Monday, February 10, 2014

Head Hunter Etiquette

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter..........

I realize my children that the origins of Obama have you all thinking he is from a land of rice, little women and bow tow kow tow servants, but in reality you can see now in these Obama years, that Obama was nothing more than a savage and his Fang Jinn image is the same sort of murderous shapeshifter of olde.

What do I mean by this? Why of course Barack Hussein Obama was an Oriental Chinoid. His entire bearing of skin color, lip and gait reveals he has that running through is veins by Anna Chin his egg donor and room renter Mum on her Hawaiian Adventure as an anchor wife to Barack Hussein Obama II, the Arab Kenyan.

The problem is you see Designer Negro Obama all the time, and I who know what Obama was and  the Fang Jinn is, know who they are.
It is like in the Philippines where Obama's bloodlines merchandised in. I could tell you about Igolot which in Filipino Tagalog means the people of the mountains, but if I said, Ilongots, you would think I was talking about the same folks.
Thing is there is a vast difference in the Sierra peoples of the Philippines as one set is mountain folk Christianized and in the other are the set who is head hunters as recent as the time Obama's Mum was in her placenta natal fluids.

Now do not get me wrong, I like head hunters. You just got to admire folk who carry on the trade, as nothing says like Master of the Game than sporting a human head on a pike. Sure you can put a pig head on a post like in Lord of the Flies and ram a pike up a pig's ass for a joke, but it is just a joke, as you put a human skull on a pike and people just know you are a manly kind of man.
Can't put no orangatang head on a post as people just stop and say, "That is a bloody damn orang you orang killer", but put a human skull on a pike and they just keep silent and start looking around, sort of like Muslims did after Birther Hussein started his collection.

So any way, I know you are all novices like that Rockefeller boy who fell in with the lower islander head hunters in a most friendly way and turned up missing back in the 1960's. Nothing like being an American traiting and world selling tool of the cartel and thinking you can go have aboriginal sex, and the next thing you know your head is on a pike and your glassy dead eyes are watching your ass stakes roasting on one fire and your femurs are boiling like bovine soup in a pot in the other.

There is etiquette in all this head hunter stuff, and first is there are head hunters and then there are those who donate their heads. You think about that you rich people in I just ask for some big donations like 350,000 dollars you see, it is not like I am showing up and asking for your heads. That might get your attention a little bit like a Rockefeller, as I figure he gave up scientific sexual science observation, about the time he figured out that money was not going to let him keep his skull attached to the hangman's vertebrae.
Granted when this Obama cartel comes for your money, they are not going to ask nice for it, but they will just take it, along with your head.....well they are corpse hunters really and we know you will be put to good use as James Woolsey of the CIA said the CIA had it figured out to the pint how much crude oil you will render into.
See how nice Lame Cherry is. I don't go around admiring your head for a pike and I never weigh you out in cans of oil for the auto. Just a nice request for a donation and then God leaves you in peace with that money god of yours for a bit.

Where was I? Oh yeah the etiquette part as none of you know this head hunter stuff and probably never had some aborigine offer you up a nice well marbled ass steak or their well used wife for a go around the skull pole.
Now don't think the head hunters are lewd adulterous folks and all you horn dogs are off to get some of that pussy, as those people have rules and hunting heads is one and keeping things out of their women's vaginas is another.

So anyway, you got these Ilongots who live in Neuva Viscaya and they hunt people and porkers. I tell you right now to not be lifting one of their pigs as that is akin to horse stealing in America back in the old west. Those pigs are right important and you do not go around stealing pigs. Get you in more trouble than porking some head hunters wife.
I do not know the penalty for porking a pig of a head hunter though as I am not a Rockefeller child.

So anyway, like I was saying the Ilongots got rules. Rules like when they start admiring your head, they give you a fish. Seems like a fair exchange as I suppose the surviving family is then fed for a day in your passing.
Is why I never offer you  fish, as  I do not want you thinking I am admiring your heads for a donation, just telling you to donate the cash.

So the Ilongots figure you are fair game in they have you a fish, sort of like the Italians put a horse head in your bed which alerts you that you are fair game too. All civil this stuff in the island peoples.

