Sunday, February 9, 2014

Obama the damn Hole

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter........

This blog had always faithfully tried to help Barack Hussein Obama, but now with his demise as of June 13, 2013, it has become apparent that the Fang Jinn image of Obama requires even more assistance than the boy who ran like a duck.

For this, I urge the Obama Jinn to immediately seize the Iranian war fleet which is coursing towards the Obama shores. This has great potential in Obama Jinn taking Iranian hostages and parading them in the streets to give his Wall Street Occupiers something to do.

For drama, Obama can allow a few of the Iranian hostages to escape via help from Syria in the way Canadians assisted Americans during the Carter hostage crisis with Iran.

This is sure to inflate Obama's bad poll numbers, and what could be more appropriate than having Ben Affleck record it all for another Carter movie fiction moment, in which Jimmy Carter may star again in this time being the Nobel negotiator where after this, the Iranian turban head will be like Obama and Carter being awarded a prize.

See Obama can with these hostages force Iran to .......well he wants Iran to have the bomb, so Obama can force Iran to bomb Israel in a nuclear holocaust which will of course bring in more money to the Muchelle Obama retirement accounts for her DC mansion block she will probably be living in, in 2017.

In this, Obama will help the anti Christ to take over Jerusalem and with all those dead Jewish settlers, Obama will not have any problem getting Ehud Barak back into power as Netanyahu will have ash pile voting base not voting.

Finally, I see potential in Obama putting his flag on this Iranian boat in and calling it the USS Obama. Obama can use it as his John Kennedy pleasure craft and being bisexual, he can enlist all  the fag sailors in the Navy to do an Obama tour in the bunks.

All of these events point to a win win for Obama.......and yes for Navy SEALS as no animals will be harmed in the production of this entertainment, unlike bin Laden's staged execution.

That is about it except the operational name being OBAMA THE DAMN HOLE, as what do all of us want and desire, but the image of historical 44 being so very successful, in this world of  post civil rights racism in an America in the crypt abyss.

nuff said
