Monday, February 10, 2014


"The German Emperor's love of peace is a guarantee to us that we ourselves can decide upon the moment of war."

Russian Leader Sazonoff

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

What "peace" is so Nobel as an Obama "peace".

Lame Cherry

There is a realization which struck me like God's Grace as I pondered what this page should be written of, and yet it is all Biblical in the anti Christ in "they shall say peace, peace, peace......and then there shall be war".

I fully comprehend now what that Nobel Prize fiction was which was bestowed upon Barack Hussein Obama from Day One housed in the Norwegian socialists of the cartel. It was in propaganda said to be an honor for a peace which Obama would bring to the world, but that entire warpage of thought was about providing Obama cover in using the American military as an assassination force in order to install, the untouchable Muslim terrorists as heads of nations to be enforcers of the New World Order.

I realize I have written of this in part previously, in this being a new order of Neo Roman Empire of the west and the New East led not by Japan nor Indochina, but the Chicom of Peking, with the militant Muslim in between to "keep the peace" as the Suicide Bomber Mob in eliminating the competition, but that Nobel Peace Prize for Obama was a ruse to give Obama carte blanche to make all these heinous wars in dividing up booty for the cartel and those they would bribe.

It seems so obvious now, but I marvel how Tavistock in the great insitution of mind control, actually knew that the world just bleat along like sheep in accepting a psycho policy of pure insanity, that war was called peace and evil was defined as good.
The world public is such a mob now that any excrement of anal thought, when repeated by a puppy press, is accepted as gospel.
That reveals the grave condition of the world, as it means the world population will accept almost any statement now without resistance. I state this as almost any, due to the fact the Bible states martyrs will arise and be murdered by the anti Christ. This notes that rejection of foundations will not be accepted at the human core of thought at that time.

Birther Hussein Obama was in effect a shadow of the anti Christ, not just as this blog first reported in signature, but he was a rats in the maze conditioning. There was no experiment necessary by the cartel in this Nobel Prize, there was already an absolute projectiong the world would accept this lie. That is one of the amazing protocols in this, in to a reasonable person it was an outlandish joke to award someone a prize for peace with no work done, but it was that joke of Obama Chin from the start in that Designer Negro stereotype of the Nig who did no work and yet was rewarded with the prize of crawling between the Massah's wife's legs.
It was all Peggy Noonan and Ann Coulter, with Obama calling Sarah Palin a lipstick pig whore and put Hillary Clinton on a leash to serve him in the Obama harem of girly boys and manly women.

The cartel patterns, for the reality of the annihilation of Germany, was the same friendly spying on the Kaiser for years, in the same way that the greatest friends of Obama in Khadaffi, Mubarak and Assad were systematically destroyed in the most heinous ways.
Not one Muslim said a word, because this merchant cartel of Islamocommunists was gaining the better prize of nation states to rule from.

World War I was about removing Christian Emperors who were independent, while promising them a seat at the table. The Obama Wars against Islam have followed that exact pattern of removing the Muslim Nationalist strong men, and replacing them with these socio communists, exactly as has been done all through the Arab Spring.

I do wonder of this, in I doubt the Nobel Norwegians had any conception of the fools they were made, but were told that America was a racist people, and that they were as European rubbing in that fact by giving the prize......yes it was all about European jealousy of American power for a generation, but it was in their thought process exactly as this.
These dolts were all caught in the bag and remained silent as their "Peace" brought about the protocols of World War I in the Grand Orient Lodge of Paris, for the destruction of Christianity, so a secular order would lead the sheep.

It was all of this which started World War I. In 1871, the Germans won back their Alsace-Lorraine from France. French interests in the cartel stewed over this. They bought Russia with loans worth billions, so  Russia was  brought on board for the war.
England incapable of competing with emerging German industrial upgrades, joined in as the military power for the prize.
The Americans seeking to join at the table of the world powers, agreed to supply munitions and men.

