Sunday, April 12, 2015

image Obama imagine Castro

Anticipation builds for Obama-Castro meeting in Panama

 Why does this Cuban terrorist in African Angola look like image Obama

Anticipation builds for Obama-Castro meeting in Panama
PANAMA CITY (AP) — Generations of isolation between the U.S. and Cuba were poised to fade away Saturday as their presidents prepare to sit down together for the first time since the height of.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Obama legacy is building in allowing for the expansion of the nuclear terror state in Iran, with the complete humiliation of America by the Islamocommunist mullahs, and now the pinacle of achievement in meeting the biggest American dope smuggler and money launderer, who almost caused a nuclear war, in Fidel Castro.

Comrade Fidel, is the prototype of what Birther Hussein is in the image at the White House. Castro befriended every terrorist in the world along with every communist, while deploying his troops to places like Angola to back his kinds of regimes. Image Obama has engaged in the same murderous mayhem from Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, in putting his brand of dope terror Muslims in charge of former US allies.

This is apparently the Obama legacy which is being sought out. Get a photo op, not using US Soldiers any longer, but get a photo op with the thug Fidel Castro, who dumped criminals and degenerates into America in the Mario Boat Lift, terrorizing Americans, and has done nothing but terrorize Cubans inside and outside of Cuba for more than 50 years.

So image Obama gets to shake Fidel's hand as the first Oval Office occupant to do so. Never mind that John F. Kennedy tried to assassinate Castro every chance he had, Lydon Johnson, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, William Clinton and George HW and George W. Bush denounced the Castro regime as American Presidents, but when it comes to image Obama, the choice is being the first Oval Office occupant to sully that office in shaking comrade Fidel's hand with a smile with the stench of tortuous blood still staining them.

Fidel Castro is a murderer and guilty of crimes against humanity. That is the kind of first that image Obama lusts to grasp hands with. image Obama lusts to travel to Tehran to grasp hands for the first time with those murderers there too.

This is not the image which America projected from John Kennedy to George W. Bush. American Presidents had standards, but with image Obama it is a standard of joining the image of America to murderers, terrorists, dope lords and the creatures who will be sentenced to hell.

Castro knocked up an American leftist girl and put her life into turmoil in the early days in fathering a little bastard. Castro has been a fake and a shill his entire existence in which he was put into place by the cartel to create a better mafia style contraban platform which cut out the American mafia run out of Havana. That is what the reality is. Obama and Castro are the same pimps, running the same whore trade for the global elite, and both should be tucked away in some Nazi prison in Europe, as the Nazis did less heinous acts than what these two nefarious agents engaged in.

So there is not any celebrating this type of legacy here. American Presidents engage evil and do not shake hands with it. It would be good to remember the Democrats in the Congress scolded Oliver North during Iran Contra for North stating, "I would deal with the devil himself to get an American hostage home." That is the reality in this. Democrats used to have standards in play, so if it was evil for Oliver North to engage Iranians to free hostages, what is the substandard in Obama's image giving nuclear arms to Iran for nothing and shaking Fidel Castro's hand for a photo op legacy in degrading American history.

I will repeat the story of Fidel Castro's genius. Fidel loved strawberries, so he ordered his scientists to grow huge strawberries in research which cost a fortune. Fidel got strawberries as big as baseballs, which were full of water and had a horrid flavor of mush. That is what Fidel Castro is, and image Obama is a mirror image of that dogma asinine stupidity of thinking there are great ideas like Obamacare and only disasters being flexible with Putin, Arab Springs and green energy......those are just 3 of the disasters of the Obama genius.

"One does not give platforms to terrorists. One gives them coffins."

- Lame Cherry

More of the Pater Pope's diplomacy and the Jesuit Obama jinning things up for the anti Christ.

Yes I know this is Raul Castro, the brother of Fidel, and the same brother who rubber stamped and oversaw every murderous and felonious crime which Fidel initiated. Raul obtained the appointment in Obamaland drug smuggling as a better and more lethal manager than Fidel ever was.

nuff said.
