Thursday, April 16, 2015

An exile to none


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Did I not tell you that Dennis Mutard Daugaard of cowchip South Dakota was a mutano of the image Obama? Yes I did, and where do you think image Obama is appearing? Yes in that cow chip center at a place called Watertown.......apparently demons seek dry places to rest when cast out of a body as Jesus teaches, but as there is no rest for the jinn, the image moving to H2O town.

This is bizarre in what the jinn is actually up to as it is billed it is visiting the best Votech in the middle of nowhere in the world. So we have a GOP majority all across the cow chip, in the US Congress and in the State, and in most counties, and where does the jinn go, but to this vista.

I was wondering just how Air Force 1 was going to land at this nowhere puddle jumper town of around 15,000 people, which means the image will land at Sioux Falls, another cow plop on the face of the cow chip pasture, and will engage in a limo ride of a few hours.........just to visit a place with no support or building to house more than a few flies to buzz about the place.

It all bothers me in what the jinn is hunting and what this is all about. Bothers me as I can see 100 miles of a duck shoot both ways, and this ain't Dallas. Tying up the interstate of hours and the two major city traffic arteries in that part of the world, just does no mix the cocktail without a twist.

This has the appearance of something being set up. There is at this moment upon inquiry an 8 out of 10 chance that the same scenarios which appeared in that odd Midwest voyage a few years ago when Obama slept in Air Force One, and was being presented on open roads in Minnesota for target practice.

In all that is taking place from terrorists flooding into America, one does not present this type of situation ever, unless those interested in something more than an Obama exile to Hawaii are offering this scenario.
No one cares to be auditioned as a L. Harvey Oswald, but there is too much planning in this already to just be an event of a vocational college visit.

South Dakota is the last state which Birther Hussein will visit on May 8th. This is far too long of window to operate in and the Secret Service is fully aware of this protocol.
This is off and it is not right.

And Then There Were None: Obama to Visit South Dakota ...
The New York Times
2 days ago - The White House announced on Monday that Mr. Obama would travel to Watertown, S.D., on May 8 to deliver the commencement address at ...

A Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

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