Monday, February 2, 2015

Woodchuck Day


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I was telling TL it does not take long to tell people they are dumbasses, so here goes.

Ground Hog Day or Woodchuck Day requires explaining as most of the world is not the Northeastern United States, so it means little for them.

The maxim is the woodchuck doesn't see it's shadow it means 6 more weeks of winter.

Ok to take this apart.

What do you have if you see your shadow eh? I will answer as this is taking too long for you. You see your shadow in the SUN.

The sun means High Pressure, which means sunny weather which is either clear and dry, warm or cold.

If there is not a shadow, that means you have clouds. Clouds mean rain or snow, meaning there is LO PRESSURE prevailing or storm systems.

OK to explain this further to the dumbasses, all of who are not donating and are richtards or poor turds.

Woodchucks live in dens, like bears, possums, coons and skunks......gophers too. The ground being frozen means it is cold and they are in their mock hibernation. That means it is COLD outside as in winter. If it is warm enough to warm the ground, as in taking the frost out, so woodchucks come out of their dens, then it means it has been warm in January and there is no winter....duh eh?

That is about it in explaining this, in what shadows and not shadows mean, as it has nothing to do with woodchucks..........damn skunks are the same. Frankly we have had coons on the prowl here and one boss bitch skunk hen leaving footie prints around here, and that is because it warmed enough to knock them out of their hibernation pattern.  I killed the coons as it was a  pleasure in they had boar peckers on them, and I would kill every damned woodchuck I found too as several dug under the house here in satanic spell and I killed those damn things too.

Woodchucks are of the rat family. You can eat them, and I think I did one time maybe......they are nothing to write home about or the image of Obama. I see a coon recipe which required 4 coons, bay leaves, onions, boiling bones, baking and gravy making, and it seemed like too damn much work for a coon meat on rice. I am sure coon is pork which is like bear, but if you can buy pork cheap in the store yet, I see no sense in gnawing on coon meat.

Oh those coons too, I shot the boars, which means I have a prolific amount of males around here which are hell on females or sows and the cubs. Bears kill the cubs in the males, so they can then screw the females. See by killing the boars, I actually have made the world a safer place for baby raccoons next year.

I think I proved what richtard dumbasses you all are in this short soliloquy of knowledge about woodchucks and coon peckers. I suppose if you wanted you could make a whip out of a coon pecker the way they do out of bull bovine cocks, but I don't see what you could whip with a coon pecker that would need whipping............not like you have mice or something down the range for the round up.

So any way, I leave this at sure the children could print this up and wow teacher who would be aghast in her male lesbiano form, at all this meteorological information and other such stunning dissimulation of common sense knowledge lost on all of you on this woodchuck day.

Let's recite poetry.........

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if kindling is the wood?
He can chuck as much wood as a woochuck chucks
If a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Oh and those damn woodchucks besides eating people food, eat birdy eggs, killing all those necessary animals that eat insects for those squeamish about the natural order of things that people are supposed to be making blood stains of vermin on February 2nd and not looking at their shadows like they are some shaman of the weather. If you had any sense, you would have known the above.

Now you may go out and play.
