Friday, January 30, 2015


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I think about a month ago, I informed the USDA that they suck through Canada.

That might not sound plausible, but I did it, and the purpose of this little episode is doing field trial tests on plants when you are not even in the same country.

I got me some Jerusalem Artichokes. No these are not what you fetch home out of the store, but these are some fancy pants numbered variety which having a number is better than those other ones that everybody grows.

So I planted them with care, like a year and a half ago, and I did take care of them.....watered and things.

Then TL and I were there and I had this plan to return, but the ground froze harder than an Obama voters heart, and that sort of put them into nature's deep freeze.

Then things happened like it was storming here or storming in the brier patch..........then things got delayed and Mom was not out rooting around for things, but word came she did spot the numbered JA's and they were growing.........praise God for that.

So it is like two years and the chokes are there just waiting to be dug up, replanted before freeze up again, and destined to be a project which I have been plotting for some time now.

See JA's are knobbing critters which put people off in having to peal them as it is hard. I once grew the knobbers in a clay slough and they got as big as soft JA's can with some care be gargantuan things.

The numbered type I fetched are something that should grow like a tuber.......meaning they should be like a fingerling potatoe.....meaning the market would appreciate them.

This all though means I need a big we can acquire the correct plot of land, where I can nuture the JA's for two more years, at which time I might have an acre of the JA's, which the next year being a good growing year, I would have enough for a production plot.

I see they put chokes in spaghetti as flour. Is good that way and it does not bother me in the least. That pleases me greatly. That comes out of Colorado though.

Meanwhile, I still have to dig the chokes, not from 500 miles away, and I still have to find out if they grew to size and were as stated. Those are hundred million dollar chokes though if it all is blessed. Just need things to turn out positive, because once you get things growing, then there really is no stopping them.

Anyway that is the research results........with weeds you can indeed leave them for a year as part of the test and they do indeed grow, proving their hardiness.

Oh by the way, the USDA still sucks plenty in import and export permits. Other stuff they do in some divisions are kosher plus a good pound of fried bacon.

You know something?

Well I am going to tell you so be patient. I think Christianity should be marketed as the better meat religion to draw people in. That Hindu Yoga chit is all tofu meatless. Jews and Muslims never get a good pork pie.............I figure you just microwave some bacon and you can haul in all those people as everyone likes bacon.

No this has nothing to do with chokes......just saying something that came to my mind, as that USDA preservative free bacon is good stuff. Nothing like bacon to even make chokes taste good.

nuff said.
