Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ukrainian Rook

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter....

It is of interest that Russian Limbaugh's scripted manipulation on Vladamir Putin, was the homosexual vent that Putin probably had his shirt off, and the threat of Mr. Putin is re establishing the Soviet Union, as the big threat is China making war on Japan.

I will save time in evaluation of this, in the Limbaugh barons are focusing on this bring about more spending of your money and debt into trillions in defense, and has nothing to do a correct assessment of Vladamir Putin.

I have invested a great deal of space to Russia and Mr. Putin over the years. The Russian hackers stole my emails and Facebook accounts before I became a "name" among the masses. I have exposed the Putin assassination of the Polish Patriots in the Obama bribe to hand over Poland, Ukraine and the Slavic states to Moscow, so Obama could install terrorists in Isalmic lands.
It is my stated purpose in this blog assesses Mr. Putin an asset to protect Christians from the anti Christ, and in so doing, Mr. Putin as an instrument from God could save hundreds of millions of lives in Europe, and in America.

Vladamir Putin has a manifesto, and the basis of it is a Europe from Dublin to Moscow, under Kremlin control. Is such a Europe a reality? The Europeans are quite docile, so it is possible, but at the same juncture, Russia could invade in spears and conquer most of Europe.
If nuclear arms were introduced, it would pollute the lands and Russia needs those Caucasians to fortify itself against the Chinese Asian birthers.

Russia's main threat is nuclear with short range spears. The spears meaning, Russia could plunge into the Mideast and seize it all in driving out Americans, but it would exhaust itself in trying to maintain control, whether in Muslim lands or in Europe. The strategic reality is, when one expands borders, then one requires expansive military to repel invasion.
Nazi Germany had numerous divisions locked down for the Normandy invasion and still could not repel it or defeat it.

Russia could take, but it could not hold.

Russia could nuclear inflict and then receive affliction and Mr. Putin would then rule a vaporized land from his doomsday mountain, so the net result is gaining Europe to rule a vaporized land from a postage stamp size mountain.

Russia does not have the techology to robotize protection for itself, meaning using KGB murder on a continental size scale. China has the numbers, but it can not feed itself in conquerred lands to maintain that order. So for a Russian  Limbaugh to put forth the script he did, it is ludicrous and not worth Mockingbird propaganda.

It is no different than the Mark Halperin statement that Ronald Reagan never faced any Soviet leader in Bhreznev, Chernyenko, Adropov and Gorbachev compared to Vladamir Putin in who Obama is facing who is superior.

The reality is Ronald Reagan never signed off in covering up assassinations of Slavic leaderships, never turned eastern Europe  over to Moscow as a bribe and never promised the Kremlin to be more flexible in nuclear disarmament after a second term election theft.

It is the worst overlook in what is taking place in the Ukraine is that George W. Bush, had set up in the Ukraine a PRO WESTERN NATIONALIST GOVERNMENT THERE with promises of NATO inclusion, and by 2009, Barack Obama had this government ousted, their thrown into prison and a pro Russian installed at Kiev.
There never would have been any Ukraine 2014, if Barack Obama had not in his global throwing American allies out of power for Marxists in 2009.
This reality is being ignored.

The cartel which installed Barack Obama the foreigner into America is the same one which has been busy installing al Qaeda into Muslim lands to rule.  It is the same cartel in this Neo Roman Empire superpower it is assembling which is taking the Ukraine from Mr. Putin now, OVER PUTIN STOPPING THE DESTRUCTION OF SYRIA.

Get this as Limbaugh and Halperin are never going to tell you any of this reality.

The reason the Ukraine was taken away from Vladamir Putin is Vladamir Putin had a revelation how evil all of this was. Mr. Putin is no stranger to thug rule, as that is how one rules thugs in Russia. He though was even shocked by the murderous and heinous were the removal of Muslim leaders.
When Mr. Putin was assessing the June 13, 2013 removal of Birther Hussein, and a new image appeared, when he knew the original was dead, Mr. Putin had a transformation in he knew he was facing resident evil, in he thought this was the anti Christ.
He has since reached the proper conclusion on the information.

