Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lame Cherry Advance Warfare System

As another Lame Cherry reality in matter anti matter.

I have been pondering the Lame Cherry Advanced Warfare System of weapons of mass destruction, in building up the atmospheric slap written previously, along with the dual slap of two nuclear devices detonated and directed at each other to produce a mountain of air anvil to hammer a nuclear explosion against for full effect.

It was in this that I was reading a historical treatise on peaches in this gentleman was examining atmosphere flow in relation to orchards for best fruit production, as air is nothing but a river of atmosphere flowing over land, and it had me revisiting the titanium rods launched from space, moving at 60 thousand plus miles per hour, and when striking earth, producing an atomic size bomb shock wave.
All clean and non toxic as chemicals, biologicals and nuclear, so these devices would be perfect use, in being one step above Sam Cohen's neutron bombs, designed to keep Korean cities standing while easy baking Koreans in war.

As I have touched upon this genre previously in how it requires advancement like cannon balls becoming cannister rounds exploding at distance to increase kill ratio, I have been pondering the necessity of the revolution in titanium shock bombs,  because what use is it to strike ground zero in a city, and earthquaking the force out to shake that city to ruin, if there is not a suitable way to kill the occupants of the city.
True military speak would define this as walking wounded, or homeless tramps to require several cities of resource to relieve in absorbing 4 to 1 in the population in rebuilding and nurturing, but there is greater benefit in 2 million putrifying corpes leaching disease into water, along with flies carrying disease as much as an entire animal group becoming man eaters to prey upon living humans.

In that, one does not need to use a toxic WMD in chemical, biological or nuclear, when as collateral damage the humans will become the biological weapon, their modern chemicals will leach into the environment and the nuclear dusts of x rays and power plants will become a greater venom than any Hiroshima bomb.
Hiroshima performed her duty cleanly, but Fukashima is the toxin which keeps on giving.

I was pondering in this the meteor wave in sonics breaking out windows, and in shock wave impacts devastating surrounding lands in an air, water and land quake. My purpose is to create an AIRQUAKE by design, and the design would be two titanium rods, or more like Bishop type chess piece, to strike above a city at 60 degree angle for instance, trajectory down.

That first impact should produce a bell shaped shockwave,  which would in airquake project down and out like a bell.  In energy release, that wave should knock the life out of every object below it and destabilize a number of structures.
What is a sound wave but something like 720 feet per second, so that is the impact force this would magnify the initial strike force by to human targets.

I will not publish the computations, but to effect a 20 by 20 square mile area or 400 square mile, one would just calculate outside perimeter at perhaps 60 degree angular impact, and at that, one would have the height of the titanium bishops collision, and then one would calculate the necessary mass.

Lame Cherry is not finished yet, as these bishops in collision would weld as a hammer peining a rivet upon impact, and in correct form of this risen heat, project ground zero vicinity impact downward. Picture this as ricochet, but instead of being out of control away, it instead by equal striking at angle of 60 degrees, would transfer that energy downwards.

Complete the arithmetic in this now. You have first strike force sending out a wave. In direct relation, you now have fused together two Bishops, which have lost some velocity, but have now doubled the original impact projectile by their being welded together. The joined Bishop will then strike as the original titanium  bomb was intended. The Lame Cherry method simply obtains a death wave by airquake to knock the life out of the living, in addition to the original earthquake wave which would rely primarily in extended areas of structures falling on the people, whereby this advanced system will have the occupants having the life knocked out of them for combined toxic WMD problem.

The factoring of this is that the airquake must be of size in this resonant impact of this CONCUSSION BOMB to radiate it over metropolitan sized areas for effective extermination of life in that city.

The burning of Atlanta in the Civil War. The firing of Dresden and Tokyo by incendiary devices were an evening process. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were instant, but left a radioactivity which was cleansed in a few weeks. This Bishop Concussion, would be instant, but have the residual effect of long term  WMD by natural means, and as it requires 2 living to carry off one wounded, it requires 4 cities to deal with the death of one city, providing the corpse count is not cleansed in incineration.

Granted there will be firestorms in this, as modern cities have gas appliances and people smoking in bed, and the crumbling of the infrastructure with only dead left, would produce localized infernos, but that would only add to the problem of the delay in clean up.

In rudimentary calculations, several hundred pounds of this material for airshock would neutralize Japanese to French size nations and a few tons would deal with a large state as China.

Some always expert is already chattering about titanium availability and costs, but I will refute that with Nosler partitioning the subject, in one would simply Space Shuttle heat resistance, encase a titanium shell in making it a full metal jacket, place a lead core in the base, partition it to another core, and then strike them hammer and anvil about metropolitan or military reservations.

The Lame Cherry is advancing warfare to beyond the horse and buggy single cannon balls, by releasing nature to her natural forces by amplifying it.
One does not build a trebuchet with expensive lead a balance in the Middle Ages, but instead builds a cradel and fills War Wolf with rocks as the blance to accurate sling your balls at fortresses........the pendulum also relieves stress on the arm and the machine.

Yes is brilliant, but what else would you expect in matter anti matter exclusives from the Inspired Lame Cherry.

People are going to die by the cartel in wars of mass death. The humane thing is to do it quickly and have it over in moments, instead of torturing the mob over hopes of survival.

nuff said
