Sunday, July 13, 2014

As Palin as the Nose on your Face

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This Obama regime has a record of targeting Sarah Palin as a lightning rod of blame for events. They did it with Gabby Giffords to shut up Mrs.  Palin. As a warning in this, Eric Holder was with the ABC minder and stated two things..........

Holder is focused on homegrown terrorists.

Sarah Palin is an idiot racist stoking up the masses.

The net result of this linked to the Boston Blow Job, is what do you conclude the regime will activate for an event which will blame Mrs.  Palin, the right and focus on the prime time of illegals, but some event which mows down Mexicans?

That is what logic dictates in this. Mrs. Palin is either a dupe in this being run by the Breitbart minders who were minding Andy before his puffy pink demise, or she being hired in this to mind us, is the pied piper leading the lemmings to a lightning strike to neutralize the entire Mexican invasion.

Remember I told you what was on the books in a blood splatter in Latin America long ago to deal with this issue to smear the right in America. Holder is setting the stage for something by this ABC Mockingbird interview.
Recall that in Boston they were trying to link that to Tea Party tax protesters until the Chicoms blew it up in Holder's stache.

Heard it here first. No inquiries, but is what logic dictates. Holder has the press release, the ABC conditioning and the past precedents involving Sarah Palin all point to something being STAGED again.

I said STAGED, as Albert Speer readily utilized the word and definition.

Mrs. Palin, you start another fire fight, you better stick around for the danger and not run for the FOX money purse cover again as people got roughed up over your abandoning us before.

You rich people better donate before you are caught in the middle of this and will no longer be able to find your wallet with both hands.

nuff said
