Saturday, February 8, 2014

Charles Henri, Comte d'Estaing

I wonder at times in the raw deals which the majority of humans receive in this life. Scooter Libby aids the Vice President of these United States and is sacrificed in political intrigue.
Prince Charles commits adultery, gets a virgin Diana whom he drives nuts, she gets terminated, and there is Charles as acting regent with his adultress Camilla getting the prize.

Life seems so unfair and it is.

Charles Henri, Comte d'Estaing is one such unfairness.

Born in 1729, he would grow up to the French army, which he would serve. In 1758, serving under Lally Tollendal in India, he would be captured in 1759 and ransomed back into the French military and exchanged into the Navy.

d'Estaing would be chosen by Imperial France to lead the war against Great Britain in the American Revolution, commanding in America from 1778 to 1780.
While he did not bring epic glories in battles, he never made the mistake of being beaten by the English, as he was careful to the extreme, which deprived America of victory in 1778 AD in the year of our Lord.

It seems an odd thing, to have risen to such heights, served the Empire so globally, that 14 years later would find him in a different position.

In 1794, one of the warriors for American Independence, would be guillotined in France.

It should not matter the crime or if the crime was like Joan of Arc's relics in just being French, as 11 million French met the lady in one form or another, who really did nothing more awful than eating cake in front of hungry peasants.

I wonder how some of the biggest asses on the planet never meet a long drop on a short rope. I wonder how O J Simpson for example beats one charge his son probably commited and then justice arrives to kill him slowly in prison on another charge. I wonder how some people are just obliterated like Sarah Palin because she was not a whore and kept a retard baby alive.

Fair really has nothing to do with it. The only fair is after one is cadaver up that things are balanced out.

I think of that latin who was White House Counsel under George W. Bush, who saved his administration that Plamegate set up, I think his name was Alberto Gonzales, and how the democrats filleted him and the Bush people just let it happen, because the latino got in the way of the process to get Cheney and probably Bush41 for impeachment as payback for Bill Clinton being impeached over being a crook.

No one really remembers people like that nor cares what took place except there Mama.

Each year people can look around and see how evil just gets away with things like the Obama regime and how good people are criminalized and made evil for just breathing.

I was watching a Youtube video of Norm McDonald roasting Bill Clinton and the press. I think that smug Peter Jennings as ABC anchor was sitting there not amused. There was a man from Canada who really destroyed the American way and allot of good people by his propaganda, and when time came, there it was in lung cancer turning him into this ghastly thing which money and power would not save.
The world has forgotten him as it always does, even if he deluded himself like most into thinking everything would stop with their last breath and there would be a Pete Moment after every broadcast.

People should get a better deal who did good for the better things like Admiral d'Estaing, but it just does not work out that way, no more than good people suffer with disease.

I thought I would remember that over 200 years after he got his head chopped off. Kaiser Wilhelm II had his whole empire stolen from him. Libby Custer her entire family.

Fair has nothing to do with it, no more than the love of God. It is just life with a murderer like satan and it's minions prosecuting the worst of things on people who should have gotten better.

You are never alone in this in most people are getting the short end of the stick for most of their lives.

Lame Cherry

nuff said
