Saturday, February 8, 2014


Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

There once was a horse who started out life with no name, and then some other names, some appropriate of what this horse was, and for a time he was known as Bubud, after all he was a Filipino pony and the name came from intoxicating rice wine which the American who was seated on Bubud thought for certain the horse had been helped to drink.

The reason for this is the Filipino pony was like most horses in point them away from home, and they found a way to walk so slowly it was almost in reverse as the other riders walked off into the sunset.
Bubud though was a horse going nowhere fast, almost all the time.

That is interesting for when Bubud met headhunters, he decided to walk slowly as that perhaps would slow down the operation of the head hunters. Perhaps Bubud was right as no one lost their heads at that instance or any other, as pehaps Bubud kept his head.

There was though one thing which Bubud appreciated, and that was apparently people who were in fiesta, or what a former colonial Pacific Islander of Spanish rule, would assemble as fiesta, in having three bands playing different tunes, all off key at once, with a parade of children, chickens and pigs in a most joyous assembly as all Pacific Island peoples know how to assemble and enjoy themselves on any occasion without need of European order or Peking solitude and silence.

So there as this lowly Soldier of the American ranks, riding along in the procession....well not exactly as that was the case in Bubud had decided that it would be the best thing in horse sense to plunge down into a pool of muck to get a drink of water.
The real water was in a spring 50 yards away, but Bubud chose the muck of slime in which to quench his thrist....up to his shoulders.
He then took it upon himself to desire a roll in the slime, but better and stronger hands prevailed and Bubuk rejoined the procession led by the military Govenor of the Philippines and other assorted important people about to enter the village as this was a grande occasion of the yearly visit of the rulers to meet the local folk.

It was at this instance that Bubuk again revealed his true nature in love of parades, for  the moment the ensemble entered the town, there was the rice wine horse prancing to the lead, and making quite a show of things, to the extent he displaced the Governor General's horse, and Bubuk was the VIP in the lead of the parade with bands  playing and people cheering.

Bubuk was an odd horse that way, as he moved slower than a sweet potato vine growing in January on the trail, but get him in a parade and then he had more life than a geezer on viagra.

Yes once the parade was over, there was Bubud at the back of the herd again, but his rider was preserved, as if this had been empire and not Americans, the Governor General would have lopped off the poor troopers head for stealing the show, when it was all Budbud's plan.

In horses, most are like Bubud, in they pull the plough going away from home, and run like race horses going back to the grain stall. Some get turned around and forget which way is home, so go just as fast coming in as going home. Some could care less either way. Some just try to run like hell any direction and never stop.

Few though are like Bubud in liking human things in coming to life as a parade pony. Granted Bubud was probably not so impressed with the parade, but was terrified of towns, but I have had horses which were quite docile until you got them on the hunt or the herd, and then I have bent horse bits in trying to stop them.
Some horses just know what they like. Bubud the Filipino pony probably did like parades and just had to show off as that was his pony dream.

nuff said
