Wednesday, January 28, 2015

fallow ground

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

People lose sight of so much knowledge now in forgetting what normal is. There is in the annals a scheme by the globalists of not so long ago, to send a rocket to Jupiter with an atomic bomb on it, in order to ignite the hydrogen gases there in order to create another sun.
This might puzzle people, but the design of it was to produce an endless day, in which the world would mature in light for faster production and people would never have night to sleep.

By contrast the Romans like the Israelites like the Americans practiced in their lives and agriculture, the fallow time or the fallow ground.

"The foundation of their agriculture was the fallow and one finds them constantly using it as a simile—in the advice not to breed a mare every year, as in that not to exact too much tribute from a bee hive. Ovid even warns a lover to allow fallow seasons to intervene in his courtship."

Roman Farm Management / The Treatises of Cato and Varro

I remember my dad speaking of "Southern Belles" in how they would mature faster than northern girls, due to the heat of the South. The process is known for plants in artificial light and in chickens. A flora or fauna never afforded time to rest, matures sooner for profit or marriage.
It is why one would hear of 10 year old black girls in the South giving birth to children, which seemed impossible to the rest of winter shrouded earth.

I have written of Jubilee and Sabbath. Every 50 years in the Bible, all lands were to be returned to the rightful hereditary owners, as much as slaves freed, and debt forgiven, as a way to keep wealth from being horded by the feudal few.
People could sell themselves into slavery for 7 years, but 6 years they would be slaves and in the 7th they would be freed, just like the 6 days thou shalt work, but on the Sabbath though shalt not profane with work.

Americans learned to impress the system to their own methods. What was once a fallow year in the 7th where no planting was done to revive the soil and to teach people that all need a break from work in only harvesting of that which fell to the ground and grew of that year, became crop rotation, in beans as nitrogen fixing legumes or alfalfa, would be cropped to restore the soil, wheat would follow or oats as those crops did not draw as much on the soil, and then would come corn, as corn taxed the soil too much like cotton and tobacco in being heavy feeders, and the process with manure for fertilizer would keep production going.

That is the problem in this World Order, in there is no time for anyone any more to rest to have fallow ground in their lives. The Obama regime rants and raves for unemployed to be paid out of other people's wages, and for pregnant women to have paid leave in others working for them. It is all a confiscation regime, where if people do not work, the taxes owed make them criminals, and every industry has it's hand out demanding payment for services from gas, phone, light and internet.

I put before you a Lame Cherry Fallow Time, in instead of taking other peoples money, time and work, that is a cost, what would be wrong with not requiring taxes from people every 7 years and on the 50th year?
It certainly would give rest to the people to perhaps restore themselves, and with the Obama regime creating money out of electric current with nothing backing it, there is no harping call about government debt in people being required to pay taxes, as the system is not going to be harmed in the least if poor people are not extorted from, as the system is a fraud in the first place.

Women are told it is a right to work themselves to death like men. Men are told they must be worked to death. Fifty weeks though shalt slave and 27 of those shalt though pay to the regime with 2 for your further being run to the grave on vacations where you will spend your other 23 weeks worth of work for the system to exploit you.

The world system currently is a grave. It violates the cultures of the past which were designed for the better spiritual growth of the human. Ground must be fallow and the lives of humans must be fallow. There must be 52 days of fallow for people a year, plus the other High Days of fallow times to resurrect their Spiritual nature and to remove themselves from the carnal.

The American brags of their Constitution and Declaration of "no taxation without representation", but that has been used against them in once thrown off repressive taxes without representation by the King is now oppressive taxes criminalizing the Citizen with Constitutional traitors voting to steal the people's money for their conglomerate bosses.
No human should ever have to pay more than 10% of their earnings, and that 10% is for charity first and defense and infrastructure second. When a government takes more than 10% of a person's wages and when people are working for over half their lives for taxes and the rest of their lives for exploitation by conglomerates, then that is not life, liberty and pursuit of dreams, but death, enslavement and inflicted nightmare.

People are so under the whip and in the chain now, that even the mention of the above, terrifies them into wondering how they could survive or brings out scorn of being programmed that if they just run harder they can finally win, when all they do is find misery and death.

The regime does all sorts of criminal things. Their commodity bosses illegally set prices on everything from oil to wheat. Stock Markets are money dumps to the elite now in criminal enterprise. Welfare is just bribes to keep the mob from revolting in all this misery. Only the working person is told they must suffer and do more and have no breaks from this fraud system. Why on earth in all of this rigged insanity, should not the working people simply have a law stating that every 7th year they pay no taxes and they have 1/7th of the year of Sabbaths from work, and taxation is only 10% of their earnings.

There will be cries of the system would break, but the system is already broken, but the regime fix is to create money from thin let them fill in the not taxed Citizen with more thin air e currency and have the people keep what they earn.

Every time that cultures start denying fallow times to the nation, debauchery and license prevail and those systems implode, as the people never rest from their wickedness. For constant striving, brings constant agitation and constant agitation, brings the need for constant release, and that always degrades to vices of money, sex, sport and drugs.

This system America is enslaved by is not my system, and it is not God's System. The Continentalist System is the above protections for the people. I care not what upheaval this would generate as it would sort itself out soon enough, beyond all the money changer lamenting, morning and screeching, who established all this violation of God's Law.

Fallow ground, fallow times are God's Natural Order. Forests grow for 50 years, burn one, and lay black and reseed themselves for the benefit of all. The prairie burns in her season to fertilize herself and growth starts again.

I want a world where the entire grid from television, phone, internet, radio is Sabbath unplugged, with only 9 11 communications for emergencies of health or assault. I want people to have God mandated fallow time and not be penalized for it in taxes or other world order rapine.
All this economic rape is not the people's doing, so it is not their responsibility and they should not be burdened and enslaved by any of it, as it makes no difference if  taxes are paid or bills, as the entire system is rigged for exploitation of the working people, and when more rapine is needed, the funds are just created.

The world worked absolutely fine in rotations of fallow times. It is time for a return to not for people to be paid for not working, but a time for people to not be criminalized for not paying regime and conglomerate extortion.

fallow ground.
