Sunday, February 9, 2014

carbon chain immortals

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........

One can only understand the incomprehensible when basing it in the fact of reality.

The Bible states that there is a Tree of Life which changes the mortal to the immortal. That being the case, there is a reality that the Bible states that all children of the Light will receive a new body.
So the current carbon form body will not be. That in itself is interesting as it poses the question of questions in how does one really become transformed from mortal to immortal.

The reality is that the human is like all matter in based in a long carbon chain of molecules of elements. These carbon chains are a line. On one end there is hydrogen and the other end there is oxygen. One end is hydrophobic and one end is hydrophilic, meaning the hydrogen end resists water while the oxygen end attracts water.

Oxygen in base in the molecular structure creates acids or degrades in being caustic to some things of matter. I ponder this in the long life patriarchs in the atmosphere changed from a dense oxygen ether to one of a lessened oxygen ether.
Mists came up from the ground before Noah. The flood started a pattern of rain, and people started dying at an earlier age.

H20 is water. Did the greater amount of oxygen convert into a water compound and is stored there naturally now, and that is why the oxygen depleted.

In examining this, we accept the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, was a tree which by some means altared the human form in the DNA, and it was immediate, as eating a lump of sugar in converting to energy.

It is interesting that God drove Adam and Eve out of the Garden and protected the Tree of Life, in eating that fruit would cause people to become "like" God. It is interesting in the meaning of that in a human could take on a like attribute, but not become AS God.

Jesus certainly did not have a Tree of Life snack when He arose from the dead. That is key in comprehending this as I believe there is mortal, immortal and eternal. One is physical, one has a breath of God in being like God, and one is as God.

Jesus illuminated by the evidence of the Shroud of Turin. Moses and others illuminated for a lasting time in association with God and then returned. That is light and it means that there is something in that carbon chain DNA in humans which will absorb light of the eternal and take on a like identity temporarily or if completely translated, to become eternal. That I believe is the new body, and one which is of Spiritual identity.
The other is a body which can be destroyed in the Lake of Fire like the soul as Scripture notes.

In progressing this out, the Tree of Life is eaten. It produces something in the carbon long chain which allows a spiritual process to start, but not complete like the Breath of Life from God.
It is like the Tree of Knowledge in it gained frequency of understanding as God has in knowing good and evil.
This  "fruit" is like the genesis of humans in the womb in the DNA naturally aligns itself to natural construction of bones, muscle, etc.... It in this case though ends the process of degradation or aging forever.

I return now to the carbon chain in could it be oxygen which was being infused in natural process in making alive the patriarchs in supercharging their bodies to make them last longer. Is it though in the Tree of Life a reality that the resonant frequency of the molecular strucuture changes to life and not death, but something takes place in the long chain carbon which is not a strand open ended with hydrogen and oxygen, but something instead complete and no longer having the physical need for the life giving effects of oxygen or the caustic results of oxygen as an acid in decay.

Is that fruit "something of you are what you eat" in being capable of once ingested to triggering a "second birth" or a secondary growth activity in the DNA structure.
Is it as I conclude in Inspiration from God, that as Jesus is defined as "Living Water", in the carbon long chain instead becomes the carbon sphere in the hydrogen on one end as a phobic and the oxygen on the other end in being philac, are bonded in plus minus by that fruit and that is how the mortal translates into the immortal.

I am convinced it is. I am convinced that the Tree of Life in geometric pattern and photonic frequency is the same product as the fruit it produces, and initiating this on the God Light pattern converts that genesis light in reflection at the base of each molecule into an immortal light like God, but not as God.

The hints of this are all through that great Book of Alchemy, Mathematics and Science called the Holy Bible. The code phrases are all throughout the Word in "Living Water" the geometric pattern of the circle being the symbol of eternity.

The glaring secret of human DNA is it is open ended strands, and it is supposed to be closed and when it does by an outside force it then is complete. Being open it degrades, being a circle it is regenerating and can not degrade.

This is the forbidden knowledge which humans are not to possess. I just happened upon it by design as I opened myself to understanding one evening as TL likes to hear me talk as it puts TL to sleep. So I chatter on in what I perceive, and like here in this Prophetic keyboard, many times I re read things and do not remember writing the content as I am simply a conduit.

You know now like the few the secrets of this. God gives this freely, but know that it this can be stolen, but if it is initiated not on the God Light protocols, it will bring about immortal death, a perpetual death without dying. As Scripture states, "The worm which dieth not".
People will look upon the carcases of these transgressors against God, but it never says these people are dead.

The warning to those who do not wait upon God's transfiguration and instead try to become gods in the form of the anti Christ, that immortal death awaits.

As always, I give God all credit for what appears here as it is right, but I add this time a dedication to TL, for without TL's mind, my mind would not have stimulated to this understanding as readily. With TL I am required to think as TL's mind is not only Inspired, but reads like a technical PHD textbook in knowing how the unseen interacts.

That should be enough in this Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Today you have a doctorate in immortal DNA in how to create a long chain carbon immortal, correctly or incorrectly.

Do not though in your speed reading mistake this with the regenerated Spiritual body which appears on a completely different type in this is the transformation by Light of God in the long strands absorbing and then converting to that Light Form. Transfiguration points to an absorption in speeding up of this generation in the DNA.

That though is really enough now I hope, as it was only added to complete the resonant frequency of this doctrinal law.

I wonder what the rest of the world was accomplishing besides pealing their banana again in repetition.

agtG  248