Now get this, you can not refuse the fish, as that would be an insult and get you killed.  I know that sounds like the same deal in you donate your heads in both cases, but in the fish trade you get to die fairly, and if you refuse the fish you get to die in any fashion.
See there is etiquette in the head hunting thing, and it makes you wonder how many of them people Obama blew up, refused the fish in they all must have insulted Obama as he never went out into fair backstabbing combat with Khadaffi, but just took him out like a pig in the pen.

Talking of pigs, there is this story about pigs and blacks. In the Philippines they go an entire race of not Designer Negroes, but the real thing in a pretty name called Negritos. Yeah it is Spanish, but it is still pretty.
So the Negrito and the Ilongots got this jungle love going on in mixed breeding. See Anna Chin from Manila had that just like Stan Ann going on, but Anna did not watch it in the movies, but it was going on when she was peaking through the jungle leaves at what all that noise was going on behind the palms.

Well one time there was this Negrito, not too smart, as he thought he had pig stealing rights as some Negritos had pussy pumping rights. Well it did not work out that way, as the Ilongots are fond of their pigs.
So in exchange, the Ilongots had a Negrito brother in law and decided his head was a good porker price, so they took it as all them Negritoes looks the same to an Ilongot.
Worked out quite well really in the Negrito got the pig, the Ilongot's got a head  and a good meal off a well marbled Negroid and the pig stealing stopped as no one heard of pig thieves after that.

Where was I? Oh yeah this group got Doctor Jones for the Marshall Field Museum for one of their trophies, and it was said in 1907 they made an expedition on Dupax and took a number of fine heads on an outing.

See the thing is the Negritoes and the Ilongots got equipment too. No disarming things with them as they each got a spear and a head knife. Probably is something quite important if you are going to be a head hunter in having a head knife as hard to get heads off without a head knife. Not like a chicken in just pulling them off.......but I know for a fact they leave chicken heads on as they do have apparent limits.
Not like putting a chicken head on a pike is going to do anything but have people make fun of you.
I  mean it is like, "That's a damn chicken head you chicken killer. Who do you think you are Colonel Sanders!!!!!"
No one was afraid of Colonel Sanders so you get the idea that you just put human head in your collection and not chickens.

So where was I? Oh yeah the head knife. Seems that the head hunters also have bows and arrows which they hunt with. Other Filipinos who are not head hunters have especial awe for the bow and arrow head hunters as being particularily heinous, as with a spear you get killed close, but with a bow those crafty head hunters let fly at you from the back in bushwhacking to kill you.
See there is none of that John Wayne fair play in being austracized in the old west for shooting people in the back. Head hunters got that easy in they can ambuscade and that is the original word for ambush you smart children who do not donate here, and there are no tribal reprocussions, like the American Indian could murder you, just like Africans can murder your wife, and it was all the same level of scalp or head as it was all the same kind of bravery.

Apparently particular terror was abounding when you had the bow head hunters about in greater alarm than the spear head hunters. You still were dead, but one was not such an assassin quality and the other was more murder. Yes people are always more terrified in something like John Kennedy was assassinated than saying John Kennedy was kilt.

It was the Americans who in 1910 started to civilize the head hunters in making them build trails for happy intercourse which the Ilongots did the trail blazing for. It stuck for the most part as no one really heard about heinous Filipino stuff until Obama showed up, as a Designer Negro. Was only this blog linking all that Filipino wife stuff in Anna Chin to Barack Hussein Obama sr.
Interesting part it was Governor Forbes who laid down the law. I know it sounds like Steve Forbes, and you know it probably was his realitions who civilized the head hunters.....well all except that genetic throwback in Birther Hussein Obama.

I know Rush Limbaugh is all defensive on this rich stuff in rich people never defend themselves in Obama equality State of the Union or Coup.....yeah Limbaugh is stealing material again, but the thing is the rich never defend themselves and more importantly they never donate either in that hundred thousand dollar range.
They don't even donate their heads, but wait around for Obama to take Limbaugh is reaching out to help Obama as this blog has always helped  the head hunter from 1600 Pen Avenue.

