Friday, April 17, 2015

The Real Oil Boom


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was pondering the Baaken, that huge oil field in North Dakota and Montana,  which Mark Levin mispronounces as Bacon, when it is correctly pronounced, BAH ken.

The reason for the pondering is while the Big Frac and Big Koch exploit the new white Indians of North Dakota in stealing their oil for pennies as their leaders make heap big wampum with the Wall Street investors, and Rush Hudson Limbaugh III brags of this, I was thinking of the real oil boom which took place in this region, and it did have to do with Baaken, but it was not the oil field named for this family, but a man named Louis Baaken who changed the world out there, and made it possible for thousands of families to live and for America to gain a fine crop of sons to get killed in 20th century wars.

Louis Baaken was a genius who changed the world really, when he was hired by Robert Bateman of Montana in 1915 AD in the year of our Lord to trap predators, which were murdering baby calves, baby bambi, baby stag and baby sheeps on the Northern Great Plains. Yes Lous Baaken was the greatest conservationist and proponent of feeding Americans, in he was one of the greatest killers of coyotes of his era.

Mr. Baaken created the Baaken trench set, which was a basic natural set from a prairie dog town. It simply was a dead prairie dog, wired to a prairie dog hole, with two traps set out front, and a trench on each side of the trap.
There were no lures, no fear remover, and not a textbook to follow. All there was, was Louis Baaken using his hatchet chopping trenches on each side of his traps to funnel in these murderous coyotes.

Killing coyotes meant the same as dead mountain lions, dead bobcats, dead golden eagles, dead wolves and dead bears, in it meant living wildlife, living livestock, and living immigrants creating food for the rest of America in the eastern and western cities. It might sound puzzling to those who are unfamiliar with trapping or might sound simple to those who do trap predators in what Louis Bakken came up with, but he was innovating something in a world where there were not methods nor mail order catalogues advertising expensive lures. A predator man or woman, either poisoned predators or they trapped them. Trapping was carried on as ranchers had dogs which were necessary and could not be poisoned, so it fell to Baaken and the other trappers shooting prairie dogs to put into a barrel, taking their horse drawn wagon to a new territory, setting up, catching coyotes to pelt, and then repeating the process of shooting prairie dogs in one smelly mess.

For those who think prairie dogs are something special, they are not. They are fat little grass eaters who ruin thousands of acres of land for livestock and grazing wildlife. Louis Baaken found a use for them, and this was the absolute trapping method for a number of years in the region until the use of urine started and the readily use of gland lures appeared.

These early predator men, like the wolfers they followed, were responsible for a great deal of why America became a nation and not a territory. Under Theodore Roosevelt these men had mandate to exterminate large predators which would literally murder people, because if homesteaders did not have their animals, there was not any going to the grocery or welfare to feed them. Either the predators were removed, or the people would die, and the people not ranching and farming in the central part of America, meant the great American cities were not going to be filled with beef, pork, lamb and grains from this newly tamed wilderness.

That is the shame in this, that while a Mark Levin in ignorance can call it the Bacon Region, the real ignorance is not that oil created states like Montana, North Dakota, Wyoming and South Dakota, but it was predator trappers who in one of thee most impossible jobs in the world, killed dangerous large predators, so all of you could rise up to be the whiners you are, ignorant not in bliss, but in your sinful misery.

It is not the Baaken oil fields which made America or will sustain America. It is Louis Baaken's legacy which created an environment that people, livestock and wildlife could live in so the rest of America could live.

But as the reality is, the savage Indians were made profit off of by moneymen, and then driven off the land, to new white slaves were homesteaded in, to become the new white Indians in having their oil stolen by the same exploitative Wall Street moneymen, now breeding dangerous predators wiping out wildlife and humanity.

Louis Baaken, and you will never hear about him on Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or Mark Levin, but you will hear about sodomite rights.
