a tool to get what he wants, with sexual undertones.

I have endured a few of Jim Carey's movies. He is not funny unless one is 3 years old and likes a great deal of screaming and movement. Frankly, Carey should be aware that the very people he is attacking in his rants are the ones who paid for his rich life, as that is the class of people he appeals to mentally.
They though are waking up to what Jim Carey is, a broken persona who has not worked in years, and who has a mind that it never crosses the reality that women, blacks, Asians, latinos and Indians are all gun owners, but nary a word is sung about any of those groups as Jim Carey considers this a "white only" issue of people who are "those people" that the Letterman cocktail crowd want aborted out of existence.

Jim Carey issued a quote which sums up what he is:

"Thx 4 your input 2day. I don't think i've ever felt so despised and so free at the same time. It's been delightfully. ;^}"
Interesting in Jim Carey, equates being despised, as he attempts to still be a child in writing juvenile, with being free at the same time.

Jim Carey did this to be abused, to be punished, for whatever sins he has harboring inside of hisself, and that is what has freed him as finally he is being punished to a level that makes him feel free from the guilt.

Analysis is Carey is guilt ridden over taking so much money from poor gun owners for his fantastic existence he is imprisoned in, but he can never do the right thing in returning all the money.

So many of these white face paint rich artists like Randy Newman, see this as a white world. Jim Carey never seems to notice the piles of dead Muslim children who needed more protection from Barack Hussein Obama than they ever did from anyone on the planet.

Barack Hussein Obama has murdered more brown skin children than Sandy Hook or the Batman theater, and Jim Carey, Dianne Feinstein or Nancy Pelosi will never call for Obama control.

That is always interesting in these racists like Jim Carey that dead white children in Sandy Hook matter and the dead brown skinned children created by their donations and support of B. Hussein AKA Barry Chin never crosses their minds.

So pleased Jim Carey that you decided like your liberal race baiters to expose yourselves again.

It appears like all of these Obama voters, that they want that Designer Negro to carry out the murders and rapes which Jim Carey dreams about, but never has the balls to act out upon...........but to do it to those bitchy white women like Lara Logan getting dirtied up by Egyptians for rejecting Jim Carey in school and offing those Arab children as there is a difference in Jim Carey between white children and those "other skinned" children.

Just like there is a difference in Carey Obama's America is different from those "other rural Americans".

God bless you Jim Carey, in the Holy Ghost of God and the Lord Jesus Christ visiting you with all the necessary means to have you repent in Jesus Name Amen.

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Michele Bachmann's Slushy Thirds

Did I not tell you my children that Michele Bachmann's entire demeanor changed in 2012 in the middle of that Romney election theft?

Did I not tell you that she was being blackmailed on something. Did I not tell you how odd it was that she refused to attack Romney in the debates and then came out as his apologist in all the flip flopping he did?

This is the Rovians being fed Obama windfall spying on Mrs. Bachmann in one more political rape of an American woman. The Rovians went one better in setting up a funny money scheme on Bachmann to nail her on this public charge.

Across the board, it does not make any difference as you can see the absolute "sign ons" like Rand Paul who are there to manipulate you, and then there is the Kristi Noem types who look dumb as a post like a deer caught in the headlights.
The intelligence apparatus is geared to rear and control every single person, and that includes that traitor of Justice John Roberts.

The entire scenario is the same Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace set up of John McCain and Sarah Palin. It is Rovian insiders who hire themselves into campaigns and then start the process of clever

One can hear the Richard Nixon rapscalions dusting off the old playbook as the same exact phraseology is appearing that Dan Rather was fed from.............Prescott Bush's people back in the day.

Former staffers tell The Daily Beast that investigators have allegedly asked about allegations of improper transfer of funds and under-the-table payments actions by Bachmann’s presidential campaign, specifically in relation to the campaign’s national political director, Guy Short, and Bachmann’s onetime Iowa campaign chairman, state Sen. Kent Sorenson. Questions directly about Bachmann, they said, have been primarily focused on what she knew about those men’s actions and when she knew it.

Yes the Conservative Lady from Minnesota who was George W. Bush's biggest fan in being all of the guy, has now been taken out and politically raped by Mitt Romney, Karl Rove and here comes Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder for slushy thirds.

For those who think any of this can be salvaged, it can not, as America is nothing but a gang rape blackmail thugocracy that is worse than anything Vladamir Putin has ever come up with.

Now that you have had time to sink in that quote to remind you about "What did the president know and when did he know it?"

You know who said that? Yes it was quoted by Dan Rather, but in Mockingbird this blog will exclusively stun you on something again.

Howard Baker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1971, President Richard Nixon asked Baker to fill one of two empty seats on ... having asked aloud, "What did the President know and when did he know it?

