Sunday, February 9, 2014


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.....

I continue to teach you my children in stories and parables, as you do not possess an understanding of the things which brought about Barack Hussein Obama Chin, and until you have a foundation of these things, you will be ignorant to what really has taken place.

I have concluded if only the Asian American Indian had just been Filipino, they would have civilized nicely and been a wonderful addition to America. For the highlander people of the Philippines were all headhunters of the greatest sort just like the American Indian was a scalp hunter.
There is though a difference in the Filipino or Asian to the Japanese based American Indian of mountain people strains in the Filipino was reasonable while the Indian was unreasonable.

I tell you this story as this is Obama Chin in his heritage, but as he was a Manila type of crossbreed Chinese, Japanese and Negroid, he never exhibited the true Filipino nature so evident in their civilization.

One day the American colonial Governor was on his yearly visit to one of the headhunting tribes and two criminals who had threatened a head headhunter were in prison for 30 days. They proceeded to tunnel out of the cell and somehow got a spear, and chucked it at a Filipino guard, cutting the throat and the poor chap checked out.
The prisoners, then screamed that they would kill any white man who entered the cell, so a white American did with others, was cut up, but they killed the original murder and beat the bajesus out of prisoner number two.

The Filipinos arrived in mass for the party which was thrown for the Governor, but none was the least upset by the killing of one of their own. They had a rice beer, danced, did a head hunter dance and then the Governor presented a water buffalo or the Filipino carabao to butcher.

The Filipino like the Indian though butchered the same, as they did it alive in hacking off chunks of meat. Carabao are not wild animals, but more like a pet turtle, and would just look up in shock, and then fall over as it was hacked to death.

While this was taking place, the prisoner had been laid out for comfort as he was in pain. He then snatched a bayonette from a guard, and tried to fillet the Treasurer who ran away.
A little boy ran up to the Govenor and informed him of what was taking place as the prisoner was now trying to hack off bits of anyone, and the order was given to the Filipino gaurd to shoot the prisoner, who in a crack shot did just that.

The cattle butcherers never looked up from their pleasure and no one cared. It was deemed they were bad men, and that life was cheap to the Filipinos, so they got what they deserved.

All were drunk and all behaved themselves quite civil. This would not have been the case in the American Indian, as even after domestication in Minnesota they still during the Civil War went on a rape, torture and murder spree against friendly whites and Indians.

The Governor had told the Filipinos that they could not butcher cattle like this any longer, as it ruined the meat. The Filipinos agreed. In like manner they stopped showing off their heads they had taken and replaced them with cow skulls.

See the Asian Pacific peoples could be notorious, but even the Japanese domesticated to a type which they really need an infusion of manhood as Obama has the Chicoms and Russians pissing on them.

Obama the Chinoid is not a head hunter, but is only a foreign onlooker, who likes to think he is a head hunter, but instead hires it done by SEALS or assassins like in Andrew Breitbart.
Obama likes to watch and that is what his character is in his fantasy of a voyeur.

You see, an American Soldier was watching the cow killing, but had to turn away as it was just ghastly for that poor cow. He later visited the area and noted that only undigested grass was on the trampled spot as the Filipinos hauled away hood, hide and hair.

The American Indian received cattle from the government and would turn them loose and the screaming animals would be run to their deaths as they were butchered. That is in contrast in the Filipino wild peoples could simply be told after a few times that this was not working out, and they would drop the savagery and conclude the civilized way was better.

In the heart that once beat as Barry Chin, there never was a civilized soul. There was instead a little scared savage who kept hidden away, until it obtained enough power to order the murdering done.
Obama Chin never engaged in anything manly. He never fired guns. He never fished. He never did scuba in the best Hawaii spearguns could offer and he never trapped even rats.
His bravado was trash talk and when he ran into that latino thumper on the basketball court who busted Obama's lip to bleeding, that was it for Obama on the hoops.
Obama and the Jinn just hide out now on golf courses making little balls cry out in pain.

You will notice in this since June 13, 2013 when Obama ceased to be as this blog stated, that you have not seen this image of Obama have that blood letting lust that Obama Chin had. You will notice that the Predators have stopped as have much of the "terror bloodletting" as this shapeshifter demon is just not into this mass murder stuff. It likes Mandela offered up and Sharon type things. The big ceremony thing with a little white blonde sex on the side to make Muchelle angry.

To understand Obama is  to comprehend that he is not a Masai or Dinka. He is not a Japanese samarai, a Filipino head hunter, a Hmong from Loas, a Boogey or an Indian Aryan. Obama is from that sort of fish eater, a rice picker, who had the women do the work as he slacked off, and then went home and got drunk on bubud or hash stoned, and then told all these tales about what he would do if he was king.

You children know of Japanese, Vietnamese and Chinese as your Asians, but have no idea of what Obama is in his foreigner mindset. Obama gravitated toward black as it made things easy in he could just stand around and be novel as the Nig on display. It was easy as you just brought your skin and the longer you were out in the sun, the blacker you got to stand out.
You children know Nazis and Russians, but you know nothing of the cartel who set up those regimes and ideologies.

They designed this Negro so you would be fooled into thinking you had an Afroid on your hands, but Obama has never acted black as he is hinterland Asian immigrant trader.

Until you get your mind wrapped around this, you will never figure any of this out.

nuff said
