Sunday, March 2, 2014

This is my Fault

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.........


I have to take credit for the rescue of Piers Morgan staying at CNN. Upon hearing the vicious attack upon Mr. Morgan, I contacted CNN and him, with a heartfelt plea for him to stay, as who else would be able to lead ignorant Americans who made such a terrible mistake in 1776.

The image of Obama also requires a real British upper lip stiffy and who else could educate the Fang Jinn in what real leadership Americans require.

So it is my fault that Mr. Morgan is remaining as anchor at large to handle all the big name interviews.

This blog has done so very much to help Birther Hussein, Keith Olbermann, Alec Baldwin, and now it has risen again for the saving of Piers Morgan to continue on at CNN.

Just thought I would inform all as  to the reason why Piers Morgan is CNN Cherry NN.

Oh in case you desire another exclusive about Bill Clinton posing with the hookers..........

This is Operation Dirty Snatch. Jeb Bush is coordinated in the beaver brigade with Joe Biden and the Obama circle on this. Biden did the geezer stories and Bush did the bimbo stories.
This was George. H. W.'s dirty tricks political operatives. Think those bushes would be so old that they would be pumping dust even with the prime.

Can you really believe it.........two world galactic exclusives so you know what is going on and not ignorant turds for thought.

So why are you people with money not donating???? Click the DONATE and do something right this Sunday besides stealing intellectual Lame Cherry property.

A Hooker is someone who hooks a male and takes advantage of him in what he likes doing. A whore is a cheap prostitute. A street walker is a cheaper prostitute. A prostitute works in an establishment. A call girls comes to your room. A lady of the evening does what a street walker does but charges you 5000 an hour.

Just a little sex education.........and no Bill Clinton posing with hookers was not my fault.

ZZ Top Gun Love - YouTube
Apr 7, 2011 - Uploaded by sonobob1
So I got frustrated by not being able to find one of the Top's very best tunes on here, so I made my own video ...