 Want to know something else about our good friend on the right, Howard Baker? I bet you never realized that Ronald Reagan brought in Howard Baker to "fix things" after George H. W. Bush almost bumped his way up in assassination and Iran Contra coups to the Presidency, that it was Howard Baker who led the "senility coup" in being concerned about President Reagan's "mental capacity" and set the President up for a "test" one morning, but  Reagan passed with flying colors, unknown to Mr. Reagan, or they were going to force him out on incapacitation grounds.

Oh yes, the GOP in all of these closet coups,  but the problem is it is not the GOP, but these damned Mockingbird shills crawling all over the perch, and destroying American Conservatives.

For the records my children, this BLOG EXCLUSIVELY exposed that Obama's donor numbers could not match his donations. Yet it is Michele Bachmann who is being targeted.....yes no Obama answering about that 300 million in terror funds he laundered into his campaign in 2008 either by Penny Pritzker in credit card fraud, and you got stuck with that shadow TARP bail out.

Amazing isn't it all.....Robert Morton at World Tribune and none of these people on the right just can never find these stories or pound them, but they can censor this blog, and oh yes, now they are going to start an internet news channel JUST LIKE THE ONE I WAS TRYING TO SET UP TO SAVE AMERICA, to which I was shunned.

So let us review in this, like patterns, same GOP RHINO Rovians, and a history of this of 30 years. This feudal cartel is wiping out EVERY American in Congress, so do not buy the Mark Levin bullcrap that you have Conservative in there, because if they are in there, they are bait and switch and will let you down just when you need them like Lindsey Graham does non stop or Orin Hatch.

As this is my exclusive, I term this one SLUSHYGATE, in another political gang rape of an American Conservative.

At least Sarah Palin learned to like her Big Gulp finish as all had a happy ending.

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The Horizon Events & Focal Points

With the Drudge headlines, you are witnessing what this blog exclusively predicted would take place in an inter European "suits on the ground war", in matter anti matter exclusive years ago as proven in the archives here.

What is being done is the central European aristocracy is destroying competitors, not in war, but in economic warfare to gain control.
This is based upon the 7 Years War, in it was England and the Hanovarian Germani led by King George and Fredrick the Great, against the pussy mob of the cunts of France, the Austrians and Russians, as women were in control of these empires in the FIRST WORLD WAR IN HISTORY.

What is  being accomplished now is the gutting of Spain and Greece, as the Anglo American finance was destroyed by Obama in 2008 to create his Super Depression, which has bleed America to death, as France has socialized itself to this venereal disease.

As you will be reminded in 2009, Obama sent Eric Holder into Europe to "find" American independent assets there and put them under regime control. The same fixture is now taking place in gutting competitors in south Europe, and of course once again the Russian is being raped, robbed and murdered of all assets as this order does not want to leave one crumb available to contest their Neo Roman Empire that the False Fran is now negotiating his soul over at the Vatican.


40% grab on accounts above €100,000...

Russians stand to lose billions...

Prepare to quit Cyprus...

Destruction of a tax haven...

Clash with Germany...

Regulation wipes out profits for UK banks...


What is happening is the water has broken and Europe is about to deliver the beast from the vagina of the whore who impregnated her with wealth.

You, Americans, in the trillions Obama stole from you and making you debtors funded this in Asian in the New Asian Order and the Neo Roman Order in this criminal enterprise.
Regrettably it was dope funds that the Muslim took in and Putin was paid off with Slavic twat like some Ottoman. Pity that as I do like the Slavs and soon enough their Prague is going to be nuclear wasteland as a gash of hybrid poison WMD is sprayed  Texas wide from the North to South to stop the invasion.

That though is future, and what is present is Obama has issued his timeline in border busters in America being 1 MONTH. That means whatever heinousity he will unleash in mad Jokers and Hooker going wild will coincide with that event, and the removal of guns from America.

All fluid for the fancy, but this will be a prelude to things in America in a day coming when the government will mandate a direct seizure of all Treasury financed wealth.....that means anything of value in America based upon the dollar in stocks, bonds, gold shares, retirement funds and saving's accounts.

As of exclusive here, I will remind that Obama wants the Dow to hit 15,000 to keep the illusion running the Super Depression is not here. The stock drops were just profit taking in the trillions more, and will rise again, as you have to know my babies that Cyprus was engineered too, to destroy a TAX HAVEN, meaning it is herding money where the cartel desires to have it.

Enough of the prediction reminders, and the projection point of what is to be horizon events.

I do conclude though it would be cherry to appoint me as Regent Executaire in ruling the Slavic peoples. It would be great fun, as my children would pluck my waterfowl on Hungarian and Romanian hunts. They could skin my Polish bear so I could lay before the fire they gathered wood for, as I gave them pleasure in their serving me.