It was all a disgusting genocide of a people, and World War II was already laid in that Wilson treaty in Hitler would seize back German territory, bring the Austirans to heal for their betrayal of the Fatherland, and seek to make a holocaust on the very communists who had been engaged in for the cartel in the genocide of Germany for a generation.

The leading mouth pieces for German extermination were the Ashkenaz white Jews of political and finance, who happened to fund Karl Marx and create a revolution whereby monarchs would  be wiped  out and replaced with a system to exploit nations and control them cheaply.
The communist menace were these secular "Jews" and had struck through manipulation of France,  Russia, England  and America in their own prejudices and lusts, with making Germany the enemy as it was a competitor.

No one examines this save this blog, but observe how the Bush Doctrine in the Middle East was a manage of that cauldron in using "strong men" under Bush 41 as was historical policy.
Under Bush 43 after 9 11, it was decided instead of nuking the arena, that these lands would be turned over to the mob in democracy for self rule as a way to contain the terrorism.
Immediately Birther Hussein scrapped generations of world policy in handling the Mideast, as the real agenda was as in Germany in remove the Emperor, put in weak leaders or weaken leadership, and then hand it all over to the socialists, so the cartel could by political Balkanization rule the nations easily.

See without a Nassar, a Hussein, a Khadaffi, an Assad, the Muslim state is ruled by a disjointed committee of sects of mullahs. That is political Balkanization of divide and conquer, and all one needs to do is keep the chief terrorists supplied with their weapons to impose their own will, and the system operates in a vaccum of power.

This Obama discord was a conditioning for what the Bible states the anti Christ will unleash in his "peace" which he  will use to confiscate the world to his rule.
It seems impossible to me that this could happen, but there is such a melding of befuddled minds now in the billions, that the sheep accept wherever the Judas Goat leads them to slaughter.

Only this blog stated that George W. Bush's policy to fight the Great Eurasian War was to have the battles produced in the wastes of Asia, and it was stunning to me how Birther Hussein's cartel took these coming wars and placed the flash points directly into the most habitable lands on the planet. The same lands which have always been scarred over by the cartel. The entire scenario is to slaughter the masses, so that comity is disrupted and an assembled competitor will not arise. The feudal few will rule the scattered peasant many.

In World War I, Russia was bribed with a southern sea port promise. France with revenge. Japan with hegeomony in China and Korea and England with eliminating a colonial competitor.

It was this scheme of encirclement which is lost on the 21st century world, as you can see it in World War I, but you have no idea of the complex rings within rings which the world has had constructed for it. The world is now a complex multiple pattern of encirclement.

Ask any Citizen of any nation now if it feels secure or if it instead feels isolated in being encircled. America the superpower has literally been encircled by the world in terrorism, war, Mexicans communism, debt and intrigue from the Obama within.
The circles are all there. Japan gets encircled by Fukishima, by Russia, by China, by North Korea nuclear parry.
Russia is encircled by Chinese expansion, it's dark skinned hordes and Islam.
The Slavs are encircled by Russia, Germany, poverty and Islamic terror.
Germany is encircled by Turks from within, Slavs in the east, French in the west and the English in the north.
India, has China, Muslims, an ocean and a rabbit breeding population.

It is the circles within the circles which keep nations contained and fire the points of war when exploitation becomes necessary.

It is strange that Prince Otto von Bismark, the great leader of German political policy coined the phrase and taught it that, "Germany must never become England's dagger on the European Continent". Yet one sees in place the mulitcultural warfare of  this cartel after 9 11 when Americans were aghast to find Norwegian fighters flying patrol over America, when suddenly America was said not to have jets to fly the missions.
This devolved under the Obama regime as this blog warned of constantly in the American military had become the assassins of the European cartel eliminating competitors.

The reality now visible is the Obama Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to give the cartel cover under the auspices of the Obama regime to wage global war and the dividing up of lands as bribes as Slavs to Russia and Jews to Philistine states.
Peace as a cover to destroy the world.

This cartel exacted exactly that in World War I, accomplished it in beginning World War II, and is instigating it in process for the next world war.

nuff said