Where was I? Oh yeah the etiquette of head hunters.

See some special prizes get fish, but numbers of visitors get a handshake. That might not sound so bad, but you got to know what is on the other end like Obama. See most head hunters got a tropical skin disease like shingles. Well it is more like distemper and you can catch it, but if you are unfriendly you will get your head on a pike without a fish.
Again, see how good you rich people are treated here, no fish and no skin plague offered you. You really got a good thing going and do not need to know head hunter etiquette like you do in dealing with Obama.

You should know these head hunters are bright too, in they figured out to spin the spear in their hands as they are bringing it up to throw it at you, a rotating object like a golf ball stays on course most accurately.
The northerners got fire syringes, but we will not get into that.

What I will get into is that head hunters prize one thing above all others and no it is not heads. They really love white horse hair. That is gospel in the mountain head hunters, just like it is doubtful if you have a white horse that it will keep you from losing your head in the trade.
Just something to keep in mind that white horse hair is of real value.

I suppose you think those thongs and t backs are western fashion of sexy attire, but the head hunters were wearing G strings long before American porn did the prance dance. Yes this head hunter etiquette is something which Americans are just being introduced to when it is in Obama's blood.

The men folk wear the scarlet beak of the horn bill. That means besides the G string they have taken head, not given head like Obama. I do not know why Obama or the Jinn does not proudly have a red beak on their heads for all the heads they have taken, not sexual, but in terorism stuff.
Maybe Obama had one on order before his demise, but all the same the Jinn should have a nice red horn bill showing that Obama was the man. Bagged all those SEALS awhile back and would think that should at least get one horn bill on the brow.

Head hunters have a cross tattoo on their brows too in the Philippines. Does not mean they are Christian any more than Obama is though.

Head hunter women fair better than Muchelle Obama though, as their men wear their hair long like women, but they have an heir of supremacy. It is too bad that the Obama household transplanted to 1600 Penn Avenue has not brought with it the liberating matrimony of true head hunters.
Obama has fallen a great distance from the  tree, as the true head hunter does not show any greed. The US Treasury would have greatly benefited from that head hunter etiquette.

One last thing in head hunter etiquette.......

The head hunter has a belief that a whirlwind is a spirit and they would flee from it. I do not know if Obama has a fear of whirlwinds as I have never seen him run for the jungle at the sign of the wind, but perhaps the Jinn might some day be seen sprinting away from the whirling wind.

The main thing is, that you have now been educated in head hunter etiquette as most of you would of course lose your heads....well most of you are going to lose your heads before natural life expiration runs out, but at least now you know there is etiquette involved. If it was all legal you would be getting a fish beforehand, but I can see no evidence of fish presentations to Andrew Breitbart or any one else before their demise.

Speaking of which, in head hunter etiquette, the Americans found in the Philippines that the worst thing to have around was the old hags of the village. When meetings took place, it was the old hags always complaining of things of age and taunting the young men that no woman would want them, "as in their days the men always brought in heads unlike the youngsters then".
Trouble always followed having the old hags around making problems.

Now at least you know why Birther Hussein Obama Chin, left adoptive Mum Stan Ann to rot to death with cancer, as that is what was protocol in no one wanted the old hags around making trouble, and why he flew out to put the pillow end on Gram Maddy, as Obama did not want her around making trouble as that was the accepted thing........well in civilized American things you just left them back at the shack, but as Obama did not have hands on experience, one can forgive in just being a bit more zealous in leaving them to rot or suck on a pillow.

That should cover it all I suppose in one of the most head hunter, past, present and future etiquette which all will be experiencing.
Maybe the rich have not appreciated the Lame Cherry etiquette in donations and that is why they will meet from the cartel a historic end in having their heads donated to some pike. I think I am much more civilized, but then perhaps that has all passed now in the world returning to the feudal past.

Perhaps the rich gravitate toward having their heads on an Obama pike, well at least now they know the etiquette for it all.

Where else could you learn about all these things but here exclusively in matter anti matter.