The could keep their children in not being sex slaves, keep their crosses to all pray to Jesus, keep their lands to grow peppers, melons and tomatoes I would admire, and when Putin sent in the tanks, I would let him pass through to central Europa as nothing in my little garden would be worth fighting for a mass raping.

One thing has always puzzled me about Slavia though, and it is the fact they grow peppers up the arse there. Paprika, hot peppers, frying peppers.....they just do not seem like spicy people like the Mexican and it is not hot in Slavia I will not call my dominion by a slave name.....ah yes, EASTLANDIA.....pretty name as the Slavic peoples are pretty.

Where was I?

Oh yes peppers, the Thai's have high heat but it is sultry there.

I would invite Lidia Bastianich from Create Television to be Italia Monarchia....some kind of title like Contessa where she could rule what is not northern Italy, and I could enjoy her cooking......she could prepare me roast duck and goose.
Everyone would be happy and when Jesus came back, everyone could worship Him and I could invest copious amounts of lead into hunting.

If only Vladamir Putin would just become head of the Russian Orthodox Church and have Jesus fix things for my Easlandia children.

What the heck is up with the surveillance today......did not think a prayer and a pets in Heaven was that interesting.

Must be the paisley .......

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My Dear Mr. Jim Carey

Please Mr. Carey, know that I will fully and completely back your charges with you in disarming Americans and will promptly join you, as soon as you hand over millions of dollars to me, so that I too will be able to hide behind hired guns, million dollar security systems and entire police force in high gate enclaves who invest all their energies protecting you Mr. Carey, and not Mexican lawn mowers or Asian fry cooks or black garbage men or those white people who wait on you at Starbucks.

Jim Carrey releases song for 'heartless motherf***ers unwilling to bend for safety of our kids'...

Gunowners have 'very little in their body or soul worth protecting'...


Yes Mr. Carey, as soon as you come out from behind your million dollar security and let WE THE PEOPLE in who are hounded by Obama drones, shot at by Obama Nidal Hasans, blown up by Obama al Qaeda and murdred by Obama's Eric Holder and Obama's Janet Napolitano records it all for "cheetos time" at the Obama movie night.......I will fully back your claim.

Ah note to PEDOPHILE Jim Carey, when you write songs about "motherf*ckers" BENDING, you perhaps are protesting too much in your perverted sexual profile, and should have someone monitor your psychosis rants before they profile you.
Mr. Carey, it was Mr. Obama bending little blonde girls over his lap at Sandy Hook.

The same Mr. Obama you vote for Mr. Carey.

In your case Mr. Carey, it takes one to know a Mr. Obama.


Prayer of Degree

The LORD hear thee in the day of trouble; the Name of the God of Jacob defend thee;

They have heard that I sigh: there is none to comfort me: all mine enemies have heard of my trouble; they are glad that Thou hast done it: Thou wilt bring the day that Thou hast called, and they shall be like unto me.

Let all their wickedness come before Thee; and do unto them, as Thou hast done unto me for all my transgressions: for my sighs are many, and my heart is faint.

But they mocked the messengers of God, and despised His words, and misused His prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against His people, till there was no remedy.

Therefore shall their calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall they be broken without remedy.

I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto Me; and if not, I will know.

Set Thou a wicked man over them: and let Satan stand at their right hand.

When they shall be judged, let them be condemned: and let their prayer become sin.

Let their days be few; and let another take their office.

Let their children be parentless, and their spouse a widow.

Let their children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places.

Let the extortioner catch all that they hath; and let the strangers spoil their labour.

Let there be none to extend mercy unto them: neither let there be any to favour their fatherless children.

Let their posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out.

Let the iniquity of their fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of their mother be blotted out.

Let them be before the LORD continually, that they may cut off the memory of them from the earth.

Break thou the arm of the wicked and the evil person: seek out their wickedness till thou find none.

Thou hast rebuked the heathen, thou hast destroyed the wicked, thou hast put out their name for ever and ever.

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee: for Thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee.

For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.

That he who blesseth himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth; and he that sweareth in the earth shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten, and because they are hid from Mine eyes.

For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:

The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

And they shall put My name upon the children of Israel, and I will bless them.

Amen and Amen and Amen



As I have some time in this day, I have been meaning since the death of the Tiger Lily's puppy to explain some things in Revelation Inspiration as the Bible is quite silent on animals in the Life to come and as this has been part of my vocation wherewith I have been commissioned to fill in the silent places of Scripture and Prophecy until things engage, then this is a place to address this so people will understand and be comforted in it.