That is why Vladamir Putin terms the west as evil, because it has been nothing but heinous and murderous for years. It does not discount the Polish assassinations, but where there was one Poland, there have been a dozen other nations under Obama with tens of thousands slaughtered.

Vladamir Putin with MIC, in the Edward Snowden operation, checked Syria from terror control, and in that, the cartel attempted to reannex the Ukraine for their own rule. It is a current smear campaign against Peace Maker Putin, but in the near future, Ukraine was to become the front line for the Balkanization of Russia.
When Zbigniew Brzezinski announced the cartels order that China was too big to manage, and would be broken up, the same reality will take place for Russia, and one day so will America, as little vassal states are how world empires rule, just as Rome did.

Vladamir Putin is not a threat to America. Vladamir Putin is not a threat to Europe. Vladamir Putin has ruled eastern Europe since 2009, and the Slavic peoples have not been abused, so the Ukraine being under Kremlin rule for years has not been abused.
The only thing Vladamir Putin is a threat to is the anti Christ and the beast, which is the Neo Roman Empire.

Vladamir Putin can not project to America. Vladamir Putin can not hold European or Muslim territory. So in correct assessment let us state the reality in Obama sold out eastern Europe so Obama could install terror Marxists into Muslim lands.
When it became to murderous, Vladamir Putin stopped it. For that the cartel attempted to take Ukraine from Vladamir Putin, and is now attempting to bring about an end game where Vladamir Putin is assassinated and Russia is Balkanized.

If Vladamir Putin does not protect the Ukraine, then the anti Christ will seize that territory, and according to Biblical realities, the anti Christ will murder all the Christians, that includes all the Orthodox Christians in Slavic lands.

Given those realities, at this juncture of Vladamir Putin protecting Russian children from pedophiles, protecting heterosexuals and not inflicting on Christians, compared to a Pater Pope and Obama espousing sodomy, getting rid of Christ and in league with demons, the balance scale swings for Vladamir Putin with the prayer that he is held as an instrument in God's hand for good, as I fully know what this Obama regime has been ruling over in the western gulag.

The Ukraine is taking place, because Vladamir Putin did the right thing in stopping the Obama Jinn slaughter of Syrians.

That is the Lame Cherry exclusive and it is time you people with the money start donating as I have been right about this in telling you the Black Widow propaganda at Sochi was a ruse and that the Chechen terror leader was a dead end, and that there was something else generating in the Bob Costas biological attack on him, and the Ukraine is part of that process.
The Obama agents are still looking for an assassination of Edward Snowden in the midst of this. I told you how this could spiral out in the chances to a war which America would be driven back from.

Should it be such a big thing in information not available anywhere else, that millionaires could donate tens of thousands  or hundreds of thousands of dollars for things they have taken and not paid for, in data which sometimes never appears anywhere else.......or does not appear for years, so that they can prepare for the attack on them which is coming?
People with 30 million dollars are not going to miss 300,000 dollars, people with a million dollars are not going to miss 10,000 dollars. So pay for something which is going to give you a chance to save yourselves.

I do not discount the people who have donated 25, 50 and 100 dollars and thank you, and thank the others for the notes too.  I will try and do an update on TL, Mom and I, but with limited resources I am just praying God moves some person with money to step up, so we can keep above ground.

That though is what the reality is today. Do not be led into the propaganda of Vladamir Putin's Soviet Union. That has been the case since 2009 and nothing bad happened. The only bad since 2009 has been the Obama wars.
While I do not have a house to live in, I am not going to give MIC crucifying powers over Vladamir Putin, so they can get more money in US debt spending.

Feeding Japan to China and starting a war with Putin for cartel interests is not American strategic policy. Why is this blog the only Nixon Reagan / Vernon Walters American policy out in the wilderness.
Is this blog the only American leadership left in this world?

"Putin bishop takes Syrian knight. Cartel pawn takes Ukrainian rook. Putin Crimean pawn redeems Ukrainian rook.
Putin rook places Cartel king in check......."
