Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Stop being Kenji

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a note to the Japanese and any other nation which is being blackmailed now by this IS, ISIS, ISOL or whatever Isloturd the Obama regime crapped out, after gorging itself on the Middle East Arabian Nationalist Nations and replacing them with these Islamocommunists.

Oh and for the record, that clever Mark Levin who stole Islamocommunists in trying to meld it to Islamomarxists, after he was outed as a bone head calling them Islamofascists.........these Obama terrorists are COMMUNITY ORGANIZED as in communists, and not Marxists in followers of Karl Marx, which is a dogma of shared resources. All these Obamanations are feudal as much as the Sultans of olde.

Nuff said on that.

 • Purported IS message threatens Japanese, Jordanian hostages
 • Japan turns to 'I am Kenji' Facebook page on hostage crisis

The note for the world nations is in Japan to stop being I AM KENJI or whatever the hell that is, and instead start being Japanese. That means Japan needs to dust off those unassembled nuclear bombs they have manufactured, and drop a half dozen on these Obama compounds which are sheilding these Obama terrorists as a message, that when you kill one Japanese, you Islamocommunists are going to turn into amber shadows on the nuclear sea of glass forever.

The Soviets had their agents kidnapped in the 1980's by the foreparents of these modern Obama IS terrorists. The Kremlin sent out the KGB to Lebanon, who kidnapped the family members of these terrorists. The KGB then cut off their nuts, shoved them into their mouths, and then blew their brains out with a pistol, and in post burial, dumped the dead bodies on the doors of these terror families.
The Russians were released and the terrorists did not bother the Russians again in the Mideast.

Japan was quite industrious. They could cleanse the world of Obama communist Islamists. A deal could be worked out where China would then rebuild these scorched areas, as the Chicoms have plenty of human fodder to exploit for cash.

Japan has one course for the remedy. Send a message that if one Japanese is harmed, the enclave is going to be vaporized. If it continues, the entire region will be vaporized and it will escalate up.
Odd thing about cartel states in if parts of them get vaporized and it starts scorching their ivory houses, they start killing those terrorists and tell the regime at 1600 Penn Avenue to go find a new breeding ground of terrorists for the new world order.

The Japanese need to stop being Kenji the hostage and to start being Japanese Samurai sword.

Nuff said