It might be of interest to know that in Genesis "living soul" is equal in people as well as animals. They though are not the same, as people are in the image God, while animals are creations of God's Inspiration. One will become the children of God and the other are the creations of God.
That does not mean though that animals are relegated to being nullified in the vermin working for current eco terrorist policy in devouring our wildlife, pets and people for predator wildlife rapine instead of human husbandry as the Bible teaches, is sin, while wildlife, livestock and pets are God's good.

Let it be stated what all are aware of, in there are good an bad animals just like there are good an bad people.

I have had wildlife like chicadees delight me in being so happy in my feeding them, just as my puppy Ruby, to my cow pony, to my goatikins......all are wonderfully nice animals being both living and dead.

Animals have life in them, and as this blog has explained, God made different animals with different emotional reflective qualities to reflect humans. Some animals are demonic influenced, some work for God's purposes and all make base brain decisions in being good or evil.

For example, TL's puppy, Vashti. She made a decision to be a good girl. She had personality, character and of course her mistakes in thinking like all bright animals they are more intelligent than people........and these days most animals are more Wise than people, as animals at least know what they are........but the point is, some animals in their "souls" are reflecting people for that next spiritual evolution, which I believe will take them to a resurrected state of being immortal in delighting their owners in the Kingdom to come and eternity.
It is a simple thing, and it extends to wildlife that God is watching as God knows very well which animals are of good character and which are Obama voters. It is something worth contemplating what that poor dog the Obama's pen up has to overcome in having a blasphemous Obama heading that pack and not reflecting that outfit in order to be a good puppy answering to God.

The main point in this is that animals in assocation with humans, and that means wildlife too in associations with humans do take on good traits or they can become base in raping each other, fighting with each other, bulllying, destroying human property, being influenced by satan or murdering each other, other creatures or humans.

Good animals will share a good reward. They are not going to be the children of God,  but they will be on levels of reward in how spirituall evolved they are. The same Patrick Swayze in  Ghost in moving the coin, is the same power humans have and the same growth animals have.

I know my Setter, Ruby is alive. Had her around here after she died. It was not a psychic imprint, but it was her. She poked my hand one time, and I could feel her being sad that I did not let her in the house. I told her to get it together and come in and that she could go through walls now, as she was in a different form now.
I still feel her here, but I think she is heavenward more. I got distinct flashes of her twice before Vashti, TL's puppy was killed. I presume that she was coming to check on me, as Ruby knew what was about to take place.
In a thing which still puzzled me, on coming here from TL's this past summer, I saw a dog like Vashti laying and waiting on an off ramp on the interstate. It was haunting, and I wonder if that was a sign of something.

I do know I felt and saw Vashti immediately after she was killed. She was then quite boundless in energy, busting cover as not encumbered by cold or restrictions. She was busy for days doing this and she did eventually figure this out in she was not being in the kennel any longer and people seemed not to notice her.
Vashti though did make it inside the home, and TL did get bumped by her and the puppy is transitioning in things.

As I type this, I have the distinct impression that my Ruby is teaching her things and with her now. Those two together would be a comedy routine and well suited to the time. I feel good about that in them being together as it helps me in missing Ruby, as she needs someone too.......and more than having me pet her when she shows up here.

People have to know that animals are in transition when they die. Their bodies like human bodies are no longer important to them. God has all that God Light creation material He keeps track of and like the dry bones can knit them all together again just in particles. The good animals live on in an enhanced soul form...........a little lower than or equal to humans who never have the Spirit of God sown into them.
God did not waste all that time creating animals to simply discard the whole lot. He is the God who lectured an angry Jonah at Ninevah about the animals and stock there in taking them into consideration in not destroying that repentent city.

God gave me Ruby, after a prayer and after some very evil people almost destroyed that dream all from satan. I have had some good dogs and some bad I had to shoot. That is life and the way things are, and God can sort out what needs to sort out, and while a Blue Healer I shot for being murderous, it is up to God how things go. Evil is evil though and just as I conclude my dad is in hell, that was his decision just like animals decide their fates too.

Vashti is alive in spirit form. I know this and know I will bump into her again. God will work out all the details.......just like He will work out things in other animals as God enjoys having all those creatures around and why He created them for food or companionship or just for looking at.

If you are a spiritual bastard, your pet is probably as reprobate as you are in being psycho, so both of you will be in hell, if the pet has a big enough signature in being transformed, or it simply left an aura imprint which will fade as soon as the charge dissipates. Hell is a place of Love though in the next step in the Lake of Fire will destroy the lot of you and as that is your choice, it all works out in all get what they desire.

If you are a good person, a Christians saved in Christ, the Spirit of God in you, then the animals of your ministry here will benefit, in their good example and hopefully transforming to a more perfect form, although not as the image of God nor as the children of God.

That should comfort some and clear up things for most.

nuff said in this lesson.

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